"Okay, I will definitely hand over the things of Manager He to that senior." Zhen Yongfu came back from his trance and replied with a smile.

400 million immortal stones!

It was actually 400 million immortal stones!!

He originally thought that the transaction was at most tens of millions of immortal stones, which was already very scary.

Unexpectedly, the transaction amount was ten times higher!

These immortal stones were enough to buy his life!

He Qijin smiled slightly and nodded, "In that case, I will take my leave first. Say hello to that person for me."

Zhen Yongfu nodded in response, watched He Qijin walk out of the banquet hall, and then slowly returned to Lu Qingan. The storage ring was put away, and he would wait until the right time to give it to his good brother.

At this time, Wang Xiaohong and Du Weiwei also sent He Qijin away, and then they both turned their eyes to Zhen Yongfu.

Du Weiwei said with a bit of teasing, "Junior Brother Zhen is really promising. He actually asked Manager He to come to visit in person."

Zhen Yongfu knew that she was testing him, and smiled, "It was just a coincidence that I met a senior and helped Manager He. Don't ask about the rest, Senior Sister."

Du Weiwei had heard about Zhen Yongfu's ability to make friends, so she nodded and said nothing more.

Wang Xiaohong looked at Zhen Yongfu with a deep look.

In his eyes, Zhen Yongfu was much more than an ordinary disciple. The first disciple of the inner sect was nothing in his eyes, but he would not look down on Zhen Yongfu.

Just based on Zhen Yongfu's special physique and his special relationship with Xu Qingying, he was enough to look at him differently.

"By the way, why didn't your senior sister come?" Du Weiwei looked around and suddenly asked. She didn't see Murong Yingxue.

Zhen Yongfu smiled and said, "Maybe he's going to practice, but I'm afraid he can't spare the time. Senior Sister Weiwei, please don't be offended."

"That's right, the practice competition is coming soon, and it's time to sprint hard." Du Weiwei nodded, and then said, "Okay, sit down and talk. The fairy food will be served later, and everyone can have a good drink."

Afterwards, the banquet was arranged by Du Weiwei and proceeded in an orderly manner.

Lu Qing'an has been silent all the time, almost following Zhen Yongfu. Later, he saw Zhen Yongfu surrounded by a group of women, busy dealing with them, and he was too lazy to follow Zhen Yongfu and found a quiet place to stay.

During this period, he saw Xu Qingying glance at him a few times. Yes, she seemed to be bored and looked around, but in fact, every time her eyes would stay on him for a while, and then quickly move away.

She didn't dare to come forward to talk to him at all.

Lu Qing'an just smiled at this, praising Xu Qingying for really following the rules he set at the beginning.

Compared to Xu Qingying who had something to say but didn't dare to come forward to talk to him, Du Weiwei was completely the opposite.

She was open and kept chatting with him, asking about his preferences, food tastes, and even carefully inquiring about his age and mate selection criteria...

Xu Qingying sat quietly next to Du Weiwei. She didn't think anything when she heard Du Weiwei and Lu Qing'an chatting casually before. When she heard Du Weiwei asking Lu Qing'an about his mate selection criteria, her heart tightened instantly, and her smart little ears curled up.

"I like obedient women who are capable of cooperating with me to complete various things." Lu Qing'an smiled and gave a strange answer to Du Weiwei's question.

"Well, this is the first time I've heard of such a request. Martial Dao friends are really different from ordinary people." Du Weiwei smiled.

When Xu Qingying heard this, her heart beat faster and faster, and a certain determination deep inside her gradually became firmer.

Just when the atmosphere was delicate, Wang Xiaohong interrupted and said, "Miss Weiwei, why don't you ask me?"

Du Weiwei glanced at him, and although she was not happy, she had a smile on her face: "What kind of woman does the prince like?"

Wang Xiaohong smiled and said, "Of course, it's a woman like Miss Weiwei, who is gifted, beautiful, and noble!"

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere around him froze instantly, and everyone couldn't help but keep silent.

The smile on Du Weiwei's face froze: "..."

Wang Xiaohong didn't care about this atmosphere, and his smile became brighter: "Why? Am I wrong? Such an outstanding woman, who doesn't yearn for it?"

Although he took the opportunity to praise Du Weiwei, others only thought that this was disgusting.

After Du Weiwei was silent for a while, she simply broke the silence and announced that the fairy food was on the table, quickly advancing the process of the banquet.

When the immortal food was served, a fragrance instantly filled the entire banquet hall.

This was the first time Lu Qingan really saw the so-called immortal food, which was a delicacy made from immortal medicines and precious materials of immortal beasts.

Before eating, he took a detoxifying pill on purpose. After tasting it carefully, it was indeed a peerless delicacy, far better than any food he had ever eaten.

"This immortal food is worth 10,000 immortal stones. Senior Sister Weiwei is really generous!"

"There is one on every table. This is a huge investment!"

"This is just the first dish, there will be more to come!"

"Don't you see whose property this Zuixianlou belongs to? The Du family is one of the top wealthy families in Wangxu City!"

Lu Qingan had already learned about the Du family from Zhen Yongfu and Xu Qingying.

In modern times, Du Weiwei is a typical white, rich and beautiful woman.

The aura of being rich, beautiful, and extremely talented made her a favorite object for everyone.

"Everyone, take your time to eat. There will be three dishes of immortal food on each table! Tonight, we will have a good time!" Du Weiwei stood up, raised her glass to the people around her, and then drank the immortal wine in one gulp.

Everyone responded, and the atmosphere reached a climax.

After eating and drinking, many people began to enter the next program.

That is the competition.

Many geniuses want to show off their strength in this kind of scene.

So they pulled their friends to the stage to compete.

Although the stage is not big, it is actually a different world. After going up, a black hole appeared and sucked the two people into the black hole instantly.

Then a formation light screen floated in the air, and the scene of the two people fighting appeared on the light screen.

This stage is a special fairy formation!

More and more people went up to compete, and the formation light screens floated in the air.

Lu Qingan looked at this scene, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It felt like watching a movie in his previous life.

At this time, Wang Xiaohong suddenly smiled at Lu Qingan and said, "Martial Arts Friend, your combat power during the test was amazing. Why don't you go up and show it? I can let my realm be lowered to the first level of Xuanguang Realm to fight with you."

He didn't mean to hate Lu Qingan, he just wanted to see with his own eyes whether Lu Qingan really had such a special ability.

Xuanguang Realm first level, tenth place in the inner door list, he was also surprised when he first heard it.

His words immediately attracted the attention of Du Weiwei and others.

Lu Qingan looked at Wang Xiaohong, and before he had time to speak, he heard Du Weiwei smiling and saying.

"Why don't I come to compete with martial arts friend in person, and I will also reduce my realm to the first level of Xuanguang Realm, how about it?"

Du Weiwei had a very bad impression of Wang Xiaohong. At this moment, she felt that Wang Xiaohong could not mess with Lu Qingan, so it would be better for her to come out in person and compete with Lu Qingan.

Of course, she also had private wishes.

That is to compare with Lu Qingan to see if she is also behind Lu Qingan in cultivation talent.

After all, she has already lost to Lu Qingan in cultivation.

"Alright." Wang Xiaohong nodded with a smile, then looked at Lu Qingan and said: "Martial Dao friend, you can't refuse the invitation of a beauty."

Lu Qingan did not intend to refuse, he came here to show himself.

Otherwise, how to attract Du Feng to accept him as a disciple?

As the disciple of the person in charge of the Xianjian Sect's advanced longevity tower, he naturally has more opportunities to enter the advanced longevity tower than others.

So, Lu Qingan smiled indifferently and replied: "Of course I won't refuse."

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