Lu Qingan ignored the things behind him. After leaving Wutian Lake, he headed towards the inner gate and Yukong. At this time, the storage ring that Du Feng had just given him appeared in his hand. After a brief inspection, the corners of his lips rose slightly.

"What a coincidence."

A token appeared in his hand with a flash of his fingertips. It was the Shouchi token.

In addition to the one that Bai Lu had given him before, he now had two Shouchi tokens in his hand.

"He is generous. It seems that Du Feng really wants to take in a good disciple." Lu Qingan chuckled. He originally planned to find time to explore Shouchi. Now that he has an extra token, he might as well take this opportunity to go there in advance.

Two tokens can be used to go twice. Once as an inner disciple and Du Feng's personal disciple, and the other time wearing a mask and hiding his identity.

"Anyway, we can go back and practice in the cave, so let's go."

Thinking of this, Lu Qing'an no longer hesitated, and sent a message to Zhen Yongfu to explain that he was going to Shouchi, then turned around, flew with the wind, and headed straight for Shouchi.

He had already learned the location of Shouchi from Xu Qingying, which was located on the east side of Xianjian Sect, where there were heavy guards, and it was naturally visible in a conspicuous place.

"I also gave him five million immortal stones and a seventh-grade immortal sword."

Lu Qing'an had no use for the immortal sword, but it was a gift from Du Feng, so he naturally couldn't abandon it. If Du Feng asked about it in the future, he couldn't say that the sword had been lost.

He put away the storage ring, sped up, and soon came to a strange place.

A living mountain appeared in his sight.

The flaming living mountain stood tall, and thick smoke and dust swirled in the air, like a giant dragon soaring into the sky.

Red magma gushed out from the cracks in the mountain, as if the blood of the earth was surging, and the hot breath swept around.

Around the mountain, a mysterious formation enveloped it, and the runes of the formation flickered like stars, interweaving into a complex barrier.

Outside the formation, dozens of strong men stood, with different cultivations, but each of them exuded a mountain-like pressure. They either held treasures or closed their eyes and adjusted their breath, and their breath was as powerful as the abyss.

Especially one of the white-haired old men, his breath was as hot as the sun, his eyes were like torches, staring at the front of the formation. There was lightning and thunder around him, revealing a majesty and coldness that made people dare not look at him.

Although the monks beside him were all strong, they seemed as small as fireflies next to him.

"The ninth-grade immortal formation protects the longevity pool, and this old man is already a strong man in the early stage of the universe realm."

Lu Qing'an watched from afar and could already sense the old man's powerful pressure.

"It seems that this longevity pool is indeed extremely important to the Immortal Sword Sect."

Lu Qing'an made some preparations in his heart, and then flew forward in the air.

In fact, when he approached the longevity pool, the white-haired old man had already sensed his breath, and his eyes were like lightning, and he had already locked him. The other strong men in the Holy Spirit Realm around him all turned their eyes to him.

Lu Qing'an flew to the front of the formation soon, stepped on the ground, looked around, and saw a huge stone tablet standing at the entrance of the formation, with the word "Shouchi" written on it. The font was thick and simple, with a faint Taoist rhyme flowing, and it was obviously engraved by a master.

"Seniors, I was ordered to come to Shouchi to practice. Here is the token." Lu Qing'an presented the Shouchi token with both hands and handed it to the white-haired old man in the lead with a smile.

The old man examined it for a moment, took the token, and asked calmly: "Routine question, where did this token come from? Reward from the sect, or bought from the outside?"

Lu Qing'an didn't think twice and bowed and replied: "Seniors, it was given by my master Du Feng."

"Oh? Du Feng is your master?" The old man was a little surprised and looked at Lu Qing'an again.

At this time, the middle-aged cultivator of the Holy Spirit Realm on the side suddenly laughed and said: "You are the Wu Ciren, right?"

"You are a real boy."

"As you said, Du Feng really accepted you as a disciple. I heard that you easily defeated Du Weiwei." The middle-aged cultivator smiled.

Upon hearing this, the white-haired old man could not help but look at Lu Qingan again, with a bit of interest in his eyes.

After Lu Qingan exchanged some polite words with several seniors, he was successfully allowed to enter the formation. However, before entering the formation, the white-haired old man pointed to the stone tablet and said, "Touch the stone tablet, and the rules of Shouchi will be automatically transmitted to your sea of ​​consciousness."

Lu Qingan put his palm on the stone tablet as he said, and in an instant, a stream of information flowed into his mind, recording in detail the rules of Shouchi cultivation.

It turned out that this Shouchi was located in a mysterious undercurrent of the Huoshan Mountain. The special vitality born from the Huoshan Mountain was integrated into the undercurrent, so the spring water had a miraculous effect, which could greatly accelerate the progress of cultivation and prolong life.

However, there are strict regulations for Shouchi cultivation:

First, the cultivation time is limited to one day, and how much vitality can be absorbed depends entirely on one's own luck.

First, you cannot try to steal the spring water. When you leave the formation, the formation will monitor it. If you find any theft of spring water, you will bear the consequences.

First, you cannot damage anything inside...


Lu Qingan kept the rules in mind and walked towards the entrance of Huoshan Mountain.

After entering the formation, he found that there were several strong men from the Xianjian Sect guarding the formation. Under their guidance, Lu Qingan walked all the way to a location five thousand miles deep in the mountain, and a huge cave appeared in front of him.

The air in the cave was extremely hot. If there were no cultivators here, they would turn into ashes in an instant. Lu Qingan's immortal energy flowed around his body, protecting his clothes to avoid being burned.

He was led by a guard and finally arrived at a stream-like undercurrent. This undercurrent was about 10 meters long and 1 meter wide. The water flowed out from a cave, meandered along the ground, and disappeared into another cave. There were stone chambers in the middle for monks to meditate and ensure privacy.

Even if they slept inside, people outside could not see them.

"Except for the first one, you can choose any one." The person who led Lu Qingan said.

Lu Qingan thought about it and finally chose the tenth one, the last one.

He was worried that his physique was special and he absorbed the vitality too quickly. If he chose the front one, he might absorb the vitality in the undercurrent too cleanly, which would cause trouble.

It was different in the last one. No matter how much vitality he absorbed, there was no one behind him and he would not be discovered.

Then, under the slightly strange gaze of the guard, Lu Qingan stepped into the last stone chamber.

After closing the door, Lu Qingan looked at the undercurrent flowing by. The water flow was only knee-high, slow and quiet, and he would not be washed away if he sat cross-legged in it.

"Sure enough, the vitality here is rich!"

Before he entered the water, he had already felt the vitality in the air. Once these vitality forces approached him, they seemed to be attracted by something and immediately flowed into his body and were quickly absorbed.

It was like his vitality had wandered around outside and finally found a home, and it entered his body in an instant.

"The vitality in the air alone can actually increase my lifespan by ten days?" Lu Qingan felt it carefully, and his eyes lit up.

He could see that the vitality in the undercurrent was much richer than that in the air.

What would happen if his body came into contact with the undercurrent of the spring water? !

"Very good! Let's get started! Try to increase your lifespan as much as possible, and see if you can improve your cultivation!"

Lu Qing'an took a deep breath, but did not rush to jump into the water. He carefully detected it and confirmed that there was no danger. Then he was too lazy to take off his clothes and jumped forward.

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