C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 5 Chapter 49: 0 and Renata



A few bright sparks burst from the firewood in the fireplace.


The dark brown wooden table was badly worn, and the old armchair was covered in fur and dimly lit.


The old man leaned on the chair like a polar bear dying of old age.


There was only one empty wine bottle on the table, and Vatutin had a Makarov pistol on his temple.


Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and music and noise were playing on the radio.


"An hour later, the blood seeped into the ground


Two hours later, flowers and grass grow here


Three hours later, it was reborn


by a star called the sun


warm. . . . . . "




Without pulling the trigger, Vatutin slapped the pistol on the wooden table.


"Go ahead, keep attacking."


The walkie-talkie fell to the floor, and there was no sound.


Giving this order seemed to drain Vatutin's strength, his back hunched and his body curled up in the chair.


The old man in military uniform grabbed the pistol and put it down again.


In the end, he lowered his head, as if weeping, but there was no sound.


The wooden door was pushed open, and the wind and snow accompanied the distant guests into the hut.


The identity of the guest made Vatutin a little sluggish, and it took a long time to be sure that this was not an illusion after death.


The honored guest of the Romanov family turned out to be her.


"Her Royal Highness."


Zero took a seat by the fireplace, tidying up her hair that had been ruffled by the wind and snow, looking a little tired.


Vatutin's reaction was half a beat before he hurriedly put away the pistol and threw the empty wine bottle into the trash can.


"It's okay, I also drink sometimes."


Zero took out a bottle of red brand vodka from the wine cabinet and poured half a glass for the old man and himself.


"Don't call me Her Royal Highness."


Because you understand, it's just a lie.


Even if Zero is indeed the Grand Duchess of the Romanov family, she comes to visit Vatutin, who lives alone in the remote wilderness.


Tampering with reality and changing identities is easy for the devil, even if it is to fabricate the identity of the royal family.


Zero Razumovskaya Romanova, descendant of Grand Duke Vladimir in exile in Spain, heir to the Romanov family.


As for Renata Yevgenia Chicherina, that name has been reduced to ashes with Black Swan Harbor.


But there are still people in the world who remember Renata instead of Zero, such as Vatutin. If he kills himself, one less person knows about Renata.


(Note: There was an error in the Russian first name of zero in the original version, the middle name did not use the female paternal name, and the last name did not use the female version).




Zero didn't respond, silence is affirmation.


Vatutin was in a trance.


Twenty years later, the general who carried out the secret mission had one foot in the coffin. The girl's appearance did not change at all.


The first time Vatutin saw Renata was on a top-secret file submitted to him.


In the photo, the slender little girl cried with red and swollen eyes, holding a dusty plush bear in her hands.


Renata's father is a liar who believes in "genetic theology". Her parents believed that there was a demon hidden in Renata, and almost ecstatically gave the girl to the project leader to receive a grant from Project Delta.


Lipstick, cigarettes, wine, canned beef, and a few boxes of bread.


Vatutin doesn't like Project Delta. This kind of multi-billion-dollar genetic research won't help the country.


Laid-off workers binge-drinking low-quality alcohol, young boys who died in Afghanistan, guitars in the streets and bridges in despair, opportunists in the streets and long queues of American fast food restaurants. . . . . .


Even if the delta plan achieves cross-generational results, it will not help them. Wars, victories, moon landings, nothing makes sense.


But he has no right to stop the delta plan, he is just an executor.


It wasn't until 1989, when the building was about to fall, that Vatutin saw the children with "special talents" on file for the first time.


He inspected the work of the Black Swan Port and met the children of the welfare home under the leadership of Dr. Herzog.


The Doctor introduced him to Renata, the most well-behaved child here. She is like a little white flower that quietly blooms in the North Pole.


On the day he left Black Swan Harbor, the thin Renata sat on his shoulders, and the doctor took a photo of him and the children.


Vatutin gave the girl hair cards and chocolates, so Renata trusted this man as strong as a giant bear.


The photo is still on his bedside table, but it's covered face down.


"In 1991, Project Delta was suddenly stopped. I was transferred and lived under surveillance."


All those associated with Project Delta are missing except for death, including the children in the orphanage. Except for a very few pawns like him, who linger after being deprived of their liberty.


"They bombed Black Swan Harbor."


Zero did not continue to explain. There is no need for Vatutin to know of the existence of another survivor, "Zero".


Alcohol made her relax a little, and this trip was too hasty.


She must come to visit Vatutin in advance, before he dies. Luo Yin may cause turmoil in the evolutionary faction at any time, and it is unknown whether there will be a chance to meet Vatutin in the future.


The boss is in a disconnected state. The recent state of Shudoku Mai made her a little worried. They are going through a difficult time.


"That man is your companion? Are you here for him?"


Zero shook his head firmly.


"On the contrary."


If Vatutin's manpower can kill tilapia, then France can reach Berlin.


The evolution faction is probably just testing Luo Yin, trying to force his true posture that looks exactly like the White King.


In less than two minutes, one-third of the soldiers he arranged had disappeared for no apparent reason, but Vatutin had to order the remaining men to continue the attack.


Even though they were equipped with stronger heavy firepower, their intuition told Vatutin that they were just going to die, to face an invincible enemy.


"You can speak with confidence. There are no monitoring devices here. Probably soon."


The old man realized zero worries.


"I'm looking for the location of Black Swan Harbor."


Zero took out a detailed map of Siberia, with more than twenty red dots marked on it, all the shelters still in use or abandoned.


From the 1st city to the 23rd city, the kingdom created by the evolutionists in the wasteland.


"You want to go back to Black Swan Harbor?"


"One day. I will send someone back to Black Swan Port on a suitable date."


Vatutin subconsciously wanted to dissuade Zero. Now that you have escaped hell, why go back to the arms of the devil?


"I have to find it."


The girl's voice was firm.


"These locations are all wrong, but they are all connected to Black Swan Harbor."


Regarding the specific location of the Black Swan Port, Zero has not much information.


Located in northern Siberia, it is not directly accessible by railway, and the port can dock large icebreakers.


When she tried to return along the trajectory of her escape, everything about it had been wiped clean.


"Although those shelters have different tasks, their styles are always similar in details, aren't they?"


Zero nodded. She has entered an abandoned shelter, and the architectural details of the interior always remind her of her time in Black Swan Harbour.

"But Black Swan Harbour is not underground, and the shelter is powered by a heavy water reactor, not diesel and coal."


"That's right. You didn't miss a single location, but none of them were Black Swan Ports, nor were they rebuilt on the original site."


Vatutin, who is under house arrest, knows many secrets.


Many people want to find the Black Swan Port, and they all have their own reasons.


Zero, Herzog, Luo Yin.


So did Vatutin. But he was just looking for a chance for redemption for the little hope that remained.


And now, he finally learned the ending of Black Swan Harbor.


"It's time for you to leave. Thank you for your concern for retired officers and soldiers."


The longer they visit, the longer they will be judged to be abnormal, and Renata will be in danger.


But Zero just clinked glasses with him, took a sip of strong wine, and stared at the old man with those ice crystal-like eyes.


Vatutin realized that his impression of the girl was still that of the thin, cry-inducing Renata. However, the person sitting in front of him now is a completely different person.


A human being who is eternally young. Her new name, Zero, was odd and alluding to a certain divinity.


"Zero is a special number, especially for dragons."


Zero was a little surprised.


"I have seen that dragon, the race of the fourth domain.


City 1, City 2. . . . . . City 23. One more is missing. "


"City 0."


Zero suddenly understood the crux of the matter.


"All these shelters, they have an archetype, the source and beginning of everything."


Everything is not from the beginning, but from zero.


City No. 0, No. 0, and her name.


She should have thought that Black Swan Harbor is a Nibelungen. That's why she could see the black snake at night, the silver moonlight streaming on his pure black scales.


However, the black snake is the only dragon in the Black Swan Harbor. Maybe zero.


The former was sleeping under the ice, while the latter was bound as a mental patient. They were absolutely incapable of maintaining giant nibelungs at the time.


So, who is the owner of Black Swan Harbor?


Although Black Swan Port is an inaccessible place, icebreakers send supplies every year, and occasionally there are visitors like Vatutin and Bondarev.


All the people who live and work there, and visitors from the outside world, feel that Black Swan Port is the real world. This is impossible.


When she escaped from Black Swan Harbor, she did not notice the existence of the "door".


"Before the 17th century, people thought all swans were pure white, until black swans were seen in Australia.


But no matter how abnormal a black swan is, when you see it, you can only admit its existence. A black swan that changed everything. "


Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol, Vatutin casually said unrelated associations.


"An unexpected and anomalous event that is difficult to predict and usually has a wide-ranging and far-reaching impact, such as the 9/11 incident."


Zero knows the special meaning of this black swan.


A long-term inhabitable Nibelungen, where people move in and out, never realizing the boundaries between it and reality.


It sounds like a well-managed garden. It's like a human artifact.


This thought made her heart stop for a moment.


"What about this coordinate?"


77 degrees 36 minutes 40.4 seconds north latitude, 104 degrees 14 minutes 6.8 seconds east longitude, this is a coordinate that Zero has inquired through confidential files, located in the northernmost part of the Taymel Peninsula. It's an abandoned base for a top-secret project.


"Decoy. There are only enemies there."


Zero nodded. Just killing a few people and stealing a few old files, the coordinates were too easy to get, she didn't go there.


"Renata...always remember that they are bigger than you think."


After a while of silence, Vatutin said slowly, his voice full of powerlessness.


"I was imprisoned here and forced to work for them. But until now, I still don't know who 'they' are.


All these shelters, the mountains of ammunition, the wealth of the enemy, still not all.


Always be careful, Renata. "


Zero picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one go.


"The dragon was transported to City 23.


Sorry, I can't help you on this road.


I'm just an old man waiting to die. "


Zero put on his coat, the snow outside seemed to be heavier.


Vatutin: "There are snipers outside."


"I can handle it."


She stood in front of the door, hesitated, but did not push the door.


"You come with me."


"I'm too old to travel long distances for me."




Silence returned to the wooden house. There was a gunshot outside.


"Cease the fire. Otherwise I'll shoot myself in the temple."


This is the last value of Vatutin. They still need his identity as cover for their operations.


He leaned back on the wooden chair, holding a wine bottle in his left hand and a gun in his right.


Cup after cup, until the bottle bottomed out.


She should have gone far.


Vatutin will put away the pistol and walk to the wine cabinet drunkenly.


"It's winter, is the way home covered with snow?


With the dawn of dawn, meteors pierced the sky of Kandahar. . . . . . "


He put three bottles of vodka into his arms, but he shook his body and accidentally broke the bottle.


The drunk Vatutin suddenly grabbed the poker and threw the firewood from the fireplace to the floor. The charcoal fell on the spirits, and the faint blue flame engulfed half of the wooden house in an instant.


Two bullets pierced his knees and calf, and Vatutin, who fell, struggled to hide by the fireplace, and another bullet passed through his stomach.


"Damn it! Stop him and put out the fire!"


The flames will burn his body to nothing.


Vatutin does not want to be replaced by a new Vatutin after his death ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Although the clone's memory is full of loopholes, it will inevitably reveal its contents, but that makes him too sick.


They are almost there.


The old man clenched the beloved Makarov pistol tightly, tears streaming down his cloudy eyes.


Black Swan Harbor also has a surviving child, Renata, and that's enough.


"If my family asks me what I wrote to you, don't tell the truth.


You must. . . . . . Don't tell mom, I'm serving in Afghanistan. . . . . . "


The radio sounded intermittently, and the flames burned everything.


Vatutin watched quietly as the cage that had trapped him for more than ten years turned to ashes.


The photo on the bedside table, the only photo of him and the girl, was taken away at some point.


Little Renata is amazing.


He looked at the ceiling, thinking of the day he enlisted in the army, the orders he carried out in the Delta plan, and the people who died because of him.


"извиниться, мать I'm sorry, Mom."




On the hillside in the distance, Zero turned around and looked at the burning wooden house.


Goodbye my friend.


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