Chu Mengyao and Chen Yushu have always shared a room, with a large bed, and they have been sleeping in a bed inseparable for ten years, if outsiders, seeing such a situation, they really think that these two are lilies.

But unfortunately, although I had the absurd experience of marrying a man as a wife when I was a child, the sexual orientation of the two women is still very normal.

“Sister Yaoyao, you sleep with me first tonight, I will go to the meeting net.” Chen Yushu said to Chu Mengyao.

Both women belong to people who don’t play games and only play QQ and the like, so so far they are sharing a computer, chatting this kind of thing, but mobile phones are more convenient, so there is only one computer in the room.

Chu Mengyao nodded, and went to bed, but it seemed that although she was lying down, in fact, Chu Mengyao was not asleep at all, in the dim room, looking sideways at the bracelet on her wrist and stunned

Chen Yushu, on the other hand, is constantly looking for news about the strange thief Kidd on the search website, especially today, Xiao Yu, although he accepted the two challenges related news.

The news of the strange thief Kidd on domestic websites is still limited to the beginning of the case after he came to China, that is, after he began to steal Chu Pengzhan’s Cixi Buddha beads, and there is very little content available on the Internet about the action cases before that.

Just when Chen Yushu flipped through for nearly an hour, all about to give up, he suddenly found a website called “Monster Thief Kidd’s Official Fan Group”, curious, Chen Yushu entered a little, and found that a large wallpaper of Monster Thief Kidd was used as the background, and there was a Q version of Kidd’s avatar logo at the end of each teaser letter on the left.

Looking further to the right, Chen Yushu found that this is just Kidd’s ** fan site, that is, a sub-site, and there are websites in the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western countries.

The terminus is an American website, because that’s where the monster thief Kidd first operated.

Chen Yushu found that there were exactly what he wanted to find about the strange thief Kidd’s before and after actions, and there were every one of them, many of which were obtained through translation from foreign Kidd fan websites.

It can be said that the fan network is a place where Kidd fans around the world can communicate together regardless of language factors.

Chen Yushu even found some live Kidd videos taken by fans, but they were not very clear.

I am afraid that this article is endless, Chen Yushu chose the third and ninth times that he paid attention to, and entered from the third crime point first.

“The third action of the monster thief Kidd, which took place in the British capital London, was also one of his fame battles, on June 7, British billionaire Tom Corion Harus challenged the monster thief Kidd, in newspapers and on the Internet, as well as every day to claim that he would take out his collection’s superb emerald gemstone ring, for the conditions of fighting the monster thief Kidd.”

Chen Yushu read carefully, and the agreed time for the fight was decided by the rich man, and at the end of that month, he put the ring in the underground vault of his villa, but he was easily succeeded by the strange thief Kidd.

“Kidd the Monster Thief solves the sky-high painting puzzle above the sky, perfectly demonstrating the flying skills of the gliding wing, and the dexterity is better than that of a helicopter.”

This is the ninth case of fighting with helicopters on top of skyscrapers.

Known as the most shocking scene of the strange thief Kidd’s current show, the classic jump from the roof, when it fell to half the height, the scene of suddenly running away with a gliding wing is regarded as a classic scene by many Kidd fans.

When it was still in the United States, the strange thief Kidd jumped from the top of the skyscraper, head down, as if he was going to commit suicide.

He put his hands in his pockets, laughed loudly and maniacally, and landed about a hundred meters away in a burst of screams, and suddenly the gliding wings behind him unfolded and flew towards the full moon in the air.

Known as the most classic scene in the hearts of Kidd fans, I don’t know when, Chen Yushu involuntarily watched the clip of less than a minute dozens of times, and then suddenly reacted back and went to business.

“By the way, by the way, treasure, my treasure…”

Chen Yushu seems that after those two reports, he has made up his mind to challenge the monster thief Kidd.

But the number one problem was that she couldn’t think of any treasures she had to attract Kidd.

According to the estimate, the things taken out by the two rich businessmen were more than two million US dollars, that is, more than 15 million Chinese dollars!

This…… It seems to be more than the money I spent since birth.

Not to mention her Chen Yushu, even the entire Chen family, it is impossible to take out fifteen million casually.

“Alas… I want to think, I want to think. ”

Chen Yushu kept scratching his head like a little monkey, carefully thinking about what treasures he had.

Chen Yushu has not worn much jewelry since she was a child, let alone tens of millions of peerless jewelry, she wears hair accessories but not more than 10,000, there are not a few jewelry on her body, there are a lot of expensive clothes, but how can Kidd be attracted to clothes?

“Or… I’ll buy one tomorrow with pocket money? Chen Yushu suddenly thought, but then felt that this idea was not reliable.

Her pocket money lasted only two or three million, and according to Kidd’s fan website, the estimated value of the treasure stolen by the monster thief Kidd was not less than 10 million.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Yushu’s eyes rolled around, if Chu Mengyao saw this look, he knew that this girl must be playing some bad idea again.

“Okay, that’s it, but I didn’t send the message… Tieba or Weibo…”

After thinking for a long time, Chen Yushu felt that he still had the most say in the school forum, after all, his own school flower! When the time comes, first fire in the forum and then alarm, the media, so that you can attract the strange thief Kidd!

PS: No one voted for anything in this book, ask for it here, flowers, evaluation votes those, although it seems that there is none, but it is also an encouragement to the author.

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