Just when Lu Qingan thought Xu Qingying was going to be a hooligan or use the beauty trick to escape, Xu Qingying suddenly stopped.

She unbuttoned two buttons, revealing a piece of skin next to her collarbone, and a special red pattern appeared in front of Lu Qingan.

This pattern was like a tattoo, lifelike.

It was a small and exquisite red bottle.

"This is my most important secret."

Xu Qingying took a deep breath, and the fairy spirit condensed in the pattern. After a moment, a red light flashed, and a strange scene appeared.

The bottle actually floated out of her skin, as if it flew out of the void.

On the white skin, the pattern had disappeared, replaced by a thumb-sized bottle, floating in front of Xu Qingying.

"This treasure bottle is my companion, and it has been with me since I was born. I didn't know how to use this treasure until I reached the Mahayana stage."

Xu Qingying took out a fairy stone and immediately demonstrated the magical effect of this treasure bottle.

She chanted the spell in her mind, and suddenly a strong suction force burst out from the bottle. The fairy stone was instantly wrapped in a layer of red light, and the light poured into the bottle.

Afterwards, she mobilized the fairy energy around her, and the treasure bottle also seemed to have life, quickly absorbing the surrounding fairy energy.

After a moment, two rays of light shot out from the bottle, and two identical fairy stones suddenly appeared in her hands.

"This is the main function of this treasure bottle. It can use various energy to replicate some items that cannot be replicated. Now it can replicate some simple cultivation medicines, fairy stones, etc. Too advanced items are still OK."

"In addition, I found that this treasure bottle seems to have spirituality. In fact, my intuition is not special, but every time I encounter something, a thought will suddenly appear in my mind, like the thought of the birth of this treasure bottle..."

Xu Qingying really did not hold back this time and told all her secrets.

Lu Qingan listened quietly on the side. After watching the whole process, he felt Xu Qingying's sincerity.

This is definitely the secret that Xu Qingying has protected all her life!

Once others know it, Xu Qingying will either be captured for research, kill people to seize treasures.

Or she will be imprisoned forever and become a money-making tool without thoughts and freedom!

There are no less secrets hidden in it than in the vase.

"Does anyone else use this treasure bottle?" Lu Qing'an asked tentatively.

Xu Qingying shook her head: "This treasure is a companion object, and it seems that only I can drive it. Even if I put it away, it will return to my body with just a thought."

It seems that this treasure bottle is indeed spiritual, and Xu Qingying's so-called "intuition" is very likely given by this thing.

"You mentioned just now that any energy can be used to replicate the fairy stone?" Lu Qing'an suddenly thought of something and asked.

Xu Qingying nodded: "That's right, fairy energy, strong heat, vitality, etc. are all available, even the power of fairy medicine."

Lu Qing'an's eyes lit up slightly. After burning the fairy medicine, a large amount of medicinal power remained.

In this case, can we use these waste medicinal powers and let Xu Qingying turn them into immortal stones?

We also know how many immortal stones they can turn into.

However, we still need to deal with Xu Qingying's affairs first.

"Is this secret enough?" Xu Qingying took a deep breath, still feeling uneasy.

Lu Qingan said: "It's possible, but I still need to consider it."

"In fact, I can be your helper, or even a tool. You don't have to kill me. You and I come from the same mortal world, and our friendship is not deep. I don't have any relatives in this world. If you think I have value, I will let you use it! For example, my intuition can definitely help you turn danger into fortune in some specific situations!"

Xu Qingying has revealed all her secrets, and now she can only show her value and let Lu Qingan know her usefulness.

Although the word "tool" sounds good, she has no choice at this moment.

Lu Qing'an looked at her quietly, and after a moment, he said: "Okay, but I still need to do something for you, otherwise I can't rest easy."

"Are you going to give me some poison and control me..." Xu Qingying asked with a wry smile.

"That's right." Lu Qing'an was sure that Xu Qingying's intuition was working again.

This intuition is indeed extraordinary. If you really use it, you can really do what Xu Qingying said, and turn danger into fortune.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be right!

It is equivalent to Xu Qingying becoming a treasure to help you avoid danger!

Yes, this "treasure" is not only like this, but also has the ability to help you make money and collect information.


Thinking about it later, Lu Qingan felt more and more that something was right.

This chick seems to be quite useful!

"Okay, I'll eat it." Xu Qingying pouted slightly, feeling aggrieved, "But you want to kill me, I'm a good person, and I've never thought of harming you..."

I obviously think of you when I have something good.

Lu Qingan watched Xu Qingying take the medicine with his own eyes, and was sure that it was effective, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, Xu Qingying's threat to you was lifted.

Of course, Xu Qingying is still a beautiful woman, which is also a potential danger.

So, you still have to do one thing now.

That is to give Xu Qingying some "ideological education".

"Okay, next, I have a billion things for you to remember! If you do it, then you don't have to live." Lu Qingan said seriously again.

Xu Qingying thought to herself that it was just one thing, that's a piece of cake!

"First, you need to keep your distance from me. If I approach you actively, you will treat me like a stranger."

"Secondly, you must be cautious in making eye contact. Even if you look at me, you must be extremely subtle."

"Third, you need to keep a low profile in the future. If you encounter trouble, avoid it..."


"The hundredth..."

Arriving behind 깊, Xu Qingying listened to Ma 깊.

Is there only one 놊?

Only then did she realize why she was disliked by Lu Qingan.

I have never offended you or offended your feelings. Are you simply too cautious?

That’s why you want to have anything to do with me? ! !

"Did you remember everything?" Lu Qing'an stared at Xu Qingying and saw that her expression was dull, as if he had heard it in his mind.

When 놛 and Zhen Yongfu mentioned these requirements before, Zhen Yongfu memorized the first few fashionable ones, but only hurriedly memorized the rest.

Xu Qingying sat the whole time, listening with a blank look on her face.

"Remember." Xu Qingying nodded.

"Really remember?" Lu Qing'an suspected that she was perfunctory, narrowed his eyes and said, "Then repeat it again."

Xu Qingying immediately recited more than a hundred requirements, but one word was missing!

At this moment, Lu Qingan's view of her changed somewhat.

No wonder she always collects such detailed and thoughtful information, and her memory is so extraordinary?

"Is there anything else? Although I can promise to do it all from the beginning, I will definitely remember it." Xu Qingying said with a bitter smile.

"Okay, we will have a cooperative relationship from now on. As long as you are obedient, I will help you improve your strength and gain a foothold in the fairy world." Lu Qing'an knew the beauty of coercion and inducement, so at this moment, he forgot to start drawing cakes.

After saying this, 놛 also showed his sincerity.

"This storage ring contains a large amount of magical power. You can use it to carve more fairy stones."

Xu Qingying blinked her beautiful eyes, took the storage ring, and explored the contents.

After seeing it clearly, her expression suddenly changed.

"This... this is burning the magic medicine to store so much power?!"

Lu Qingan said calmly: "Elixir worth more than five million immortal stones."

Xu Qingying was stunned for a moment.

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