Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 888: Ah so fast

"Humph, Ximenyu!"

"Wow!" Iron fans joined together.

Everyone looked at God Man's hand, just as Xi Menyu said, God Man's hand held the iron fan in his hand for a moment, and just closed again with a clatter, his face full of anger.

An elder said: "Okay, saint, your iron fan is also lost. It's uncomfortable even I saw it!"


"Ah, this Ximenyu is really too unpredictable, even if he wants to show respect, he can't say that to you. This kind of person really slaps, Saint Man, seeing Ximenyu's tone, I especially hope that you can be ruthless He taught him a lesson. Otherwise, he will really become more and more ignorant." The elder said.

God's Saint Male's fists clenched tightly: "I will definitely, Ximenyu, you wait for me."

At this moment, the elders of the Temple of the Lord very much wanted people of the same rank to teach him fiercely, so that Ximen Yu could remember, otherwise Ximen Yu would always belittle others.

"Thank you, Ximenyu, I hope you can defeat the Holy Man."

"You're welcome!"

After finishing the interview, Ximenyu stretched out.

After interviewing Ximen Yu, the CCTV reporters went to interview Saint God.

"Hello, God Saint Male, we are CCTV reporters. Can I interview you?"

The Divine Saint Male was originally unwilling to be interviewed by any reporter, but they have just interviewed Ximen Yu, so the Divine Saint Male revenge and immediately accepted the interview of the Chinese reporter.

"of course can!"

"Wow!" As soon as the iron fan opened, the handsome man of God's handsome hand gently fanned himself with one hand behind his back, and he seemed very calm and calm. It was really cool.

Ximenyu also saw it, but the group of people who didn't expect the temple of God was in his tent ten meters away, leaning on it.

Although Ximenyu didn't go over, he also listened to what the Sacred Boy of God said to the reporters in China.

A CCTV reporter asked: "Holy Man, God, you look confident! It seems so calm."

God Saint Man smiled and said: "I haven't been defeated in my life. Ximenyu can't do it. Once I have met more famous and talented people than Ximenyu. I really didn't care about it! Oh, thank you."

A CCTV reporter asked: "Have you ever known this man Ximenyu?"

God's Holy Man said: "No, there is nothing to understand. I only need to know two. The first is human, the second is of the same rank. But unfortunately, I have some doubts about the first, human!"

"Uh! How do you say that?" the reporter asked regretfully.

God’s Holy Man shook his head and said, “It means me. I have some doubts about the fact that Ximenyu is a human being, because I don’t think Ximenyu’s behavior is in the category of human beings. The decisive battle has no effect, whether he is human or not!"

The Huaxia reporter was a little unhappy and asked, "God Saint Man, don't you think that Ximenyu is a bit like that?"

God's Holy Man said: "I'm sorry, I'm a straight talker, I always speak straight."

"In your mind, what kind of person do you think Ximenyu is?"

God's male face flashed a bit, and then smiled: "Two words can summarize him!"

"Which two words?"


The CCTV reporter's face changed, and Ximen Yu naturally heard it, but Xi Menyu didn't have any anger, but just smiled slightly.

"You scolded him brute, is this?"

"If it were not a beast, how could he take tens of thousands of lives, he was a beast, and Ximenyu was a beast. The purpose of my decisive battle with him this time was to cut the beast of Ximenyu in front of the people of the United States. Kill to avenge the 30,000 dead compatriots."

A CCTV reporter asked uncomfortably: "Oh, you are so confident in yourself. Have you ever understood Mr. Ximenyu? He may not be as good as you think!"

Divine Saint male said with a curse: "Chinese people, where else can they be strong!"

The CCTV reporter wanted to be angry, but did not get angry, so he said: "Well, thank you for your cooperation."

The Huaxia reporter ended the interview with the God Saint.

After turning around, they secretly said: "Ignorant people, hope that senior Ximenyu will kill him ruthlessly!"

Ximenyu looked at the time, and half an hour before the official war.

Around Potan Lake, various TV stations have already prepared for the entire live broadcast.

At the moment, thousands of households in the United States are guarding in front of the TV. The scenes of Ximenyu and God Saint-Man who just interviewed naturally saw them.

The same is true for China. Although it is already late at night in China, many families are still watching TV, waiting to see the most exciting scene.

No matter the audience at Potan Lake or the audience in front of tens of millions of televisions, nobody spoke at the moment of life and death.

At the huge Potan Lake scene, although there were many people, there was no voice to speak. His eyes were fixed on Potan Lake, and he seemed to hear everyone's heartbeat.

"Ximenyu, come on!"

"God saint male, kill Ximenyu, the beast, the warrior, the war criminal, kill it!"

Everyone shouted in their hearts.

For the American people, what they most want to see is that God the Holy Man, like God, judges Ximenyu, imposes death penalty on Ximenyu, and makes Ximenyu responsible for 30,000 dead.

Time passed by one minute and one second, constantly approaching the number of twelve o'clock.

The Holy Man in his tent closed his eyes tightly, adjusted his mindset, and prepared for the final sitting.

And Xi Menyu didn't feel nervous or stressed. For him, he didn't know how many times he had a decisive battle in life and death. The whole live broadcast was the third time, so the psychological quality was completely different. Which is like the Holy Man of God, closed his eyes to adjust his mind.

"Finally you did someone else's P.3, I also know that it is not because of love, the city's night is so splendid, but without you by your side...!" Listen carefully, Xi Menyu even hummed an old-fashioned one softly song.

Finally, the time came, the noon sun rose to the highest point, the sun was so brilliant.

However, it was already twelve o'clock, and everyone discovered that Ximenyu and God Saint Male did not appear.

"what happened?"

Ximenyu sat unhurriedly, and Ximenyu had to wait for God Saint Male to fly out first.

"Holy man, time is up!" the elder reminded in a tent.

"Ah, no, it's twelve o'clock so quickly!" God's Holy Man quickly opened his eyes.

The elder said: "Holy man, you are too nervous, relax, relax! Alas."

Several elders also sighed for a while, and the Holy Man did not know that the time was up. After reminding him, he was nervous and said: Ah, so fast.

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