The flock of birds was stimulated by the group of people, and hovered in the sky for a while, until the sun slanted westward and flew back to the nest one after another.

The golden afterglow spreads all over the world, and the surroundings are silent.

Mo Qingqing, Feng Qingran and the others watched carefully and confirmed again and again that the birds had all returned to their nests and no longer quietly stared outside to search for their traces, so they rushed back.

Because they were trapped for half an afternoon when they encountered a flock of birds, they had no time to hunt any more, so they could only face the sunset and take advantage of this rare quiet time to rush back at the fastest speed.

The hospital they came to is beyond the range of the shelter where everyone is looking for supplies. The sharp grass, the stems and leaves of the plants cut many fine wounds on their bodies. Although the wounds are not deep, the **** wounds all over the body look a little scary. What is even more worrying is that the smell of blood is very likely. will lead the beast out.


Mo Qingqing found a steel bar on the road and held it as a weapon, followed Feng Qingran and walked quickly. She was so hungry that her eyes were green, and she could eat raw meat without hesitation. Thinking of the bird cubs in her backpack, she was drooling with greed, thinking to herself, "When I get back to the camp, the first thing I will do is kill the bird cubs and eat them."

Suddenly, there was a faint rustling sound in the grass ahead, and it seemed that something was hidden in the grass.

She was alert, and quickly stopped to look around, and saw them coming to the intersection of an avenue, and there was a shopping mall next to it. The car stuck on the road had long been trampled by the passing large animals, and slanted on the road, and then covered it with plants. The smell of plants in the air mixes with the smell of rotting corpses and the smell of blood.

Feng Qingran saw Mo Qingqing stop, looked around nervously, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mo Qingqing heard the voice from the other side. The voice was very soft, and it seemed that something was approaching. Gao was fine, blocking her view, she couldn't see anything.

Forestry took out his axe and stood beside Mo Qingqing, staring vigilantly at the place where the sound came.

Shui Lan, Fang Lianrong, and Han Beichen hurriedly gathered around them, each holding the steel bars in their hands and looking around.

Mo Qingqing picked up a cement block and threw it hard in the direction from which the voice came.

The cement block fell, and the sound of a grass swaying suddenly came from the front.

Mo Qingqing's heart instantly mentioned her throat: "There are beasts."

In the wild, she doesn't think she can outrun each other when she encounters a beast, and she will definitely die faster if she runs away. Standing on the spot, waiting for the beast to pounce, the beast has already pinpointed her position, and it is likely to be a hit. When the beast moves, so does she, which is better than standing still.

After Mo Qingqing made up her mind, she picked up a few more cement blocks and threw them into the sounding grass, and then lifted the steel bar towards the sounding sounding block closest to her. Place rushed over.

When Feng Qingran saw Mo Qingqing rushing out suddenly, he was in a hurry, and quickly called everyone: "Follow up." Grasp the green scales tightly and run forward behind Mo Qingqing.

Mo Qingqing ignored the sawgrass that was cutting her hot and painful. She jumped into the grass and saw a man about two meters high that looked a bit like a dog and a bit like a wolf The beast appeared before him. When she saw the beast, the beast saw her too, the grass pushed aside, and when she and the beast saw each other, they were less than one meter apart.

The beast roared, raised its claws and rushed towards her.

She jumped up and stabbed the steel bar in her hand to meet the eyes of the pounced beast. The steel bar was inserted into its eye socket, not more than half a meter deep, and the beast's claws pressed against her shoulder. The heavy weight made her unsteady on her feet and she fell down. The grass behind her is thick enough to cushion her.

Not moving. She was crushed by the beast and buried under her body. The beast's head was directly above her with the steel bar on it, and the blood from the eyes dripped all over her face.

Forestry also arrived at this time, swung the axe and struck the back of the beast's neck, only to find that the beast did not move. He and Han Beichen, who came later, pushed the beast away and pulled Mo Qingqing up.

As soon as they pulled Mo Qingqing up, they heard noises from the surrounding grass, and it seemed that many wild animals were rapidly approaching.

Mo Qingqing also heard it, she wiped the blood on her face, pulled out the steel bar stuck in the eyes of the beast, jumped on the corpse of the beast on the ground, and looked at a beast that was rushing over , jumped up, and stabbed the steel bar in his hand into its eyes.

She jumped into the air and threw herself.

When the beast saw her, it jumped up and bit her.

She and the beast jumped almost at the same time, one person and one beast jumped into the air at the same time.

The steel bar in Mo Qingqing's hand was empty, she immediately threw the steel bar, hugged the beast's neck, her left arm tightly restrained its belly, and her legs moved towards its With a kick on his body, he rolled over and landed on its back.

The beast fell to the ground and immediately rolled on the spot, intending to overwhelm Mo Qingqing with its own weight.

It was overturned by the sideways action of the beast and fell into the grass. As soon as she fell, she saw a beast jumping out of the grass and attacking her with lightning speed.

She couldn't dodge in time, so she handed the dagger in her hand to the rushing beast, and at the same time threw her body forward, intending to use her shoulders against its neck to prevent it from biting to your own throat.

Besides, Lin Lin suddenly came out with a stride, swung the axe and slashed hard at the back of the beast's head.

Han Beichen shouted: "A lot of beasts." He was so frightened that he crawled to the side of Lin Lin to hide.

Shui Lan and Fang Lianrong were shaking with fear at the beast that rushed over from the grass with steel bars, and they couldn't even lift their hands.

Feng Qingran saw the beast rushing towards Shui Lan, she couldn't stop the beast, and in a hurry, she quickly grabbed Shui Lan's shoulder and pulled her back, while shouting: "Little Mo!"

When a gunshot rang out, the beast that rushed towards Shui Lan fell in front of Shui Lan and didn't move.

Mo Qingqing thought it was someone who encountered the troops, and looked around with wide eyes, but saw no figure. She was wondering, and heard the sound of a beast jumping out. She didn't care to think about it any more, and hurriedly jumped over the beast's body, ready to jump high and swooped into the beast's eyes.

She clenched the steel bar with her left hand, took a deep breath, and was ready to jump when the beast jumped up.

The beast ran over from the grass, kicked its hind legs hard, and jumped up!

Mo Qingqing secretly shouted: "It's just right!" She stared at the beast's eyes and jumped up, just as she was about to jump up, there was another gunshot that was slightly different from just now. Came from different locations. The sudden sound startled her, she forgot to jump up, and then she saw the beast that was rushing towards her and fell down in front of her, blood gushing out of her eyes and nose. She stood on the corpse of the beast, stepped up and looked around. She didn't see anyone, only the grass was moving, and the beasts that surrounded her seemed to be retreating.

"Bang!" Another gunshot sounded, and the gunshot was closer than before, as if the shooter was approaching her.

Feng Qingran, Lin Lin, Han Beichen, etc., like Mo Qingqing, looked around curiously, but couldn't see anyone.

After several consecutive shots, the surrounding beasts dispersed and ran away.

Seeing the beast running away, Mo Qingqing hurriedly shouted: "Hey, why can't you see the shot and no one?"

Feng Qingran turned her head and glanced at Mo Qingqing.

Suddenly, there was a very slight noise in the grass.

There are beasts!

She stepped up and looked, and saw that the grass was not overwhelmed.

If there were beasts, the beasts would overwhelm the grass.

Shui Lan didn't see anyone, so she started to panic and asked, "Will there be ghosts? Let's go?"

The grass suddenly moved again, shaking violently, and something was rapidly approaching.

Mo Qingqing looked at the fast moving thing in the grass, and saw a group of vines rolling over from the grass. She shouted, "Oh my God, there are monsters!" She picked up the rebar and rushed over to give her a rebar first.

"Momo!" The monster suddenly shouted excitedly, and it was a girl's voice, which was very familiar.

This vine monster even pretends to be an acquaintance and calls her name.

Mo Qingqing's hair stood on end!

No, it was a muffled voice.

Mo Qingqing suddenly remembered a certain animal written in a novel and would imitate a human voice.

The vine monster shouted again: "Momo, Momo..." Hearing that voice was more excited than her.

Feng Qingran's eyes widened at the approaching vine monster, then at Mo Qingqing, and asked, "Do you know?"

Mo Qingqing shouted loudly: "Who knows the vine monster." As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the vine monster burrowing out of the grass, standing in front of her, raised a colorful picture He looked at her with a face and called her: "Momo, why is your hand broken?"

Mo Qingqing was shocked, this vine monster has such a high IQ. Mutant? She looked at the vine monster, and called out tentatively: "Mengmen?" She saw that the vine monster's face really looked like Monghang, that is, its body was formed into a ball. If it squatted in the grass, it would definitely be a The group of vines is not bad. She looked more closely at the vine monster, only to find that she had hands, but her hands were painted with vine-like colors, and she also held a gun, which was also camouflaged with vines and leaves wrapped around it.

It's boring!

Mo Qingqing only felt a rush of heat emanating from her heart, and her nose suddenly became sour. The smile on her face got bigger and bigger, her eyes glistened with tears, she shook the dagger in her hand proudly, and said, "I brought you the dagger that your dad gave you, and it has saved my life many times. "

Wu nodded vigorously and wiped his eyes with his back.

Mo Qingqing jumped from the beast to Wu Mengmeng's side, and exclaimed in joy, "I knew you were still alive, I knew you must be alive." Then, she smiled again mouth.

Feng Qingran said: "The wind is blowing, we have to hurry back."

Wu Mengmeng pointed to the mall next to her and said, "The mall over there may be able to stay overnight."

Feng Qingran said, "I still have my family in the shelter." After she finished speaking, she looked at Mo Qingqing, worried that Mo Qingqing would stay with Wu Mengmeng.

When Mo Qingqing heard Feng Qing's reminder, she remembered that she was happy to patronize. She said, "Yes, we have to go back quickly, otherwise the beasts will come out too late." She pointed to the beast next to her, and said, "There is meat, there is meat, carry it back."

Feng Qingran glanced at the sky and said, "The beast is too big to be lifted, so I have to hurry back." She greeted everyone, and then rushed towards the shelter.

Mo Qingqing reluctantly glanced at the beasts, and she was heartbroken. But she knew that if they were carrying such a big beast, their speed would be slowed down, and it would be over when they encountered a beast. It was getting dark, and they didn't even have time to peel a few pieces of meat. She said to Wu Mengmeng: "Go, let's go to the shelter."

Wu made a muffled "um", and together with Mo Qingqing, ran beside Feng Qingran.

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