Can You Love Me?

Chapter 140 Afraid, Nobody Remembers Her Anymore

I don't know who made a scream first, and after that, the whole shed was in chaos.

Where An Xinya lay down just now, there was a slender iron nail, and blood beads on the iron nail were rolling down.

There was a hole in An Xinya's neck, and blood was bubbling. She wanted to breathe, like a balloon with a hole in it, and it would be innocent to blow air into it. She could only watch the balloon shrink a little bit.

Xin Ai's mind was blank at that moment, she almost immediately stretched out her hand to cover An Xinya's neck, she wanted to block the hole, and she didn't want the blood to flow out.

She shouted hastily: Ambulance, call an ambulance...

An Xinya's face was in pain, and the anger on her face was rapidly diminishing. She grabbed Xin Ai's hand and opened her mouth to speak, but blood gushed out of her throat. Xin Ai heard her desperately saying: Xin...Xin, you, no...useless...

It's useless, they are all small pawns.

It's useless, as long as she continues to investigate, sooner or later, she will die.

The situation they got into was more complicated than they thought.

The gray of death gradually spread in An Xinya's eyes. She looked at the ceiling and murmured: I... finally... regret it...

Sorry, but it's too late.

Xin Ai watched An Xinya's pupils dilate little by little, tightly grasping her wrist hand, and slowly released it.

The ambulance came, and An Xinya was carried away, but she couldn't be saved.

The police also came, the scene was blocked, and the crew was in a state of panic.

Xin Ai sat motionless under the sun. Her hands were covered with blood. They were wet and sticky at first, but now they were dry and condensed in the palms, as if they could never be washed off.

The sun has set, but the temperature still hasn't dropped.

Someone came to call Xin Ai, Xin Ai, why are you sitting here, the director has a meeting, let's go.

He pulled Xin Ai's arm, saw the dried blood on her hand, hesitated for a moment, and enlightened her: You are frightened today, hey, today is the same, you are a good-looking person, if you say no, you will be gone. I have a good relationship with her, and I must be sad.

Xin Ai raised her head and asked, Have the police left?

The police inspected the scene and said it might have been an accident. However, the final conclusion hasn't come yet... I think it must be an accident. It's inexplicable. Who did you say would harm her? No one in our crew has a big grudge against her. The nail came out from under the floor, and usually everyone didn't pay much attention to it, but today, she was also unlucky.

Xin Ai shook her head, this couldn't be an accident, she didn't believe it was an accident, absolutely not.

Zhao Tiande died in front of her, An Xinya died in front of her, every time when she was about to learn the truth from them, once, twice... just so helplessly missed.

The person who was alive a moment ago was fine, but the next moment he died in front of her, unable to stand up again.

Xin Ai hugged her knees tightly, but she couldn't feel the slightest warmth in the hot weather.

She thought that she had finally found the right clue this time, that as long as she followed An Xinya's line, she could always find the murderer behind the scenes, and she could always find her sister.

However, she still underestimated the cruelty and strength of the opponent.

They seem to have placed countless pairs of eyes around Xin Ai, watching her get closer to the truth, and then killing those who can provide her with true thoughts one by one.

She and Xin Huan are just two ordinary people who live their lives according to their duties. They don't want to be rich and wealthy. They just want to live a good life in this difficult world.

But why is it so difficult.

No matter what you want to say now, the reality cannot be changed.

An Xinya is dead, and what she promised to say will never be heard again. This line is wasted again.

Xin Ai became more and more confused, the ray of light finally ushered in before him, before he could see it, the world fell into darkness again.

Xin Ai followed that person to meet the director. The whole crew was crowded together, the air was stuffy, and many people's clothes were drenched with sweat.

The director is in a surprisingly bad mood. He has put in a lot of effort into this film, and almost half of the filming has been completed. Now this incident suddenly happened, and it would be overwhelming. He could already imagine that once When this incident is exposed, many investors will withdraw their funds.

At that time, it is not certain whether the filming of this drama can be finished.

The director sighed, and said: The police said that it might be an accident, but we still have to wait for their final investigation results. Everyone rests tonight and will shoot normally tomorrow. The crew, don't leave.

The director said some more words before adjourning the meeting.

Back at the hotel, Xin Ai lay on the bed thinking about what happened during the day.

There were so many people coming and going in the shed, if the iron nail had been there long ago, no one would have stepped on it, and no one would have noticed it until now.

It must have been done today, or at least in the last two days.

The murderer is still a member of the crew.

In Xin Ai's mind, the faces of those people in the crew flashed one by one, everyone did not look like a murderer, but everyone did.

She got up and told Li Anhe about this, and he was silent on the phone for a long time.

Obviously, it's silence.

Xin Ai felt as if there were countless icy poisonous snakes crawling up her back, and she couldn't help shaking: What about me, will I...will do something to me soon?

Last night, they should have signaled An Xinya to do something to her, but they didn't expect that nothing happened to her, and An Xinya suffered the consequences herself.

If it fails once, there will be a second time, and the other party will not let her go.

As long as she gives up on tracking down Xin Huan, they can sit back and relax.

But as long as she is alive, how can she not investigate, so... she can only die.

Li Anhe sighed: An Xinya is dead, there is no point for you to be there, you find a way to quit that job, come back, go back to Jian Zechuan, you can still be safer, your main thing now is to save your life.

Thinking of Jian Zechuan, Xin Ai felt a little sour in her heart. She hadn't seen that man for more than a week. She didn't have a phone call or WeChat. It was as if she had left him all of a sudden.

Xin Ai rubbed her sore eyes, and said: I can't leave for the time being, the police are still investigating, although unless they finally come to a conclusion that the death was accidental, otherwise, no one in the crew can leave.

The murderer behind the scenes is so powerful. Just wait and see. The result of this investigation must be an accident. You should be careful these two days. When the police announce the result, you should come back quickly.

okay, I get it.

Putting down the phone, the rock in Xin Ai's heart was still not much easier, and she became more and more afraid.

I'm afraid that after I lie down tonight, I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Afraid to go out once and never come back, afraid...

Fearing that he would die at the end, he couldn't find Xin Huan.

Afraid to die, no one will remember her anymore.

Xin Ai's hand was covered with the phone book, and she finally settled on that number, and she didn't move it for a long time, because she didn't have the courage to dial it.

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