Can You Love Me?

Chapter 10 Not so easy to bully

As she said that, she had raised her small legs and kicked Chen Ming's lifeblood. She put all her strength into kicking him to death, kicking him to death.

Chen Ming's body was almost unable to stand still, but he was hit again by this violent blow. With a scream, his body weighing nearly 200 catties fell down and fell heavily on the ground. He only had time to groan before he passed out. up.

Xin Ai sneered, I told you earlier that I'm not that easy to bully, but if you don't believe me, if you dare to attack me, I'll take your skin off.

She bent down, untied Chen Ming's belt, tied his hands, stripped off all his clothes, and threw them into the toilet.

Then he picked up a trash can, took half of the bucket of water, and splashed it all on Chen Ming's face.

Chen Ming shivered and woke up faintly. Before he could figure out the situation, his face was distorted by a high-heeled shoe.

A cold voice came from above: Let me ask you one last time, where is my sister?

Xin Ai calmly looked at Chen Ming, who was trampled by her, as if looking at a dead pig.

Chen Ming immediately realized his current situation, struggled, and found that he couldn't move at all, his hands and feet were bound, his head was so painful that he was dizzy, his life was hurting, he was furious, his whole body was lying naked on the broken porcelain, Just like rolling a nailboard, the porcelain chip was embedded in the flesh, the more he struggled, the harder he pierced into the flesh.

Chen Ming was terrified, he didn't expect that Xin Ai, who seemed weak and weak, would dare to treat him like this.

I... I... told me... I don't know, Xin Ai, you... Don't mess around, I have a lot of contacts in the circle, and you will not end well if you offend me...

Really refuse to say?

I...I don't know where your sister is, what do you want me to say? better let...let me go now, I can pretend that this didn't...happen, ah...

Chen Ming screamed, his whole body trembled like chaff, and he lost his voice in pain.

Xin Ai tilted her head, her long straight black hair was hanging down, her delicate and charming face was so eye-catching, she showed two rows of neat teeth when she smiled, and she showed a charming hostility in her simplicity, her feet had already moved from Chen Ming's eyes. His face came down, crushing his lifeblood heavily.

She had wanted to do this a long time ago, looking at Chen Ming's distorted face due to the pain, Xin Ai finally let out the anger in her heart.

You said it didn't happen if it didn't happen. That's not okay. Don't you mean that you can't sleep because you think about me? Don't you mean that you will be hard when you see me? Don't you mean teach me well? Why don't you try hard now?, no...I'm all...nonsense, nonsense...

Beads of sweat rolled down Chen Ming's painful forehead, his body was trembling with fat, the blood was gone from his face, and his voice was so trembling that he could barely speak.

Xin Ai bent down to pick up a piece of porcelain with sharp edges and corners, and pressed the pointed end against Chen Ming's neck. She smiled and said, Don't worry, I guarantee that you will not be able to sleep at night for a long time, and you will be sleepless for a long time. Can't get hard.

Chen Ming was so frightened that he almost lost his courage. There was a burst of heat below him, and he... lost control,

Xin Ai moved his foot away contemptuously, but his hands did not leave his neck, Chen Ming did not dare to move.

No no...don't, Xin...Xin Huan disappeared...I really didn't know...I was also looking for her. She disappeared after leaving Yunding. I was drunk at the time, so I didn't know... ...

Xin Ai ignored the porcelain in his hand, and pricked the skin on Chen Ming's neck bit by bit: Didn't you tell me last time that I can't pay the liquidated damages, and I can still sell it. This face, no What a pity to sell it? I think there is some truth in saying this.

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