Can You Love Me?

Chapter 186 Be kinder to her and be gentler

They are not like Third Master, who can ignore everything. They are a collective, not individuals.

If something else goes wrong during the arrest, who will be responsible?

Jian Si had a particularly comfortable night. He had not felt so refreshed for a long time. It was indeed very comfortable to vent his inner restlessness and excess energy.

He smiled and said to the director: In addition, Mr. San hopes that you can go out and investigate this matter as soon as possible, provide justice to the victims, and help the girls who were abducted to seek justice, so that the abducted daughters can be recovered. Reunite them with their families.”

What else could the director say? He could only nod.

What everyone said is right, and these are all things they should and must do.

No matter how much he wanted to scold his mother, he couldn't deny that Jian Zechuan had indeed done a favor to their boss.

After Jian Si left with a smile that deserved a beating, the police station fell into silence for a long time.

A male policeman from the criminal police team said to Shen Ce: Captain Shen, I feel like my face is swollen!

A female team member said with a grimace: Not only is your face swollen, but our director's face is also swollen this time, and it may not go away for many days. was originally what we should do. I thought I would show off my skills this time, but...

Meetings are such a waste of time. We already know who the suspect is, so we should take action quickly. Now, we've been beaten to the punch.

I've been told, be careful not to let the director hear you.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the director roar: We have arrested so many suspects, and you still have the energy to chat here. Send them all to me for interrogation immediately.

People in the office immediately stood up and went about their business.

The director shouted: Shen Ce, come to my office.

Shen Ce came to the director's office.

The director gave him a document bag, which contained Brother Long's death certificate and some photos.

The director lit a cigarette: Brother Long died in the hospital last night. The cause of death given by the doctor was that he suffered a heavy blow to the head, lost too much blood, and inhaled too much smoke. He was sent to the hospital too late. , beating people and setting fire to the house were all done by this Xin Ai. It can be said that she killed Brother Long, what are you going to do about this?

After Shen Ce read it carefully, he said: Director, I think the first thing to be clear about this matter is that Xin Ai is the victim of the whole thing. We all know the reason why Brother Long was injured. If Xin Ai hadn't been like that If she does, she will die, she... will be raped, and she will be forced to resist. When everyone reaches her point, they will fight to the death. This is human nature. If it were any of us, we would fight. She makes the same choice.”

Shen Ce finished speaking calmly. Last night, when Brother Long was being carried downstairs, Shen Ce walked over and took a look, and even reached out to feel Brother Long's pulse.

In fact, at that time, he was basically dead. At that time, Shen Ce felt that this kid probably couldn't be saved.

However, dying in the hospital is better than dying directly in Xin Ai's hands.

So when he later learned that Brother Long was dead, Shen Ce was not surprised at all. He even felt that he deserved to die well.

These people all deserve their crimes. If they are brought to court alive, they will probably be sentenced to life, and they will basically not be killed. After all, he is not a leader.

Shen Ce added: Moreover, the hospital also gave Xin Ai a medical certificate. She had multiple injuries on her body, and she almost couldn't be saved last night. Her injuries were actually no more serious than those of Brother Long. She did Everything was purely self-defense and fully complied with the law.

From the mouth of the suspect arrested last night, Shen Ce already knew the whole process of the incident.

After learning what Brother Long and the others wanted to do to Xin Ai, Shen Ce's anger almost destroyed his sanity.

If it weren't for Xin Ai's cleverness, quick reactions, and ruthless attacks, she would have been smuggled out of the country by now, or... she would have been humiliated by those bastards.

Can Shen Ce not be angry?

He only hated that he couldn't do anything, and also hated why Jian Zechuan acted so quickly, without even giving him a chance to vent his anger on Xin Ai.

The director nodded. He actually thought so too, but after all, a human life was involved, so he had to be more cautious.

Then I'll leave this matter to you. You must... the director sighed: I must satisfy that man.

The director naturally understood this matter in his heart. As the victim, Xin Ai would not be found guilty by the judge even if she went to court.

Who is the man Shen Ce is talking about in the director's mouth?

Shen Ce nodded: Yes, I understand.

Shen Ce couldn't believe that Jian Zechuan could do this for Xin Ai.

Shen Ce sighed in his heart, hoping... that he could be nicer and gentler to her.

After working all night, Jian Si stopped working just before dawn. Jian Si looked at the time and saw that it was only after 6 o'clock.

He looked at Jian Zechuan, who was sitting in the back seat and had not slept all night, with his eyes closed, as if he was resting, and said, Third Master, let's go to the hospital now?

Jian Si thought that the Third Master must be going to see Xin Ai, but he didn't expect him to say so.

No, go home.

Ah? Jian Si was surprised. Shouldn't he go to the hospital first and wait for Xin Ai to wake up?

Don't you want to go to the hospital to see if Xin Ai has passed the critical period?

Is there any news from the hospital at this time?

He has been thinking about this all night. Isn't the third master worried?

Jian Si couldn't help but think about it and asked one more question: Third Master, you...

Jian Zechuan closed his eyes and said, If you don't understand me, find someone who can.

Jian Si shut up immediately, not daring to say any more nonsense.

No matter how he greeted Jian Zechuan in his heart, Jian Si sent Jian Zechuan home as quickly as possible. He didn't know what his third master was thinking, but it was getting harder and harder to guess anyway.

Let's say he doesn't care about Xin Ai. He learned that she was missing last night and used all the power in his hands to find her.

Regardless of his own safety, he rushed into the fire scene and hugged the person out. He had never seen that anxious look.

However, if you want to say that he cares about Xin Ai, but now he is in the hospital and life and death are unpredictable, but he doesn't even look at her. This is not too callous. This behavior is definitely a scumbag.

It's really hard to guess what the third master is thinking.

Back at Jian's house, Jian Si opened the car door and asked Jian Zechuan to get out of the car.

Third Master, please have a good rest.

After Jian Zechuan left, Jian Si hurriedly drove to the hospital. He went to see how the little goblin was doing and whether he had survived.

The hospital is also serious. It doesn’t mean that the critical period lasts just one night. It’s already dawn, so why don’t you call him.

Jian Zechuan, who had not slept all night, stepped into the house. His eyes were red and dry, and he still smelled bad of the smoke from the fire.

But in comparison, his face looked even more ugly.

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