Can You Love Me?

Chapter 150 She's jealous

Xiacheng is a newly emerging commercial city in the South in recent years. Its economy is developing rapidly, its soft power and urban infrastructure are both impressive, and it was rated as the last vibrant city this year.

All well-known entrepreneurs from across the country who could come to the economic forum held in Xiacheng this time came.

For this business reception in the evening, those who can come in with an invitation are the real elites, and anyone who is dragged will be a boss.

Brother and sister Xin Ai and Xu Lanqiao stepped into the banquet hall and saw the faces that had appeared on TV. Only one word came to mind - money!

Together, these people can almost be said to be the economic lifeline of a small half of the country.

As soon as Xu Lanshan entered, someone came over to greet him immediately.

Xu Lanqiao asked Xin Ai in a low voice: I didn't see the third master, so he hasn't arrived yet?

Xin Ai looked around but did not see Jian Zechuan, Maybe he hasn't come yet, or maybe... he doesn't plan to come today.

She was a little disappointed.

Xu Lanshan came over and said, Miss Xin, I'll take Lanqiao there...

Xin Ai nodded, knowing that Xu Lanshan was going to take Xu Lanqiao on a blind date, so of course she, an outsider, could not follow her.

Xin Ai took a glass of champagne casually, and found an empty seat feeling a little annoyed. If Jian Zechuan didn't come, what's the point of her coming here?

It was dark above the head, and a male voice sounded: Miss, can I sit down?

Xin Ai gave him a white look, and he was another one who wanted to strike up a conversation.

She was about to refuse, but she saw Jian Zechuan coming in at the entrance. Her eyes lit up and she was about to get up, but she saw a young and beautiful woman beside him.

The woman looked to be about twenty-six or seventeen years old, wearing a neat black dress with her hair rolled up, she looked capable and elegant.

Although the woman didn't hold Jian Zechuan's arm, the two came in talking and they were very close. Jian Zechuan even had a soft smile on his face, very relaxed and casual.

Jian Zechuan has never smiled at Xin Ai like that.

Xin Ai's eyes turned cold, it was strange that she had to be asked to come, it turned out that there were already people in the house, and she ran over foolishly, wasn't this a self-inflicted humiliation?

Xin Ai suppressed the strangeness in her heart and forced herself not to look at it.

She sat down again, took several deep breaths in a row, and finally breathed less to get rid of the feeling of being stuck in her throat.

Seeing that the feet of the person who just struck up a conversation were still standing there, Xin Ai said, Sit down.

Xin Ai kept saying from the bottom of her heart: Xin Ai, you are just an object, just a toy, do you still expect others to care about a toy?

It doesn't matter, anyway, the purpose of her approach has never been pure, so don't expect others to be more attentive.

It's just a deal, it doesn't matter.

The people around him sat down, and Xin Ai was not in the mood to see what the other person looked like, only to hear him ask: Are you alone?

Xin Ai shook the wine glass, thought for a while and said, I... came with my uncle.

At this reception, she only knew the brothers and sisters of the Xu family, but how could they have time to care about her now.

She said in this place that she came with someone, so she might be able to block some things.

Oh, your uncle is...

Here. Xin Ai raised his chin, and pointed in the direction of Jian Zechuan.

The people around laughed: The third master of the Jian family, it's really strange, when did he have such... such a beautiful niece?

Xin Ai saw that Jian Zechuan and the woman were surrounded by a group of people, drinking and drinking, the two seemed to be a couple of boyfriend and girlfriend, whether they were talking with their heads down, they looked very harmonious.

Xin Ai raised her head and took a sip of champagne: You don't know, it doesn't mean you don't have it.

After a while, the people around me couldn't help laughing, Miss Xin is really an interesting person.

Xin Ai was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head immediately, and looked at the person sitting beside him defensively: Who are you?

The man was in his early 30s, with a handsome appearance, extraordinary appearance, bright eyes, and an indescribable temperament on his body, which was the experience and connotation accumulated over the years. Such a man is very popular with girls, and also... …very dangerous.

He said: My surname is Lu...


That's right, I belong to the same family as the person you thought of. Let me introduce myself.

Lu Xun stretched out his hand: Hello, Ms. Xin, I'm Lu Xun, Lu Jincheng's cousin. I've heard your name before, but I didn't know until I saw you today. No wonder my cousin is obsessed with you.

Xin Ai looked at the other party carefully, and found that he and Lu Jincheng did have a little similarity, but his facial features were not as refined as Lu Jincheng's, but he had the kind of temperament that Lu Jincheng did not have.

After Xin Ai hesitated, she stretched out her hand: ...Hello...

Lu Xun moved a little closer to Xin Ai: Would you like to dance with me, please give Jian Zechuan a blow.

Xin Ai instinctively refused: Thank you, no need, I'm not that narrow-minded woman.

Xin Ai didn't know Lu Xun, she even doubted his authenticity.

What's more, a man like this, at best, is experienced, but at worst, he is too deep in the city. When getting along with this kind of person, one must be careful in everything, otherwise, he is just waiting to be sold.

Lu Xun raised his eyebrows, Don't be angry when you see Jian Zechuan with other women. You don't want to let him experience what you are like now.

In no mood.

She is not a serious girlfriend, so what can she feel.

A little lover, just stay in the corner honestly, do a lot, and make a lot of mistakes.

Lu Xun looked regretful: Obviously I really want it, why bear it, I happen to know the woman standing next to Jian Zechuan...

Xin Ai glanced at Lu Xun, waiting for him to continue.

Lu Xun said slowly, My ex-girlfriend.

Cough...cough cough... Xin Ai just took a breath of champagne and was choked by these words.

Lu Xun patted Xin Ai on the back, Really?

Really. Xin Ai couldn't believe it, such a coincidence?

Yeah, it's such a coincidence. Don't they all say that the best way to get revenge on your ex is to let her know that she has a good life, better than when she was with her. Don't we try?

Xin Ai chuckled: But Jian Zechuan is not my ex.

Lu Xun smiled and said, It's okay, if you don't work hard, he will soon become your ex.

Although these words were not clear, they really put more pressure on Xin Ai. She raised her head and looked at Jian Zechuan. He and that woman were still standing together, chatting and laughing happily, very unhappy.

Jian Zechuan is a very cold and quiet person.

When Xin Ai was with him, most of the time he spoke in single digits.

He never talked to her all the time, most of the time she said he was listening, and made a mockery from time to time.

Rarely have you listened so carefully and responded so gently.

Xin Ai clenched her hands slowly, and finally suppressed the thorny feeling, and it came up again.

Jealousy, Xin Ai had to admit that her mood was probably just jealousy.

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