The five demons looked at each other, all shocked that their attacks had no effect. They looked forward intently and found that their attacks had only destroyed a few low-level formations and one sixth-grade immortal formation, but the other sixth-grade immortal formation was still standing. Moreover, Lu Qingan was unscathed under the protection of a sixth-grade immortal flying boat.

They had originally intended to deliver a fatal blow, but now they were met with Lu Qingan's sarcasm.

"Damn it! Are we going to retreat?" One of the demons couldn't help but whispered.

The other four demons quickly looked at the leader, who was the most powerful of the five, with the cultivation level of the tenth level of the Void Realm. The remaining four were all below the fifth level of the Void Realm. It was obviously just a small team with a broader intention to try to kill Lu Qingan.

"No! This guy must be killed on this trip! Even if we have to fight to the death, we must change him! This is the order from the Lord!" The demon clan leader of the tenth level of the Void Realm spoke in a deep voice.

Lu Qing'an was originally worried that the five demon clans would escape, and he was not sure whether he could stop them all. Now he heard this, and he felt relieved. It seems that these people are determined not to retreat, so he doesn't need to worry about it. Let them all stay here today.

The attack here has also spread. I believe it will only take more than ten breaths for Murong Qingming and others to reinforce.

"Forget it, fight to the death!"

"Use all the treasures and kill him!" The five demon clans reached a consensus in just one breath, and their eyes were full of blood, revealing scarlet murderous intent, staring at Lu Qing'an.

Lu Qingan looked at the five demons intently and found that they looked slightly different from the demons that tested his strength last time. They all had a strange horn on their foreheads.

"According to the information Xu Qingying got from Murong Yingxue, this should be the 'angry demon'." Lu Qingan thought to himself.

After Xu Qingying was praised by Lu Qingan last time, she went to Murong Yingxue to learn more about the details of the demons, including carefully asking about the types of demons. Even if Murong Yingxue didn't understand something, she asked Murong Yingxue to ask Xun Cheng. If there were still things she didn't understand, she also learned about them in detail through books.

Angry demons are a relatively common group among demons. They do rough work, have bad tempers, are extremely bloodthirsty, but are extremely loyal.

Their ability is rage blood. Once used, their strength will be increased by one level.

So, Lu Qingan soon saw that the five demons suddenly turned red, their eyes were full of bloodshot, and then the five demons' cultivation auras suddenly soared.

The four demons who were originally below the fifth level of the Void Silence Realm instantly reached the seventh and eighth levels of the Void Silence Realm.

And the leader jumped from the tenth level of the Void Silence Realm to the first level of the Glazed Realm!

This ability can only last for one stick of incense.

"Kill him!" The leading demon shouted angrily, and rushed towards Lu Qingan first, followed by the other four.

The combined attack of the five demons fell on the silver light array. The array eye of the silver light array is hidden in the immortal sixth-grade absolute flying boat, so the array tightly wraps the flying boat. In the face of such an offensive, the array did not move at all. After all, the silver light array is completely immune to the full force of the fourth-level Glazed Realm strongman, and the attacks of these demons, under the combined force, can only reach the second level of the Glazed Realm.

Of course, Lu Qingan knew that these five demons were not without other means. At this moment, they were just attacking and trying to break the formation. It was very likely that they were giving him an illusion that these demons had no stronger means, so as to lure him out for a decisive battle and then deliver a fatal blow.

"Is this all you can do? Don't you have any treasures to self-destruct?" Lu Qingan stretched lazily and yawned, his tone full of sarcasm.

The leading demon leader saw this and his mouth twitched slightly. Is this really the cultivation of Liuli Realm? Under such an offensive from them, he didn't even fight back. Is he so cautious?

"If you have the guts, go out and fight! Our strength is enough to kill you!" the leading demon shouted angrily.

Lu Qingan replied calmly: "You don't even have the ability to break the formation, why do I need to do it?"

"As a Liuli Realm expert, you actually hide in the formation, pretending to be a powerful demon! You are not as good as a soldier of the demon clan!" Another demon clan shouted.

"I know you are anxious, but don't worry, break my formation first. Just a reminder, this formation is my last line of defense." Lu Qingan smiled, but his heart was cold.

How could he fall for this provocation?

Don't you have treasures that can self-destruct, lure me out, and give me a big explosion?

He didn't want to waste other defensive treasures, so he could save them.

The five demon clans heard the words and looked at each other quickly. They had made up their minds and had no choice but to sacrifice treasures again.

"Forget it, use the last treasure to break his shell!" The demon clan leader said in a deep voice.

The other four nodded in response, saying in unison: "You, prepare to die!"

The five demons have figured out the details of the Silver Light Formation and know that this formation can only resist attacks below the middle stage of the Glazed Realm. So one of them took out the sixth-grade treasure of the Immortal Realm, and the other two took out the fifth-grade treasure of the Immortal Realm. They chanted the spell in their hearts, and the treasures immediately shook and flew towards the Silver Light Formation.


The strong shock instantly attacked the Silver Light Formation and finally broke it!

However, when the Silver Light Formation was about to be destroyed, it was taken back by Lu Qingan. The foundation of the formation still existed and could be repaired and rebuilt later.

"You have some tricks, so I will play with you." Lu Qingan stepped out of the sixth-grade flying boat of the Immortal Realm.

The strongest offensive of these demons had been launched at the beginning of the war. If he was right, they could launch another similar attack. However, it was a pipe dream to kill him with the peak attack of Liuli Realm.

"Finally, I lured you out. Kill!" The demon leader said no more because he saw a group of people rushing over quickly. They were Panlongchengcheng and a group of Xianjian sect disciples. When these people arrived, even if they killed Lu Qingan, they would not be able to escape.

The five demons no longer held back and sacrificed all the treasures on their bodies. Including a lower-grade treasure of the seventh-grade fairy and a sixth-grade treasure of the sixth-grade fairy.

"Die!" The five demons roared in unison.

"Oh, what a pity." Lu Qingan sighed secretly. These treasures, especially the seventh-grade fairy, he had never seen a treasure of the seventh-grade fairy.

But it doesn't matter. When he kills all the demons and accumulates enough treasures of the sixth grade and life span, the treasures of the seventh grade will be within his reach.

What he desires more at this time is to obtain the method of detonating the treasures of these demons!

Boom! ! !

The terrifying power swept all around.

Seeing this, Murong Qingming and others who were rushing in from a distance stopped. They were only in the Void Realm, and this power had reached the Glazed Realm. How dare they approach easily.

"Do you really want to go over?" asked a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect.

Zhao Dezhu frowned and said, "Forget it! Let's wait and see! This kind of powerful attack has appeared twice, which means that the battle over there is the peak battle of the Glazed Realm!"

"What a surprise! Fellow Daoist Jia actually has the strength of the peak of the Glazed Realm!" Murong Qingming was shocked by Lu Qing'an's strength again.

The first attack completely reached the peak of the Glazed Realm, and this one at this moment was even closer to the peak. He felt his soul trembling from a distance. Being able to launch two attacks of this level in succession showed that both of them had reached the peak of the Glazed Realm, otherwise the battle would have ended long ago!

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