"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!! Ola!"

Luo Yin and Odin collided with the deck of Xumi's seat, and the steel ground was deeply sunken.

Luo Yin, who was bleeding all over his body, pressed his left hand firmly against the end of the cloud in the sky, pressing Odin's hill-like body to continue to retreat, and his blood-stained white-scaled right claw punched Odin's face.

Right here, beat him!

The continuous punches were as fast as the steel pile driver, and they kept hitting Odin's mask, which shone with divine light, until it shattered.

The situation of the battle was reversed too quickly, and Odin was completely annihilated in Luo Yin's revival-like furious attack.

The cracked mask revealed a majestic face full of white scales and blood stains, and the open and closed scales released an extremely cold breath.

The mythical frost giant?

They may be the first group of hybrids, and their height is several times that of normal humans under the influence of dragon blood.

Nearly a third of Odin's mask was shattered in the violent beating, and the mighty power of the gods was being forced out of this body. The cracked golden armor turned into rough stones of dull color, and the blood-stained cloak turned into withered leaves and fell to the ground.

Luo Yin pulled out Tian Congyun, ready to give Odin the final blow, to squeeze the last strength from the burning dragon blood.

No, calm down. He forgot one very important thing.

The blood burst state was lifted, the bloodline dropped to the next-generation level, and the feeling of weakness after violent overdraft poured into every cell. However, the controllability of the bloodline increased, and Luo Yin regained his ability to speak.

The world of bubbles gathers a huge amount of water elements, and in the continuous destruction and regeneration, it turns into an endless ocean.

Kungunir, who was shining with divine light, stopped behind Luo Yin, stuck in the original realm and moved forward slowly.

If it was a step slower, Luo Yin would have been stabbed to the core at this time.

People always have to experience pain (physical) before they can truly grow.

The second Odin, the second Kungunnir.

There is more than one Odin, and Luo Yin has long known that he was one of them.

But there are more than one thing like Kungunil, which is a bit unreasonable.

Luo Yin, Constantine, everyone, fell into doubt and despair at this moment.

Is Odin really invincible?



Luo Yin looked at the dead branches behind the frost giant, and then looked at the spear in the second Odin's hand. The system gave the same judgment.

There was a deep sense of melancholy and powerlessness in his heart. Probably died here today.


"Hey, why is this called a nickname?"

【Identification correction.

Unknown level alchemy item

Fantasy weapon holy spear form

Effect: unknown

Excitation method: unknown

Remarks: Fake]

fake! Odin actually uses psychological tactics!

Luo Yin's eyelids jumped wildly, and his blood pressure skyrocketed. What the **** is a fantasy weapon?

"Samaria, activate emergency plan No. 3! The holy gun is fake."

On platform 1, Chu Zihang, who was in a blood-blooded state, was fighting hard with his peers.

Junyan to Junyan, explosion to explosion.

The burly heroic spirit held a heavy hammer and a round shield, and roared and hammered Chu Zihang in the gap. The dark and rough heavy hammer weighed more than half a ton.

A pop-up advertisement suddenly popped up in front of Chu Zihang...a dialogue message in the form of a holographic projection.

Norma? No, it's news from Samaria.

"Stop paddling and use all your strength to fight against the second Odin! If you don't do it, I will forcefully demolish your nest! Your stupid brother will be finished!

Holy guns are fake. "

Is this the wrong message?

Chu Zihang, who was so tired that he vomited blood, felt that he had done his best a long time ago, and he didn't have any stupid younger brother.

Lord Yemengarde was calculating the escape route at this time. She was a professional on how to pry open the gate of a Nibelungen.

Yemenga's pupils contracted when she received the news.

Silly brother? Damn, he really wasn't bluffing, he found Fenrir.

As for the fake holy spear, could he lie to himself to deliver it? Want to use her Lord Yemengarde to sacrifice the gun?

If she was stabbed by Kungu Neil, then she would be completely cold, and there was no room for suspended animation.

"Chu Zihang, your girlfriend is..."

Yemengard, cracked. So far, only up.

Chu Zihang, who was fighting, suddenly felt dizzy. The heavy hammer of the hero struck Grammer's sword. Chu Zihang was thrown into the sea like a burning meteorite, and his consciousness became dizzy.

The endless sea, the brilliance of the setting sun impregnated the calm sea.

He seemed to be standing very high, higher than the clouds. The ground beneath his feet exudes a faint glow of metallic texture, with strange patterns.

Something extremely large in the clouds was approaching him at high speed, casting a shadow on the sea.

No one can describe the majesty of that serpent unless he sees it with his own eyes.

The big snake opened its huge mouth, and it was dark. Chu Zihang's whole body's blood boiled, and powers different from flames poured into his body. The blood and souls of dragons and people blended together.


Seeing Chu Zihang falling into the sea, Lu Mingfei jumped into the sea immediately.

Chu Zihang was a pure rotten good person, who radiated heat to the surroundings indefinitely. I don't know how many times I've heard Lu Mingfei's bad words in the middle of the night, and how many times I've been a close sister to him.

Lu Mingfei pushed aside the unknown corpse beside him and dived hard, and saw a red light shining in the deep water.

Just as Xiaolu felt joy in his heart, the red light became more and more dazzling, and the scope became larger and larger.

Damn, why is the water a little hot?

Lu Mingfei could see the true face of the light, it was a large mass of magma in the sea, tumbling tumbling and steaming the sea.

The high-temperature magma wrapped the indistinct human figure, and rushed to the sea surface under the impetus of the heat flow. The diffused residual temperature boiled Lu Mingfei to the red.

Among the four elements, the most stable earth element and the most active fire element are absolutely incompatible or transformed. When the two meet, a violent collision of forces will inevitably occur. This is common sense in alchemy.

However, Lord Yemengade, who is extremely intelligent, broke this iron law, and the earth and the fire coexisted in Chu Zihang in a strange way.

Luo Yin, who was about to run out of physical strength, struggled to maintain the defense of the original world. This fake, I have never seen it have less power!

2 Good Odin dodged sideways at an extreme speed, and a large cloud of dark red magma exploded at his previous station, melting a pool of molten iron.

On the seat of Sumeru, stood a man like an active volcano, and a distorted figure faintly appeared in the flowing magma layer.

The destructive power of extreme high temperature, unparalleled power, and precise manipulation of power. Yemengade finally used a big move that pressed the bottom of the box.

"Another Dragon King? Must be an illusion, right?"

At this moment, the survivors of the Longyuan Project have become numb. There are not two or three bombs left, and only conventional bullets are left, which can barely cover a few strikers.

If you can go back alive this time, this trip will be enough for a lifetime.

Odin No. 2 used time zero to dodge the erupting magma, looking for the opponent's weakness.

Three columns of magma attacked Odin alternately, without even rubbing Odin's edge. However, two of the magma collided and changed direction, and collided with the third magma in mid-air for a second change, hitting Odin again from an incredible angle.

The dull and terrifying magma eruption sounded continuously, like cannons roaring in unison, and the dark red magma flowing around rendered the world like purgatory.

The radius of this weird word spirit is more than 50 meters, and its destructive power is incredible.

Chu Zihang's body was far from the Dragon King level, and Yemenga wanted to make a quick decision.

Blue-gold phantoms shuttled through the magma, and Odin decided to attack.

With the blessing of time zero, dozens of times of dense golden meteor showers directly impacted the erupting magma, and the gods held high the fake holy spear and charged towards Chu Zihang.

In Chu Zihang's perspective, he has been unconscious, and the phantom of the terrifying big snake haunts his mind.

If there is no control over the body, he seems to be controlling the battle, and it seems that the body itself is moving. After four years of reading in Kassel, Chu Zihang has never been so confused as this time.

Yermengard drew the unrecognizable sword of wrath from behind, Grammer.

The pitch-black sword sucked a lot of blood and scorching magma, and turned into a dark red sickle with a vicious shape.

The magma monster danced wildly with a scorching scythe, facing off against the golden holy spear.

What a fake!

After repeated collisions, the magma scythe was severely damaged, but the alchemy field of the holy spear actually fluctuated. If it is the real Kungunnir, there will be no change at all. It is a symbol of fate and eternity.

It was definitely a historic breakthrough for her to be able to fight Odin halfway.

The broken blade head of the scythe was re-condensed and formed, and the burning Yemengade started Chu Zihang, and annihilated the edge of the holy spear with the magma rain that filled the sky.

On the other side, Luo Yin was greatly shocked. As expected of Yemengade, there is not a word to believe.

Luo Yin forced his thighs and wrist bones to reset the bones. Looking down at his abdomen, he was a little dizzy.

Hope it can be used after repair.

"Hey hey hey..."

He put on a stance like a street fight, and smashed the frost giant's face with a ferocious right uppercut.

Although he was so tired that he almost fainted, it would be a pity to stop the battle at this time.

"Ola Ora!"

The hill-like frost giant fell to the ground with a bang, Luo Yin's body swayed a little, but he still pierced his shoulder blades with Tiancong Cloud Nail.

The knees were pressed down heavily, and I heard that this move can make it difficult to breathe.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but... I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

I know this won't kill you, but at least give me some relief. "

Left hook, right hook, swing, jab...

Odin's mask lost all its radiance, turned into a bark-like material, and shattered into pieces.

The huge frost giant fell to the ground silently, not knowing whether it was hanging or in shock.

Luo Yin sat paralyzed on the deck, with a strong desire to sleep. Humans still have their limits, and he can only go so far.

If a high-level Deadpool pops out of Luo Yin's side now, he will be a fart.

Frost Giant Heroic Spirit, the probability of successful recovery is 0.

Odin 2 looked up to the sky. The mixed-race heroic spirit lost two people and died of that excessively dangerous word spirit. The cherished miniature three-generation heroic spirit has died, and the fire dragon heroic spirit has not yet defeated the king of corpse guards.

Unexpectedly, this time it would be me who fell into the quagmire.

In the time zero state, Odin No. 2 left Chu Zihang's domain at extreme speed and flew towards the distant sea at extreme speed.

The blue aurora condenses a majestic door on the sea. In the psychedelic light, there is a faint shadow of Avalon Island swaying.

"The war between kings and kings can only be terminated by death", the fundamental cause of this strange custom is that the first generation species have the ability to form cocoons...

Odin will not let the army be buried here meaninglessly, and this time it is impossible to kill the characters that might prevent him from stepping on the throne.

A mournful light singing sounded between the sky and sea, which was the horn to call for the army and return to the Hall of Valor.

The huge fire dragon roared in pain, breaking free from the entanglement of Xiao Hei, the king of corpse guards. At the cost of being torn off a quarter of its wings.

The heroic spirits began to sing high-level word spirits at the same time, and flew to the gate of the Hall of Valor under the cover of the Yanling flames.

Lu Mingfei, who was wet all over, was scratching the deck. Lu Mingze leaned on the sofa and yawned boredly.

Well, that's the end of the job. I didn't catch anything, and I lost my pet. It was a waste.

Pain, heartache.

"Can you beat him?"

"If the holy spear has not been thrown, Odin is a formidable opponent. Now...that is, it is stronger than the average dragon king, brother, you can press it to death."

"1/4, clear Odin, and other strange things, save everyone."


Lu Mingze almost fell off the sofa, thinking he was hallucinating.

"I can see that Odin is a very strong opponent. Senior brothers and sisters, Lao Han, Hui Liyi and her father, everyone here, working hard to this moment is very difficult.

Now is the best chance to hit Odin hard, and the deal is worth it. "

The little devil was silent, and the little question mark popped up in his eyes.

The opening of a business is indeed something to celebrate, but there is something so eerie about the way it opens.

Brother, actually took the initiative to attack. The little devil rubbed his face vigorously.

"you sure?"

"Sure. But there's a request that no one else recognize me. It shouldn't be difficult for the omnipotent devil."

"The customer's needs, the mission must be fulfilled!"

Lu Mingze cheered up. Whatever, it's a good thing it's open.

"Somethingfornothing, 100% fusion, 8x gain."

Lu Mingze stood up from the soft sofa and hugged his brother like a little angel.

"Brother, you've really changed. You weren't so confused before."

"You curse again..."

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and swallowed the gust of wind into his lungs.

When he opened his eyes, the golden pupil ignited silently, like an immortal candle. The strong and burly body swelled further, black scales and bones pierced out of the skin, and the surface glowed with a gorgeous and noble streamer.

Humans and dragons, angels and demons, boys and demons, twisted and perfectly integrated into one.

When he opened his dragon wings as black as a winter night, the majesty of the throne was cast on the body of this mad dragon like molten iron.

Lu Mingfei, or Lu Mingze, stretched out his body and smelted the shrapnel from the deck into Tian Yu Yu Zhan and Budu Yuhun.

All the elements in this creature are so majestic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ contain divinity and magic, except for his head.

It was a tough Garfield headgear. It looks cute and furry, but it's actually harder than steel.

"Why is this such a thing!"

"Brother, don't you like that nonsense movie, "King of Destruction". The male protagonist who talks badly wears a hilarious Garfield headgear to save the beauty. Afterwards, he failed to let the girl know his true identity."

Good for you.

The black dragon with Garfield's head smashed the ground and flew towards Odin at sea in an air explosion.

"Sesame closes!"

The aurora door fluctuated violently, striving to support its own existence.

"Sesame closes!"

The cyan aurora shattered, and the phantoms of Avalon and Valhalla disappeared.

Luo Yin, who was lying dead on the deck, and Constantine, who was flying in pursuit, looked at the strange comic characters in the sky, not knowing what to say.

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