Can You Love Me?

Chapter 101 Even Breathing Seduces Him

Jian Zechuan came over and suddenly opened the bathroom door.

Xin Ai took the opportunity to fall forward, and fell into Jian Zechuan's arms just right. The translucent pajamas on her body seemed to be nothing when it met the water.

Leaning delicately on Jian Zechuan's body, the steam in the bathroom was smoked into her eyes, and her eyes became more and more moist. She put her hands on Jian Zechuan's wet shoulders, and said delicately: I'm sorry uncle, my feet are slippery. , I'll go out now.

As soon as he turned around and took a step, he was taken back when his waist tightened, and the clean pajamas fell on the floor, soaking through quickly.

The warm water from the shower drenched Xin Ai from head to toe in a blink of an eye.

Xin Ai's neck was bitten fiercely by Jian Zechuan, as if a fierce beast had bitten a fragile prey, killing her without any effort.

Xin Ai, do you know what you are doing? Don't think that my indulgence to you has no bottom line.

He tried so hard to restrain himself, not to be attracted to her, but she was seducing him even with her breath.

Jian Zechuan found that his concentration was getting weaker and weaker in front of Xin Ai.

This was a dangerous signal, a signal that he was about to lose his control, maybe it was time for him to remove this woman from his world.

Xin Ai clung to Jian Zechuan's body like a dodder flower, bit his ear, and said word by word: I want you to die on me, third master, so... no other woman can compete with me.

Su Xiaoling said that to seduce a man, you have to be bold, and you have to give him something new all the time, even if you always pretend to be weak.

This night, she was indeed bold, and Jian Zechuan, who got her wish and seduced her, almost went crazy.

However, Jian Zechuan failed to die on her body. Instead, she cried and passed out again.

The midsummer morning always comes very early, the sun fills the whole room, and the tiny dust in the air can't hide under the sunlight.

Jian Zechuan closed his eyes. He seemed to sleep well this morning. It was already 8 o'clock in the morning and he still hadn't woken up.

In my sleep, I felt itchy on my face, and my chest seemed a little dull.

Jian Zechuan has always been a light sleeper, and it is the first time he hasn't woken up like this today.

But just like this, he just frowned and didn't open his eyes. He didn't wake up until a burst of electricity came from his ears, which numb most of Jian Zechuan's body.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xin Ai's smiling face lying on his chest, holding a strand of hair with his small hand, gently sweeping his face, looking at him tenderly: Brother Zechuan, get up and have breakfast La.

When Jian Zechuan first woke up, there seemed to be mist in his eyes, he was a little confused, his hair was messed up, and he looked unspeakably cute.

He looked at Xin Ai, who seemed to be still half asleep, not fully awake.

The hair tip in Xin Ai's hand swept over Jian Zechuan's face, and leaned over to kiss his lips: When I opened my eyes, I saw such a beautiful little fairy, do you think this world is so beautiful?

Jian Zechuan's eyelashes moved twice, and his eyes closed again, as if he had fallen asleep again.

Xin Ai was about to continue to move, when her body was suddenly lifted, and a force brought her to the bed, she also turned over, and was firmly pressed under her.

Jian Zechuan closed his eyes, buried his face in her shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice: It seems that I don't have to be polite to you in the future, you are so energetic.

When he was talking, his eyelashes brushed against the delicate skin of her neck, Xin Ai couldn't help laughing and said, Itchy... get up soon.

Jian Zechuan didn't want to move. He was surprised that he slept so well last night. It had been many years in his memory, and he didn't sleep until 8 o'clock in the morning.

Smelling the pleasant fragrance from Xin Ai's body, Jian Zechuan really had a feeling that the king didn't want to go to court early.

He understands how dangerous this kind of lethargy and addiction is, but he always thinks, just for a while, for a while, he won't be addicted forever.

At this point, it's time to make a break.

Xin Ai grabbed Jian Zechuan's hair: Get up, I've already told you, the third master, from now really can't be too addicted...beautiful, although I know I'm very beautiful, it's normal that you can't control it, but ...We are not young after all, are we? I...

After that, I never said a word.

Xin Ai was pressed on the bed and gnawed once, the skin was almost bitten, and she finally got off the bed after begging for mercy.

Clutching her chest, Xin Ai bit her lip in pain, she was really looking for abuse, what are you talking about if you have nothing to do?

She greeted Jian Zechuan's family in her heart, and went downstairs to wait for him to come down.

Set out breakfast, counted the time, saw Jian Zechuan's figure, and immediately said: Master, come and have breakfast, I made steamed dumplings and pumpkin porridge this morning.

With limited time in the morning, it was not easy for Xin Ai to do these things with his weak body.

And the last time she observed, Jian Zechuan seemed to like the little steamed buns she made.

I didn't have enough food at Jian's house last night. After a night of physical labor, I smelled the aroma from the dining table this morning. Jian Zechuan's stomach rebelled before his body.

To make an exception, as long as it is broken once, the rule will no longer exist, and it will be the same once or twice.

This time Xin Ai took him to eat breakfast, which was much easier than last time.

The food on the table is very simple, steamed dumplings, pumpkin porridge, two side dishes, all made by Xin Ai himself, nothing else, it seems to be more suitable for Jian Zechuan's appetite than the table full of delicacies in Jian's family.

He took a look at Xin Ai, and because of her good workmanship, let's keep her for a few more days.

Come to dinner with me tomorrow night.

Xin Ai was taken aback, raised her head, and said happily: Really? Really? This is the first time, Third Master, you took me out for dinner.


Xin Ai bit her chopsticks and nodded vigorously: Yes, yes, then tomorrow... I will definitely dress beautifully.

Jian Zechuan frowned: No need.


If you wear it again, that's all.

Xin Ai pursed her lips, Third Master, you are actually afraid that I will be abducted because I am too beautiful.

Abduct you, are you willing to leave? depends on who it is. Xin Ai rolled her eyes and landed on Jian Zechuan: If it's the third master, even if you don't pay me, I will... go with you.

Jian Zechuan sneered, if it wasn't for her sister's disappearance, would she rush forward regardless?

Forget it, left and right are just using each other.

Suddenly the phone rang, Xin Ai looked at the phone number, his expression changed, and he hung up quickly.

But after a while, the phone rang again.

Jian Zechuan held the ceramic spoon with his slender fingers. The white ceramic seemed to be more shiny in his hand. He stirred the porridge in the bowl and asked lightly, Do you want to pick it up?

Xin Ai was nervous, with a smile on her face, and simply turned off the phone.

They are all irrelevant people. No matter what he does, no one can disturb my breakfast time with the third master.

Jian Zechuan scooped up a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Xin Ai's lips, with gentle eyes and a smile on his lips, he only heard him ask: Your sister can't do it either?

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