Looking at the masked woman rushing towards him, Lu Qingan has already determined what kind of poison the other party has.

Fortunately, he had been prepared. This poison is not a small thing. Even the strong men in the Moon Sky Realm can be used. It is probably colorless and tasteless, and it will be activated as long as it touches the skin.

At the same time, he also saw that this masked woman had no experience and was a complete rookie.

"With this cultivation and this equipment, there is a 99% chance that she is really the daughter of the city lord! We must stop her quickly, otherwise I will die or I will be skinned alive!"

If a person of this status suffers a big loss in front of him, especially the kind of big loss that girls are most afraid of, I am afraid that he will be dug up by the strong men in the city.

Lu Qingan no longer hides anything and uses all his strength to operate his body skills.

During these days of retreat, he also spent a lot of time practicing his body skills, and has practiced the fifth-grade body skills he bought at the beginning to perfection.

As his body technique was activated, the air beneath his feet shook, and his figure seemed to escape into the dark void. In the blink of an eye, the whole person seemed to disappear and exited the cave.

The masked woman saw that she had missed, and was stunned for a while, then quickly chased out, and activated her body technique. She had also exerted her full strength in the fifth level of Yuexiao Realm to catch up with Lu Qingan.

After leaving the cave, Lu Qingan had a wide field of vision and it was brighter outside. He saw a flash of white light on the chest of the masked woman who continued to chase him.

Obviously, the outline looked just like that, but I didn't expect it to be quite impressive.

Lu Qingan quickly activated his body technique. Even though he was five levels behind in cultivation, his speed was much faster than that of the masked woman.

After retreating to a certain distance, he decisively raised a formation.

He successfully trapped the masked woman who had lost her mind.

The formation was just a second-grade immortal formation, which he had researched in the mortal world. After being modified, it had a more powerful power.

After being trapped, the masked woman attacked the formation frantically, without any rules, relying solely on subconscious attacks, and even without taking out weapons.

So the formation was not broken.

Lu Qingan was calm and took the next step calmly. He took out a bunch of detoxifying pills, shattered them with immortal energy, formed them into mist, and poured them into the formation.

The smooth operation gave people the illusion that he often did this.

The drug mist filled the entire formation, and the attack sound inside gradually became smaller and finally stopped.

About an incense stick later, a woman's voice sounded inside: "Let me out."

Hearing the voice that seemed to have recovered her sanity, Lu Qingan used the formation to remove the drug mist.

The masked woman obviously recovered her sanity, her eyes were no longer red and hot, and her clothes seemed to have been carefully arranged.

"Did you detoxify successfully?" Lu Qingan asked cautiously.

"Yes, thank you, sir..." The masked woman's eyes dodged when she spoke, and there must be a bright red under the mask.

"I was scared to death just now. Fortunately, I kept an absolute distance from you, otherwise I would have suffered a great loss." Lu Qing'an didn't know whether the masked woman had any memory just now, so he hurriedly explained what happened, so as not to let the other party think that he took advantage of her.

If this woman is really the daughter of the city lord, he will stay away from her.

The identity of the city lord's daughter is not simple. She is extremely beautiful, and she is also extremely talented. There is no one in the world.

If you have a relationship with such a woman, then you are simply tired of living.

Another thing is that the city lord's daughter already has a fiancé!

Or the young master of their Huang family!

The last time they had a brief contact, he saw that the young master of the Huang family was a ruthless person, the kind who kills without blinking an eye.

Whoever provokes this young master of the Huang family will definitely not be at peace.

The masked woman took a deep breath and said, "I was careless. I will give you more resources from the inside to show my gratitude."

Lu Qing'an put away the formation. He could see the sincerity of the masked woman and nodded.

The daughter of the city lord must not lack resources. Now it is just a training.

Lu Qing'an was afraid that the other party would come again, so he reminded: "Before going in, remember to be well prepared."

"Okay." The masked woman listened to this and felt more favorable towards Lu Qing'an in front of her. Then her hand flashed, and she could take out a pill out of thin air even though she didn't have a storage ring on her hand.

Lu Qing'an took a look and shook his head secretly.

You are really not afraid of being seen by others.

You can eat any fifth-grade detoxification.

If a strong man with evil intentions sees it, he will probably try to take away all the items on her body.

She is really not experienced in the world.

"I don't believe it can be poisonous!" The masked woman said, and flew directly to the cave.

Lu Qing'an followed slowly.

The two entered the cave again, and it was still quiet at this moment.

The two explored the cave hall first, and didn't see anything good, so they turned their eyes to the next cave.

They walked carefully to a nearby cave, which was full of cobwebs, extremely damp, and full of mold. It was the bedroom of the owner of this cave. The bed had collapsed, and there was nothing good.

They walked to the next cave.

Before entering, Lu Qing'an felt a sharp gaze.

"Retreat!" Lu Qing'an reminded in a deep voice, and quickly moved his body skills.

The masked woman instantly found that Lu Qing'an had disappeared. After a moment of stunned, she also quickly retreated.

She saw two golden vertical pupils suddenly light up in the deep corner, and felt a strong breath,

It seemed to be a fairy beast!

And it was a high-grade fairy beast!

When she left the hall, a pink shadow flew out from the cave and rushed towards her.

Lu Qingan had been staying behind the masked woman, so the fairy beast could only attack the masked woman.

The masked woman had already flashed her immortal sword in her hand, and used a set of sword techniques, with countless sword lights attacking the pink shadow.

However, these sword lights were as fragile as paper under her sharp claws.

"A high-grade immortal beast! Half a step to the lower fourth grade!" the masked woman said in a deep voice.

Lu Qingan could see it, and he also saw the body of the pink immortal beast clearly.

It was a pink fox.

As big as a calf.

And there was a special breath emanating from her body.

This breath seemed to be the source of the toxins in the cave!

It could quickly make people enter that crazy state of desire.

Lu Qingan operated his body techniques very easily, dodging blindly, while the masked woman, under the attack of the immortal beast, half fought and half retreated from the cave.

"So strong! The strength has exceeded the normal tenth-level Yuexiao Realm people! Come and help me!"

The masked woman was getting more and more tired, but she didn't want to escape directly.

If she wanted to escape, she would have a perfect way to get out.

Seeing that she could hold the fairy beast, Lu Qingan said calmly: "Hold on for a while, I'll set up the formation."

Hearing Lu Qingan's calm voice, the masked woman gritted her teeth and continued to concentrate on the battle, choosing to trust Lu Qingan.

Lu Qingan was just talking, he had no formation that could defeat the fairy beast that was about to enter the fourth rank.

The formation that just trapped the masked woman in the dementia state was vulnerable in front of this fairy beast, and it was a waste to set it up.

So, what he did at the moment was to pretend to set up the formation so that the masked woman could not hold on and use her trump card.

That's right, the other party obviously had a stronger trump card, otherwise she would have run away long ago.

"I bet you are the daughter of the city lord." Lu Qingan thought silently.

Half an incense stick passed.

"You haven't done it yet!" The masked woman couldn't hold on and asked hurriedly.

She still didn't suspect that Lu Qingan lied to her.

"Hurry up! Hold on for another half an incense stick!" Lu Qing'an deliberately made his voice sound very anxious.

"No! I can't hold on!" The masked woman had just finished speaking when she was distracted and the fairy beast found her flaw.

"No! Hey!"

She suddenly stopped and sighed in place.


When the fairy beast was about to cut off her head, a strong light strangely burst out from her chest, and the light instantly submerged the fairy beast, causing it to suddenly fly backwards and hit the ground in the distance.

"If my father finds out that this life-saving jade token has one less use, he will definitely blame me again..." The masked woman sighed.

Seeing this, Lu Qing'an hurriedly looked at the fairy beast, and seeing that it was still alive, his eyes lit up.

"Evil beast, die!"

Killing the fairy beast that is about to reach the fourth level should increase his life span by about 20,000 yuan, so it cannot be wasted.

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