Hearing this, Liu Bude looked slightly expectant. He immediately sent a message to the president, then turned to Lu Qing'an and said, "Wait a moment, the president will be here soon."

Lu Qing'an was a little surprised. As the president of the guild, he was not allowed to meet him. Instead, he came in person and showed him enough respect.

Soon after, without being able to breathe, a figure slowly came from a distance, with a refreshing and steady pace.

What Lu Lu Qingan looked at was an old man with a bald head, white eyebrows and white beard, dressed in rich clothes and robes, with slightly raised corners of his mouth, and shrewdness and depth in his eyes.

At first glance, he is a veteran who knows people well.

Lu Qingan stood up and said, "President He, I have admired you for a long time."

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite! Let's sit down and talk!" He Jingming smiled. The smile looked very kind, but if you look closely, you will find that there is something fake about the smile.

Lu Qingan nodded and sat down again.

"President!" Liu Bude quickly handed the first-grade formation to He Jingming.

After He Jingming arrived, he seemed relatively quiet.

"Okay, let me take a look." He Jingming took the formation, looked at it for a moment, and then confirmed it.

"Fellow Taoist, this swordsmanship should not be underestimated. Moreover, this re-engraving technique is the first time I have seen it in my life. Are you selling this formation to us as well?"

He Jingming not only discovered the extraordinary features of swordsmanship, but also gained insight into the commercial value of replicating formations.

If you buy it back, study it thoroughly, and make the formation into a commercial product, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Lu Qing'an said: "Of course we will sell them together. However, I need to remind you two that although this is a first-grade formation, there is something inside it."

After his last hunting trip, he had an idea.

The formations he carefully developed in the mortal world seemed not to be available here in the fairy world.

Yu 놆, during his more than two years of retreat, he did one thing: find a way to add something to his formation.

Even if the formation is obtained by others, it will be difficult to study the internal structure.

The difficulty of disassembly and analysis has increased sharply, and it may even self-destruct.

"Well, I generally understand." He Jingming felt that he understood what Lu Qingan meant. He probably said that it would be difficult to study this formation.

However, he has a very wide network and knows many high-level formation masters, so he is not afraid that he will not be able to figure out the reason after research.

"I made a rough assessment. Strictly speaking, a copy of this sword technique can cost 50,000 yuan of low-grade immortal stones. However, this reproduction method almost completely reproduces the original version. Our Chamber of Commerce can give you a price. What do you think, You Qiwanxianshi?”

He Jingming smiled kindly, but the shrewd light in his eyes disappeared at this moment, as if he did it intentionally, giving people a sincere feeling overall.

Lu Qingan's original intention was to get four to five thousand immortal stones.

These 70,000 Immortal Stones completely exceeded his expectations!

Which 땣 is not 놚!

"Haha, if the president is very arrogant, I won't be polite." Lu Qingan said with a smile.

"Including the other three items, there are a total of 90,000 immortal stones." Liu Bide added with a smile.

He Jingming took out a storage ring and handed it to Lu Qing'an: "I just brought enough 깊celestial stones. Fellow Taoist, count them."

Lu Qing'an did not take it, but asked: "I actually want to buy some high-end elixirs, preferably fifth- and sixth-grade elixirs. I wonder if Jubaozhai sells them?"

Generally speaking, it is more affordable to buy elixirs from the Alchemist Guild, and the types are more complete.

However, the president of Jubaozhai is here right now. If there is a high-level elixir, he can buy it in person or get a good discount.

"Unfortunately, we have low-level elixirs in Jubaozhai, but fifth- and sixth-level elixirs are temporarily out of stock. If fellow Taoists need them, we can transfer them from the headquarters or other cities." He Jingming said with a slight regret.

He wanted to do this business, and these immortal stones would flow back into their pockets.

Lu Qing'an said: "That's a pity, I'll just go to the Alchemist Guild again."

He Jingming suddenly smiled and said: "If fellow Taoist doesn't want to make this trip again, I can help you and get that bad old man, the president of the Alchemist Guild, to come over."

These words made Lu Qingan a little surprised.

Does this mean that you can directly invite the president of the Alchemist Guild?

"President Ha He has a good relationship with the president of the Alchemist Guild?" Lu Qing'an asked tentatively.

"The old lady has a wide network and has good relationships with many people." He Jingming stroked his beard and smiled.

"Wouldn't the president help me get some discounts?" Lu Qing'an said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist and I are friends, so I will naturally fight for you." He Jingming smiled knowingly, and a shrewd light flashed in his eyes again.

Lu Qingan understands.

This 놆놚 comes to make friends with him.

Sooner or later, he would meet with the president of the Alchemist Guild. After all, he would buy elixirs in large quantities in the future.

Then we might as well see you again.

For a strong person like He Jingming, 껩 did not realize that his strength was in the Yuexiao realm, but 놆 regarded him as a strong person at the 깊땢 level, so he was not afraid of being exposed.

"Excuse me, fellow Taoist." Lu Qing'an said.

He Jingming said no more, took out the message jade slip and said: "Lao Gong, come to Nantong Tea House. I have a big business to discuss with you."

When Lu Qingan heard this, his eyes glazed over briefly.

Old palace?

About two seconds later, a figure appeared.

The visitor was wearing a green elixir robe, with black hair and black beard. He looked more energetic than He Jingming, and a strong aroma of elixir filled the entire teahouse.

I just finished refining the elixir and came here immediately. What you call big business must be indeed extraordinary. "The president of the Alchemist Guild approached. He was serious and looked at He Jingming as he spoke, and then his eyes fell on Lu Qing'an.

He Jingming smiled and said: "Of course it's a big business. Let's talk to this fellow Taoist."

Fellow Taoist, do you want to do business with me? "Gong Chuhe looked at Lu Qing'an, with a trace of meaning in his eyes: "I once heard that little Taoist friend Sheng mentioned. "

"President Gong, I have long admired your name." Lu Qing'an greeted.

"Without these etiquettes, Taoist fellow Taoist bought elixirs this time, why don't you continue to buy elixirs?" The expression on Gong Chuhe's face remained unchanged.

Lu Qing'an realized that there was something wrong. The president of the Alchemist Guild would not be paralyzed.

"High-level elixir, fifth-grade and sixth-grade elixir." Lu Qing'an said, taking out a storage ring containing 10,000 immortal stones and handing it to Gong Chuhe.

Gong Chuhe took the storage ring and only took one look at it. His eyes changed a little, but his face remained unchanged. "Ten thousand immortal stones, all used to buy fifth- and sixth-grade immortal medicine?"

Lu Qingan nodded calmly.

"As expected of the big business you said." Gong Chuhe glanced at He Jingming, then looked at Lu Qing'an and said: "Our guild has a lot of fifth-grade elixirs, but the sixth-grade elixirs are temporarily out of stock and need to be transferred from other cities. Come. If you use it all to buy fifth-grade elixir, you can buy five pieces of this immortal stone."

The average price of a fifth-grade immortal medicine is 20,000 immortal stones per plant.

He Jingming patted Gong Chu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Lao Gong, your business is a bit unkind, at least give me a discount, even if it's for my sake, you have to give me some! "

Gong Chuhe pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, five 굛 and five plants, let's make friends. Fellow Taoist, what do you think?"

Lu Qing'an smiled and said, "Thank you very much, President Gong."

Cooperation achieved.

Soon after, Gong Chuhe arranged for someone to deliver the elixir, and the person who delivered the elixir was Huang Dasheng.

Huang Sheng was still thinking about who was so rich that he could buy so many fifth-grade elixirs. When he saw Lu Qing'an, his scalp became numb.

This senior again! ! !

He smiled bitterly. If he facilitated this business, wouldn't he become a successful person?

However, he knew that his level was not enough and had to be decided by the president, so this senior would go directly to their president to discuss business.

Just as he was thinking this, the next moment, he heard a sentence that shocked him.

After Lu Qingan got his own fifth-grade elixir from Huang Dasheng, he smiled calmly and said: "President Gong, this junior gave me a good feeling. The reason why I have been cooperating with your guild is that he treated me very well at that time. good."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was silence all around.

Huang Sheng's eyes widened even more.

"This little boy is indeed outstanding. I have considered waiting for him to become a fourth-grade alchemist and then be promoted to the general manager of the Alchemist Guild." Gong Chuhe said.

When Huang Sheng heard this, his body trembled slightly and his heart was shocked.

Big benefits are coming!

"Thank you, President, for your love, and thank you for your support, senior!" Huang Dasheng quickly saluted respectfully.

Lu Qingan raised his lips slightly, and he deliberately praised Huang Sheng in front of Gong Chuhe.

Liu Bu Decheng, the general manager, can help him handle some things. If he lets Huang 떚 Sheng become the general manager of the union, there will be one more person to take advantage of.

When Liu Bude saw this, he couldn't help but swallow.

He couldn't help but think of a terrible thing at this moment.

Is it possible that Lu Qingan knew that their president would promote a manager because of a fifth-grade sword, so he sold him a fifth-grade sword? !

The purpose is just to find a way to promote him to become the general manager? !

No, Lu Qingan is now trying to promote another person to be the general manager of another guild!

Isn’t this a good fit?

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