Although Liu Ziche didn't understand what was going on, it didn't mean she didn't do anything.

From the previous situation, she can basically conclude that this blue liquid from the heart of the beast can be taken by infected mutants. So there will be syncope, convulsions, foaming and other reactions. Nowadays, everyone's constitution has changed, and we can no longer make judgments based on previous medical knowledge. We must re-measure and master the data of various indicators of the human body.

She found the watch, small notepad, pen and portable blood pressure monitor from the backpack that she had thrown at the bottom of the backpack, first measured the heartbeat, blood pressure and other data for Feng Qingran, and compared these with the blue The dosage and time of color liquid consumption are all recorded in detail. After that, Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng followed. After the measurement was completed, they measured and recorded everyone present.

Feng Qingran curiously asked Liu Ziche what was the use of doing this.

Seeing that everyone in the cave was also curious, Liu Ziche said: "From the previous reaction, this blue liquid is easy to evaporate and absorb. The absorption time, and then according to the different reactions of the human body, it may be possible to calculate the dosage." She paused and said, "Also, there are seventeen people in the cave, and their heartbeats and blood pressure are not at normal values. I have to measure you all. The value in your current state of health, when you are ill or injured in the future, so that I can determine your physical condition."

Feng Qingran glanced at the gold Rolex watch Liu Ziche had just put on his wrist, and then glanced at Liu Ziche, secretly curious. She has been with Liu Ziche for so many days, and she has never seen Liu Ziche worry about her parents and family. Liu Ziche's family background should be quite good, it is unlikely that Mo Qingqing has no relatives to worry about, but it is a bit similar to Wu Mengmen's work, which makes their parents relatively safe.

But Liu Ziche didn't say anything, Feng Qingran was just curious in her heart and didn't ask more.

Feng Qingran was not sure that after Zhan Zhengxi escaped, he would bring someone over to kill the carbine. Wu Mengmeng and Mo Qingqing were not awake, and the wind was about to pick up. At this time, if they changed their bases, it would be more dangerous, so they could only strengthen their vigilance.

After she arranged the vigil, she checked the situation of the team and made sure that the team members were all in good condition, so that everyone could hurry up and rest.

Tomorrow morning the team will leave at 7:00, they have to get up early to prepare.

Liu Ziche started recording every half an hour, and then woke up every hour to check on Feng Qingran, Mo Qingqing, and Wu Mengmeng, and make a measurement record.

When she got up at two o'clock in the night to measure, she saw Mo Qingqing actually digging into the quilt next to her, covering Mo Qingqing's nose and mouth, and woke Mo Qingqing.

He tugged at the military blanket on Wu Mengmeng's body, covered it with the blanket and continued to sleep.

Liu Ziche closed the small book and finished work, ready to sleep peacefully.

She lay down for less than two minutes, Wu sat up dully, rubbed his eyes, looked around, and found the sniper, sniper, The gun, she checked the gun and ammunition first, and asked vaguely, "Momo, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Mo Qingqing turned over and muttered, "Don't go."

Wu muttered "Oh", found a tissue from his backpack, and walked out of the cave with a gun.

Feng Qingran opened his eyes and stared at Wu Mengmeng who was walking out with a gun, and asked Liu Ziche, "Are they all right?"

Liu Ziche said weakly, "I think they are in better condition than me." She lay back again. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard a "bang" gunshot not far away, followed by everyone in the cave who woke up, got up, and picked up their weapons.

Mu Xiyan asked: "Of course, what happened? Why did you shoot? Is there another robber?"

Feng Qingran said, "Mom, don't panic. Uncle Lin, Momo, let's go have a look."

The wind outside the cave has stopped. Compared with the chaotic situation of the past few nights, it is very quiet outside now, and almost no human footsteps can be heard.

Feng Qingran held the green scales in her left hand and the flashlight in her right hand. She walked to the entrance of the cave and saw the bright light outside, so she turned off the flashlight. As soon as she got out of the cave, she saw Wu Mengman coming back with a gun. She asked, "What happened?"

Wu said, "I killed a beast." She pointed in the direction and said, "If you want, hurry up and move." .

Feng Qingran estimated the time and estimated that Wu Mengmeng didn't have time to go to the toilet. She, Mo Qingqing, and Lin Lin walked in the direction Wu Mengmeng pointed. After walking for about thirty or forty meters, they saw a lizard-like beast lying motionless in the grass. Its height is nearly one meter, and its body length is about three or four meters. It was covered with thick scales that looked like a layer of moss. Its limbs are thick and powerful, and its sharp teeth protrude from its lips like a row of sharp daggers of various sizes.

Feng Qingran knew it was definitely a carnivore by looking at its teeth and powerful jaw. Judging from the size of the beast, she estimated it to be a ton. Fortunately, there are many of them, seventeen of them, and there is no problem in moving a two thousand catty beast.

She was worried that there were other beasts lurking in the grass outside, so she quickly asked Mo Qingqing to go back and ask Han Beichen and the others to move the beasts.

Mo Qingqing ran very fast, and in less than two minutes, Han Beichen, Liang Sitong, Xia Yuting, Bai Ling, and Cuihua all came out.

Mo Qingqing's broken arm hadn't grown yet, and it was inconvenient to move, so she stood on the spot with the horn on guard.

Two or three minutes later, Wu Mengmeng came back, she said hello to Mo Qingqing, then climbed to the rockery and hid in the grass, condescendingly to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Wu was alert, and everyone felt more at ease, and carried the beast back to the cave without much effort.

The size of this beast is not wide, and the body can be bent just after death, so it is not too troublesome to enter the cave. Han Beichen and Lin Lin pulled their thighs in front of them, Liang Sitong and the others held their tails in the back and pushed them in, pushing the giant beast into the cave.

The beast was killed by Wu Mengmeng with a gun in the eye at close range, and it is very well preserved.

Everyone was so happy to see such a beast.

Liu Ziche asked Mo Qingqing, "Are you still eating hearts?" She could collect data again.

Mo Qingqing glanced at Liu Ziche, hesitated, and nodded. She asked Feng Qingran for green scales and cut open the belly of the beast to take the heart.

There is a layer of soft abdominal scales under the belly of the beast.

Feng Qingran saw that everyone's clothes were quite tattered, and said, "While I have time, quickly peel off its scales and make some clothes."

Liang Sitong, Han Beichen, Cuihua and the others quickly gathered around the beast and got busy. Liang Sitong took Xia Yuting to start peeling from the front legs, Han Beichen and Bai Ling started to peel from the back legs, Cuihua, Xia Qiaoer, Shui Lan, and Fang Lianrong peeled off some of the skin on their belly and cut the meat and packed them.

Feng Qingran asked Liu Ziche: "What time?"

Liu Ziche said: "Two o'clock."

Feng Qingran asked: "Can you be sure how long it will take to wake up after taking the heart?"

Liu Ziche said: "It's hard to say what you said. It was estimated that the two of them took six hours, and it was under the condition that they did not exceed the previous dose. I am not sure yet that they will reduce the dose, will they take it? Won't wake up early."

Feng Qingran said: "Little Mo, we have to go with the big team in the morning. I'm worried that you won't be able to wake up in time after taking the blue liquid. Our team currently needs to bring as much food as possible, You and Mengmeng are awake, we can bring food for two more people, and if you both faint, we have to separate two more people to carry you. You put your heart away and take it when you rest at night. "

Mo Qingqing felt that Feng Qingran was right, so she nodded in agreement. She took out the blue heart, put it in her backpack, and returned the blue scales to Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran said to Liu Ziche, "We all slept for about six or seven hours. You haven't had a good night's rest, so hurry up and get some sleep." After she finished speaking, she helped everyone Deal with the beast together.

Liang Sitong and the others moved quickly, and it didn't take long to peel off the animal skin.

The belt is scaled, and it is very heavy to start, but the thick scales appear very strong. He tried to spread the scale skin on the stone table, and stabbed it with a dagger. The dagger pierced the scales, and the texture was like poking on metal. Except for a trace of the green skin, it did not cause any damage.

Feng Qingran visually inspected the size of the scales and said, "It should be enough for three vests and several sets of protective gear."

She and Mo Qingqing have jackal leather coats, and Wu Mengmeng has animal skins, so they don't need scale armor at present. Lin Lin, Liang Sitong, Cuihua and their clothes were so rotten that they almost turned into strips of cloth. Considering that Cuihua and the others were not suitable for rushing to the front line, she gave priority to the main combat powers such as Forestry and Liang Sitong.

Forestry and Liang Sitong did not refuse, thank Xiang Fengqing and began to make vests.

There are no conditions at this time, only the fascia under the skin can be scraped clean, and then the green scales of Feng Qingran take out a hole in the middle of the leather armor enough for the head to go in, and then hang the scale skin On the body, cut a piece of belt from the animal skin and tie the scale armor around the waist and it's done. They made some neck guards, arm guards, knee guards, and wrist guards from the remaining scraps. There is a lot of leftover material, and the scales covering the legs can be made into wrist guards. The material is still sufficient, and several sets of protective gear have been made.

Although the scales are a little heavy on the body, for them, it does not affect their activities, but they feel a lot more secure.

The leg meat of the beast hunted yesterday also had hides on it.

Feng Qingran gave the two leg skins to Cuihua and the others, and asked them to put them away and make some shoes or protective gear. Cuihua and the others got four sets of protective gear and two pieces of animal skins. They were very happy and thanked Feng Qingran and Wu Mengmen again and again.

The prey was hunted by Wu Mengmeng. Seeing that Wu Mengmeng had nothing, they looked at Wu Mengmeng a little worriedly and said, "How about we give this to Miss Wu?"

Wu Mengmeng quickly shook her head. "I don't need to get close to the beast. Wearing the protective gear affects my head shot," she said.

After all this, it is already dawn.

Feng Qingran went to Liu Ziche's side and looked at the time on her watch. Seeing that it was almost six o'clock, she woke Liu Ziche up and said, "Everyone, check your luggage again. , we're ready to go." She asked Wu Mengmeng again, "Are you sure you don't carry some meat?"

Wu shook his head. She had food in her backpack, stuffed raw meat in it, and it would be bad if the blood on it seeped into the magazine.

The author has something to say:Wu Mengmeng: I just wanted to go to the toilet, and I almost fed the beast, which scared me to death.

Mo Qingqing: I didn't see it.


At the end of the month, the nutrient solution will be cleared.

Seek nutrient solution.

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