Can You Love Me?

Chapter 158 I'm Hungry, Just Eat You

The couple of Jian's family tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night because of their worries. The more cold-hearted people are, the less likely they are to be tempted, but if they don't move, it's hard to control.

It was really hard for them to imagine what would happen if their son said that he wanted to marry this woman one day in the future.

Thinking about what the girl had done gave them a headache.

Xin Ai naturally didn't know anything about this, she was anxiously waiting for the investigation results from Li Anhe and the police.

As a result, they did not wait for the news, but waited for the police again.

Moreover, he found Fenglu County directly.

It was the morning when the police came, Jian Zechuan came for a few days after he came back, and only came for one day last night, so Xin Ai naturally hooked him up and rolled the bed sheets in the middle of the night.

Jian Zechuan hadn't touched her for many days, and she couldn't control her after being hooked up so intentionally.

At dawn, Xin Ai got up to cook for Jian Zechuan, but he closed his eyes and dragged her back, turning over and pressing her down, with his face pressed against her chest.

Don't move... lie down with me for a while.

It is rare for Jian Zechuan to be so childish. This is the first time Xin Ai sees him playing tricks and even acting coquettishly. He looks like a noble and arrogant Persian cat. It is so cute and cute. I really want to rub it. .

Xin Ai thought so, and she really did it. She ran her fingers through Jian Zechuan's soft hair, and gently rubbed his scalp with her fingers, smoothing his hair.

Jian Zechuan was so comfortable that he didn't want to move any more.

In the past few days since he came back, he has been flying in the sky almost every day, with various meetings, various itineraries, and various negotiations, he is so busy that he does not touch the ground.

It finally came to an end last night, but when he returned to Mingdu, the first place he wanted to come was actually here.

I didn't go home, and I didn't go out to meet with friends, so I wanted to come to her.

After eating a bowl of light noodle soup, she almost killed her when she hooked her.

The whole body was exhausted, leaving only laziness and comfort, probably because he knew what would happen before he came. Before getting off the car last night, he told Jian Si not to pick him up this morning.

Anyway... I can't get up.

Jian Zechuan has forgotten how many years he has not indulged in this way. After retiring from the army, he has always maintained the routine he cultivated in the army.

However, now...

It is really here with Xin Ai that Jian Zechuan is getting more and more at ease.

This level of comfort is unavailable anywhere else, including at home.

Xin Ai was a little itchy from being rubbed by him, moved her body, but was restrained by him to prevent her from moving.

She lightly pressed Jian Zechuan's scalp, and asked softly: Then, are you still eating this morning?

Unexpectedly, Jian Zechuan closed his eyes and said: I'm hungry, just eat you.

Even Xin Ai couldn't hold back her blushing, she opened her mouth and said silently: Hooligan!

I have never seen anyone who can show the true meaning of playing hooligans so thoroughly and vividly than Jian Zechuan. Every time he finishes playing hooligans, Xin Ai is numbly teased.

Jian Zechuan opened his mouth and bit Xin Ai's collarbone: Don't think that you can scold me because I can't see it.

His bite was not hard, and it didn't hurt. Xin Ai felt a little itchy, shrunk her neck, and complained: Do you have eyes in the back of your head?

Jian Zechuan gave a low laugh, Don't talk, don't move, sleep a little longer.

Xin Ai's fingers ran through Jian Zechuan's hair, stroked down the back of his head, and said desperately: Uncle, I just said that older people should take care of themselves. Look, you yesterday Are you very tired? How about I cook some tonic for you tonight, to nourish your body and kidney, what do you think?

After Xin Ai finished speaking for a while, the person lying on her body didn't move. She scratched his back lightly: Uncle?

Jian Zechuan finally raised his head, his hair was disheveled, and his overly handsome face was covered with clouds: Is it over?

Xin Ai chuckled, and hurriedly said: Cough, just say it casually, you continue to sleep, good boy, I'll sleep with you in my arms, okay?

Xin Ai reached out her hand to hug Jian Zechuan, but she grabbed her arm and pressed it down, It seems that you are resting.

Uncle, uncle...don't do this, I was just joking just now, please forgive me...I was wrong... Xin Ai begged for mercy while despising herself in her heart.

Why don't you have a long memory, obviously you have learned a lesson before, but you still don't have a brain.

However, Jian Zechuan didn't succeed this time because the doorbell rang downstairs.

Jian Zechuan pressed Xin Ai and gnawed the tender meat on her neck. When Xin Ai heard the doorbell, he quickly patted him on the shoulder: There is a knock on the door downstairs, I'll go and have a look.

Jian Zechuan pinched Xin Ai's slender waist, What are you looking at?

Xin Ai was in pain and itching: But it doesn't work if I keep ringing the doorbell.

See if he has the ability to smash the door.

Xin Ai was speechless, I'd better go and have a look, you sleep a little longer, if something happens, I'll call you, okay?

Xin Ai talked and talked softly, and finally crawled out from under the shameless Jian Zechuan. Afraid of being dragged back by him, she hurriedly put on a sportswear and ran downstairs to check the door.

Seeing Xin Ai running away, Jian Zechuan sneered contemptuously, yo, he can still run!

Xin Ai ran downstairs, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw the policeman standing at the door, and his mood immediately sank.

Four people came, two in uniform and two in civilian clothes.

One of them showed his ID: Miss Xin, we are from the city's police station. These two are officers from the Xiacheng police station. I want to ask you something about An Xinya's case.

Xin Ai clenched her hands that were not in the handle, what could she say, she could only turn sideways to let the police in. Originally facing the police again, Xin Ai had calmed down a lot, and since the police confirmed that An Xinya died of murder Afterwards, Xin Ai felt that the police would come to her sooner or later.

I also communicated with Li Anhe and knew how to deal with it.

Although the police came to ask Xin Ai for questioning, it doesn't mean that they will completely regard Xin Ai as a suspect, but they just want to know more about some situations.

Sit down, what would you like to drink?

Don't bother, we'll just ask a few questions and leave.

Xin Ai sat down, she looked upstairs, and said, Sorry, my...boyfriend is still sleeping upstairs, can I keep my voice down when I ask questions later?

The policeman nodded: Of course.

Turning on the recorder, the police began to ask, Does Miss Xin still remember what happened the night before An Xinya's death?

After confirming that An Xinya died of murder, the police began to pay more attention to the case.

After the forensic autopsy, it was confirmed that she had had... Violent sex before she died, her lower body was torn severely, and there were many bite wounds on her body. According to the forensic doctor's judgment based on the tooth marks, An Xinya might have been raped people violated.

This is a very useful clue for the police. They suspected that it was the person who violated An Xinya, and they were worried that she would call the police or take revenge, so they wanted to kill her to silence her.

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