Can You Love Me?

Chapter 120 Jian Zechuan, will I die?

That text message was too inexplicable and too deliberate.

However, there is no evidence and one cannot be too arbitrary.

Just get along with Jian Zechuan as you did before. Try not to cause conflicts and keep him steady. If the murderer is really him, I think you might not even have a chance to investigate this matter. However, you can't be so sure. If you haven't found out the truth, Nothing is absolute before you think about it.”

Xin Ai bit her lip and nodded slightly: Well...

Seeing that Xin Ai's expression was so bad, Li Anhe comforted her: Don't worry, my intuition is very accurate. You have been following him for so long and make frequent small moves. He knows all about it, but he doesn't stop him wherever he flies and still helps you. A few times, it shows that he won’t touch you.”

Help me? Xin Ai looked at Li Anhe in surprise.

If he hadn't dealt with the aftermath when you put a sack on Zhao Tiande, would you still be sitting here?

Xin Ai...


After leaving Li Anhe's place and returning to his residence, Xin Ai spent the whole night dreaming. In the dream, it was Jian Zechuan, Xin Huan, and himself...

In the middle of the night, Xin Ai was frightened and woke up, unable to sleep again.

Li Anhe said not to make blind guesses and not to scare yourself.

Xin Ai covered her head and hypnotized herself. She couldn't think too much. Don't think too much. He was right. If it was Jian Zechuan, she would have died long ago.

I don't know when it started to rain again outside. The window was opened a small crack, and a cool breeze came in with drizzle. Xin Ai sat on the bedside with her knees in her arms for a long time.

It wasn't until her body became cold that Xin Ai got up and opened the car and closed the window.

She really couldn't sleep and went downstairs to pour a glass of water. She was about to go upstairs with the water glass when she suddenly heard something.

Xin Ai pricked up his ears to identify it carefully and followed the sound until he reached the entrance. Only then did he realize that the sound was coming from outside the door. It seemed like... someone was prying the door open.

Realizing this, Xin Ai was so frightened that she almost dropped the water glass in her hand.

The only person who will come at this point is Jian Zechuan, but he knows the password. Why does he need to pry the door when he comes in?

Fear immediately rose in her heart. Xin Ai swallowed twice and walked carefully to the door. She stood on tiptoe slightly and looked out through the peephole. She saw two heads that suddenly enlarged. She was so frightened that she took two steps back.

The two men were wearing black hoods and were breaking down the door.

Xin Ai's hands and feet were cold. She thought of Zhao Tiande and his driver's family. Could it be that... someone was coming to kill her?

The water glass in Xin Ai's hand had rolled from her arms to the ground, and the water was flowing out.

She ran upstairs in panic and quickly went to get her cell phone.

If those two men were allowed to break in, she might die.

For the first time, Xin Ai felt that death might not be far away from her.

There were very few people she could find in her phone book, and she didn't know the property's phone number. The first person she called was Shen Ce. Xin Ai thought that since he was a policeman, he would definitely come to help her.

However, Shen Ce's cell phone was turned off.

Xin Ai continued to scroll down, yes, look for Jian Si. As long as he knows, he will not ignore her.

But when he dialed Jian Sixin's number, he didn't answer. Xin Ai called several times but no one answered.

At this time, the sound of knocking on the door downstairs became louder and louder, and it seemed that the door could be broken in at any time.

Xin Ai's body was shaking more and more violently. She couldn't find anyone to help her. She couldn't wait to die. Yes, there was also 110. How could she forget...

Xin Ai was about to dial the number when she saw the number that Jian Si used before. She paused. Would she like to try it? Give it a try...will Jian Zechuan come?

At this time, Xin Ai was still thinking that maybe this was an opportunity to ease her current relationship with Jian Zechuan.

There was a loud crack of thunder outside the window, and Xin Ai was so frightened that she trembled. No matter what, she would try first and then call the police. If no one answered, she would call the police.

Jian Zechuan was already asleep when he was woken up by the harsh ringing of the bell. Being woken up in his sleep made him feel surprisingly irritable.

When I picked up my phone and saw the culprit, I felt even more annoyed.

She was about to hang up, but she paused when the time came. It was already 3 o'clock in the morning, and it was still raining outside. She called at this time, was it... something happened?

There was thunder outside and the bell kept ringing inside.

After hesitating, Jian Zechuan's fingers slowly slid.

As soon as the phone call came through, he heard Xin Ai's crying voice: Fourth...fourth brother...yes, someone broke the door...I...are afraid...

Xin Ai was about to collapse. She almost cried when she said it. She knew the person on the other end of the phone was Jian Zechuan, but she still called her fourth brother.

Jian Zechuan's expression changed instantly, and he got out of bed almost immediately, Put the sofa...forget it, you can't move it, break the glass or ceramic utensils, sprinkle them at the entrance, go upstairs and close the door, lock it from the inside, I Send someone over immediately.

Xin Ai nodded repeatedly: Okay... okay...

Jian Zechuan hesitated for a second and said, Don't be afraid.

Perhaps his words of Don't be afraid had an effect, and Xin Ai felt a little relieved.

Xin Ai ran downstairs barefoot with her cell phone, and took out all the glass objects as Jian Zechuan said. They smashed them into pieces of glass, and then scattered them all at the entrance. But Xin Ai felt that this was not enough, so she turned over the glass again. The soybeans used to make soy milk were spilled all over the floor.

Then he poured cooking oil from the kitchen on the stairs, then ran into the bedroom with a kitchen knife and locked it from the inside.

Time was extremely difficult at this moment, and Xin Ai's nervous body was trembling all the time.

She couldn't hear the sounds downstairs clearly, but she knew the two people were coming in soon.

Since Jian Zechuan already knows the situation here, he will definitely send someone here soon. He can't ignore her unless he... wants her to die.

Xin Ai kept staring at her phone, and every second seemed like a year. She vaguely heard the sound of a chainsaw downstairs, and then not long after, she suddenly heard a man's scream coming from downstairs. Listening to that sound... …They…they came in!

Xin Ai was shocked. What should he do? Even if the people arranged by Jian Zechuan came over, they would not be as fast as them.

A slow and carefree voice came from downstairs, Damn, this stinky bitch is actually hurts me to death...

Go upstairs, she must be upstairs. That little bitch is pretty. Let's give her a good beating first and teach her a lesson. Let's also play with the rich man's little wife tonight...

Xin Ai's face turned pale. She hid in the bathroom, closed the door from the inside, and called Jian Zechuan while trembling.

The call came through quickly this time, and she cried: They... they came in... What should I do? I'm afraid... Jian Zechuan, will I... die?

Jian Zechuan's voice was unusually calm: Don't talk nonsense, you will be fine, I won't let anything happen to you, I didn't go looking for you, don't come out of the bedroom, and don't open the door if anyone knocks.

Xin Ai bit her lip: ...Okay...

wait for me.

Listening to Jian Zechuan's voice, Xin Ai calmed down somewhat.

She gritted her teeth and came out of the bathroom, holding a kitchen knife and hiding next to the bedroom door. If anyone dared to come in, she would kill him with a knife. No matter whether he killed the person or not, she must hold on until Jian Zechuan's people came.

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