

Or silence.

Everyone looked at the rabbit master who was running around excitedly, and there was a collective silence.

Their boss can come out, they can understand, after all, this is how they are opened, the rabbit master can come out, they really can't understand.

0.01% chance, is it so good?

And this 0.01% chance is still the chance of the summoner exploding, how can the rabbit master not look like a summoner!

They can't take it!!

Qian Xiaoye calmed the shock in his heart and said to Rabbit Ye, "Show me."

"Wait." Rabbit Ye ran to the treasure chest, took out the only book in the treasure chest, and then ran to Qian Xiaoye and handed it to Qian Xiaoye.

Qian Xiaoye took the skill book and looked at the crocodile head in a cowboy hat, and he began to check the effect.

【Crocodile Summoning Skill Book】Skill Type: Summoning

New Beast Quality: Orange

Learning Requirements: Summoner

Learning Times: 1

Skill Effect: Can summon a western crocodile

king named 'Crocodile'.

Cooldown: None.

Introduction: A skill created by the Crocodile Soul, after learning, the Crocodile will directly sign a coexistence contract with the summoner; This ability can coexist with the Western Crocodile King Summoning skill.


"How?" Rabbit Ye looked at the silent Qian Xiaoye and couldn't help but ask.

Qian Xiaoye nodded and gave a thumbs up to Rabbit Ye, "Bull's!" "

Hahahahahaha..." The rabbit master's laughter sounded again at this moment.

After Qian Xiaoye smiled convincedly, he learned the crocodile summoning skill book in his hand.

After laughing, Rabbit Ye walked up to Qian Xiaoye and asked, "Do you continue to drive?" "

On." Qian Xiaoye continued: "After you open it, I will open a treasure chest at will. "

He's not going to open the Red Random Summoning Skill Chest today.

Rabbit Ye this luck, he did not dare to open.

He didn't dare to open it, but he still had to open a treasure chest, but he couldn't waste the number of miracle hands.

Rabbit Ye was slightly stunned, then thought of something, and responded: "Okay! Watching

the rays of light rush out, Qian Xiaoye silently took out an orange random summoning skill treasure chest.

It didn't take long for Rabbit Master to finish opening the remaining 21 treasure chests.

Maybe when he opened the first orange chest, he ran out of luck, so he didn't open anything good for the next 21 chests.

In the second orange treasure chest, he also opened a purple light.

Seeing the purple light, Qian Xiaoye was still quite satisfied, and he was afraid that the rabbit master who was swallowed by luck would open a yellow light.

Rabbit Ye looked at the purple light that rushed out of the last orange treasure chest, he didn't feel sad, and even said to Qian Xiaoye excitedly: "Xiaoyezi, I'm done!"

Qian Xiaoye pointed to the unopened treasure chest and said to the rabbit master: "Put the treasure chest away, and then I will open the last one."

"Okay!" Rabbit Ye jumped and began to collect the treasure chest.

When the rabbit master was collecting the treasure chest, Qian Xiaoye said to Xiao Gu, who had not yet slowed down: "Wake up!" Give me all the contents of the chest!

"It's not scientific, it's really unscientific!" Xiao Gu shook her head as she walked, she couldn't accept it!

"It's worthy of being a rabbit master!" Ye Xiu smiled and began to sort out the equipment.


After one person said a word, he expressed his feelings, and then began to organize the items.

While they were sorting out their items, Qian Xiaoye also put the red random summoning skill chest and 5 orange treasure chests into his backpack.

Not long after, everyone who had sorted out their things looked towards their boss.

Qian Xiaoye didn't let them wait longer, and after doing a box-opening ceremony on the side, he released the miracle hand and headed towards the treasure chest in front of him.

With a bang, the orange light shot up into the sky without accident.

Rabbit Ye looked at this scene, appeared directly next to the treasure chest, looked in, looked at the green avatar, he frowned slightly, "Goblin? "

Orange goblins?" When Qian Xiaoye heard this, he looked in curiously, looking at the one-eyed cowboy-style goblin, and he was silent.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the skill book and began to check it.

【One-Eyed Goblin Gun Fighter

Summoning Skill Book】Skill Type: Summoning New Beast Quality: Orange

Learning Requirements: Summoner Learning

Times: 1

Skill Effect:

Can summon a One-Eyed Goblin Gun Fighter.

Cooldown: 6 hours

Introduction: The One-Eyed Goblin Gun Fighter is a famous one-eyed machine gun master of the Goblin family, and each of them is a good gun...

"That's true." The corners of Qian Xiaoye's mouth rose, and he learned the one-eyed goblin gun fighter summoning skill book in his hand.

Rabbit Ye looked at Qian Xiaoye, who opened his eyes, and asked curiously, "Is it a goblin?" "

One-eyed Goblin Gun Fighter." As Qian Xiaoye spoke, with a flick of his small hand, thirty summoning formations quickly condensed around him.

Rabbit Ye looked at the thirty one-eyed goblins holding various firearms who appeared in front of him with confused eyes, and was surprised: "Guns! Machine gun!

After the rabbit master exclaimed, he asked Qian Xiaoye: "Can we take these guns?"

"Like the great sword of night cultivation, it is one with itself." Qian Xiaoye shook his head with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the goblin who began to stir and shouted, "Lie down!" With

a bang, the thirty goblins instantly lay neatly on the ground, unable to move.

Long Chao, who was lying on the side, looked at this scene and yawned: "It doesn't feel good!" "

Weak chicken." Locke disdained this group of goblins.

"Not really." After Qian Xiaoye looked at their talents and qualities, with a wave of his small hand, thirty goblins disappeared in place.

"Okay." Qian Xiaoye looked at everyone, "Today the unpacking is over, we will open it in five days."



Five days later.

Miracle Star.

The crowd gathered again in the small courtyard.

Qian Xiaoye took out 52 treasure chests again and said to everyone: "Do any of you want to try it?"

Everyone looked at each other and collectively said to Qian Xiaoye: "Think!" "

A few days ago, after they saw the luck of the rabbit master against the sky, they couldn't bear it.

"Uh..." Qian Xiaoye looked at the shouting people, was silent for two seconds, and then said with a smile: "Okay!"

"One person randomly has three treasure chests, whoever opens the summoning skill book, I will open another orange treasure chest for you!"

He doesn't have much red and orange, but he still has some vaults for other quality treasure chests.

After all, in the past five days, he has brushed a lot of secret realms.

Qian Xiaoye asked Rabbit Ye and Ye Xiu to distribute treasure chests to everyone in front of and behind, and then he and Rabbit Ye began to watch their performance.

Rabbit Ye was cool last time, so this time he didn't get involved.

Qian Xiaoye sat on the round stool, watching the rays of light rushing out from the treasure chest, listening to their screams, calmly picked up the juice on the side and took a sip, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

This feeling of a big family is really good!

Not bad is good, but unfortunately luck did not stand on the side of the night cultivators, they were all destroyed, and none of them issued a summoning skill book.

"The summoning skill book is really not so easy to open, I opened hundreds of treasure chests to open this one..." Rabbit Ye looked at the few people with a lost expression and began to 'seriously' talk about his box-opening experience.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the rabbit master who was speaking, and shook his head with a smile.

Seeing that everyone did not interrupt the rabbit master, he was not in a hurry, and calmly listened to the rabbit master's interesting speech.

Soon after, when Rabbit Ye finished speaking, he put down the juice he drank in his hand and said, "It's time for me to perform." "

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