Seeing the astonishment on the face of the demon leader, Lu Qing'an sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Your companions have already told you everything they need to explain, so they can naturally avoid all kinds of torture. As for you, as the leader, you must know more. The secret is known to others. If you can tell me what I know, maybe I can spare your life."

The demon leader's eyes flashed with cold light, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Don't expect to learn any information about the demon clan from my mouth! Although they have confessed, they have only scratched the surface, and you, don't expect to get the key word from me. !”

Lu Qing quietly stared at the demon leader, shook his head, and said in a calm tone: "In this case, you will be tortured here forever."

He had already seen the sense of humiliation in the eyes of the demon leader, and knew that further questioning would be useless, so he waved his hand and threw him back into the torture tower, where he would continue to suffer the torture of the first eight floors.

Then, he came to the second angry demon.

I saw that this angry demon was like the leader of the demon clan, and he seemed to be on the verge of collapse. After seeing him, he roared ferociously.

"Young kid from the human race! You have the ability to kill the devil!!"

Looking at the face that was exactly the same as the previous demon leader, Lu Qingan narrowed his eyes slightly and thought to himself.

He wanted to see if these angry demons were all so difficult to deal with.

So, he used the same method as before to trick the angry demon, and finally said that their leader had compromised and informed him of the location of the demon dragon.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the angry demon was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahaha! I knew that turtle grandson was worthy of being the leader! His mother, you are really the scum of the angry demons!" Then he became ferocious again. He glared at Lu Qing'an like a ghost and roared: "You want to hear a word about the demon clan from my mouth? You are wishful thinking! If you want to kill, kill!"

Lu Qing'an's expression changed and he said coldly: "Kill you? That's a must. Since you are so loyal, I will reward you with another round of torture to see how long you can hold on."

He wanted to see if these angry demons would collapse, endure the torture, and make a compromise.

If this is really the case, then this demon race is indeed the enemy of the human race!

After all, there are probably very few people in the human race who can endure such torture.

Lu Qing'an walked through this angry demon again and again, using various methods, but in the end he was unable to extract a word or a half of key information from it.

"This arrest is the same as not being arrested..."

In desperation, he pinned his last hope on the long-ago capture of the shadow demon.

Perhaps the Blood Demon knew that the Angry Demon was loyal and would reveal even the slightest secret even if he was captured, so he sent them to assassinate him. Then the Shadow Demon was sent out, most likely because he had no Angry Demon available, so he had to let this Shadow Demon, who was good at sneaking, come over.

In this case, there are only a few demons around the blood demon that can be dispatched.

Lu Qing'an did not rush directly to the shadow demon, but withdrew from consciousness, left the place, returned to the residence of the Lord of the City, and continued to set up the demon-searching array. Wait for Shadow Demon to walk through the first eight floors of the Torture Tower, and then talk to Shadow Demon.

The torture was enough, and he was afraid of the Shadow Demon's move.

Some time later, when he appeared in front of the shadow demon, the shadow demon had collapsed, hugged his legs, and begged with a sad face: "Please, don't torture me anymore! Kill me!"

Lu Qingan blinked, secretly surprised.

Um? This is unexpected.

He also thought that these demons were all tough guys.

Are feelings only like those of an angry demon? !

"I'll give you a hard time, but you must tell me everything I want to know truthfully."

If Shadow Demon was granted amnesty, he quickly said: "You ask, but you must agree to torture me again!"

Lu Qing'an nodded slightly, and then asked: "What do you want from the demons who lurked in Panlong City?"

The Shadow Demon pretended to think and said: "Of course I'm here for the creatures in Panlong City! Our clan devours humans and our cultivation level doubles, and we, Lord Blood Demon, can even use this to extend our lives!"

Listening to Shadow Demon's sincere words, a trace of patience flashed in Lu Qing'an's eyes.

His mother, she turned out to be a drama queen!

He also thought that this shadow demon was not as tough as the angry demon and could really withstand the torture.

"What a coincidence, I learned from the tortured confession from the angry demon that you are actually here for the dragon. Are you ready to face more severe punishment? I heard that among your tribe, the angry demon is the most loyal , and the toughest one, I hope you can still deceive me after going through the torture they went through and having to compromise.”

After saying this, Lu Qing'an patted Shadow Demon's cheek and prepared to leave.

Shadow Demon was startled, trembling all over, and cursed in his heart: Damn it! Have these guys been recruited? !

Although he survived one round of torture, if he was subjected to it again, he might not be able to endure it. The human monk in front of him didn't seem to be just threatening.

Furthermore, even if the angry demon has moved, it will be in vain if he continues to move.

"Wait a minute!" Shadow Demon quickly shouted.

Lu Qing'an turned around slightly, his eyes slightly curved, and there seemed to be a strange smile under the mask: "What, you still don't want to give up?"

Shadow Demon gritted his teeth and said: "I am willing to confess, but you must swear to let me go afterward!"

Lu Qing'an sneered: "Haha, let you go? The angry demon has already confessed, why do I need to get the truth from you? I'm just verifying whether what he said is true."

"Those Angry Demons are vulgar people and know very little about our tribe's actions! If you agree to let me go, I will tell you everything I know!" Shadow Demon gritted his teeth.

After leaving, he may not continue to work for the blood demon, so he can only secretly leave the human race and return to the demon race, and then find an opportunity to find a new master.

This is better than dying here directly or experiencing torture here for a lifetime.

"The premise is that I want to know what important information you know." Seeing that the shadow demon looked serious, Lu Qingan also became interested.

"The location of the demon dragon! Our master's intention! And the means that the master is preparing now! And how to release the demon dragon! Wait!"

The shadow demon spoke very quickly, fearing that Lu Qingan would turn around and leave.

Lu Qingan's eyes were half narrowed.

There is something!

The last two words are the key he wants to know.

"But, if what you said is false, I will let you go." Lu Qingan said calmly.

It is also possible to let a shadow demon go and get the information he wants.

"You swear first! Swear by the Heavenly Dao!" Shadow Demon said quickly.

Lu Qingan had heard of the Heavenly Dao oath a long time ago. It is said that those who violate the oath will be punished by the Heavenly Dao. At the least, their cultivation will be hindered, and at the worst, they will be haunted by demons.

Of course, this is just a rumor. He does not know whether it is true or not.

"Okay." Lu Qingan swore directly.

The premise is that what the shadow demon said is true and can help him wipe out all the demons.

"Come, write down the method you use to drive the treasure to self-destruct first." Lu Qingan directly prepared paper and ink for the shadow demon in advance.

The demons will talk slowly after planning. He must get this special method first.

It is also difficult to determine whether the method is true or not. Just let someone try it.

For example, let Xu Qingying try it.

If it is fake and harmful to the human body, I am afraid Xu Qingying will have no need to try it, and she will have an intuition to determine that this method is fake.

The shadow demon frowned, and then said nothing, and wrote down the method.

After getting the method, Lu Qingan looked at the shadow demon in front of him calmly and said: "I will let someone try the authenticity of this method first. If this method is fake, you will know what the outcome will be."

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