C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 15: Dragon King Game

The Vanir gods, the goddess named Gulwig, visited Odin's kingdom of gods with a mission.

The worship of hundreds of millions of lives, the glory of the whole world, should decide where to belong.

For disrespect, the **** of Aesir killed Gulveig three times with a spear and flames, but she was repeatedly brought back to life.

The two Protoss took this as a fuse, and a protracted war broke out.


If Caesar's mother, Gulwig, is indeed the descendant of the goddess in Norse mythology, Luo Yin can undoubtedly get a lot of interesting speculations.

The leaders of the Vanir are the sea **** named Neold, and the immortal magic of Gulveig, both of which point to the Sea Throne.

Gullweger may be referring to the second generation of the ocean and water, and it is not ruled out that it is the monarch himself. A half-breed named Gulveig is interesting, and Pompeii implied that the family belonged to "another secret party."

All the information that Pompeii told was, in the final analysis, telling Luo Yin not to be too ostentatious. Some characters in the dark are far stronger than those on the surface.

His position is also quite complicated. On the surface, Pompeii was Angers' good partner, but in fact he had already hooked up with another mysterious party.

Now he secretly greets Luo Yin again, plus his identity as the former head of the Gattuso family, Pompeii actually stepped on four boats. It's a pity that this kind of person is not punished with a hatchet.

Although Pompeii used violence to break the control of Li Wuyue and the Senate, the temporary weakness of the Gattuso family is also a fact.

Pompeii's release of kindness to himself at this sensitive time shows that he has no clue in his heart. Those who will stare at Luo Yin's actions will stare more closely at Pompeii.

Luo Yin found that there were either old silver coins or dragon kings on the current venue, and maybe there were silver coin dragon kings. His development plan is just one word, live and grow!

Before he produced an artificial dragon body that matched the Dragon King, he would never go around blindly.


"Drinking so hard, and falling in love again?"

"Xiao Kui dislikes my lack of culture and lack of topics for common communication."

Then you should go and read some books!

Chicken izakaya in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Crow stuffed a mouthful of yakitori smothered in sweet and spicy sauce, while Yaksha quelled his sorrows with wine.

After Yuan Zhisheng succeeded to the throne, the status of the trio of followers was different today. Both Crow and Yaksha have been promoted several times, and Miss Sakura has also been promoted from the secretary and driver of the young master to the secretary and driver of the master.

Yuan Zhisheng hoped that the crow, also known as Saber Ryuji, could take over the position of the executive director as soon as possible. This position is not suitable for people with five small surnames, and wise Asuya has a big problem in the view of the tortoise.

Crow and Yaksha still keep the habit of going to cheap izakaya to pour sake and make skewers, and at most eat a few more skewers than before. From messing around on the streets to being a dog-like mess today, there are some habits that can't be changed.

"Actually, I prefer girls with Sakura in their names. Maybe Xiaokui is not suitable for me."

Your idea of ​​marrying Miss Sakura as a wife has already been exposed quite clearly, and everyone except the parents probably knows it.

But a good man like everyone is a good match for Miss Sakura. Thinking of this, the crow took a sip of wine at the same time, and there are far more people who have a crush on Sakura than Yasha.

They drank until they felt dizzy, and when they walked out of the store and the cool wind was blowing, the mood of the two of them gradually became more comfortable. Less than thirty, it's still early, sooner or later the gangsters will usher in their own spring.

Life is much better now, the name "Ghost Slayer" has become history, and no one has provoked disputes because of blood.

"Crow, are you coming to drive?"

"What kind of car are you driving! Our behavior outside is related to everyone's face. How can you drive drunk?"

The crow hiccupped and punched Yasha, who responded with a conditioned punch.

Drunk driving is a low-level crime, and drunken **** is their traditional art.

They used to be professional street fighters, and Yaksha used to fight from the street to the end of the street after drinking, until he was punched in the head by a passerby who smoked Qixing cigarettes.

At that time, Yasha also said harsh words, saying that he would definitely blow the passerby's egg if he had the chance.

Passers-by on the streets of Shinjuku saw a strange scene. Two gang members in suits and leather shoes punched me back and forth, tied their tattered ties on their heads, and walked to the subway station.

In the middle of the night, two men with the smell of barbecue chicken all over their bodies sat slumped in the subway, watching the lights go on and off, and the passengers gradually became sparse.

"Ahead to the terminal..."

The crow stumbled upon a prompt. Where are they going to sit.

Oops, the Executive Board has a meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Forget it, go to a **** meeting.


How chilly.

The crow got goosebumps as soon as he opened his eyes, and found that the subway door was not closed, and the cold wind was pouring into the train.

The light in the tunnel was dim, and the crow closed the door against the wind. This kind of failure was too rare.

Turning his head, the crow was stunned for a moment, his brain was as cold as a soda pop.

A few hand-painted posters by Honami Suzuki, "Tokyo Love Story", are stuck on the gray doors, which are somewhat worn. The dim light came from a few kerosene lamps.

He hurriedly kicked Yaksha, and the problem was serious. He shouldn't be drinking that much, no, he should be driving drunk.

"Punch me."

Yasha's merciless straight punch made Crow's chest tight, and he almost died. If they weren't hallucinations, then they were taken to this old train in their sleep. Who is so boring?

"Let's play a game."

A low, thick male voice came from across the door of the carriage. The other party spoke Chinese, which the crow could barely understand.



ten days ago.

Fenrir is learning the basic poses of capoeira (Brazilian war dance) from Teacher Vera. The speed of progress is so fast that Teacher Wei doesn't want to go to work for a week.

According to the words of the martial arts novels, her apprentice has excellent muscles and bones, but her understanding is a negative number, and it may also be an imaginary number.

The master of Capoeira, with agile and ferocious moves, recreates the offensive from all directions by constantly moving, forming a powerful drumbeat composed of percussion skills.

And Fenrir's Capoeira made her feel like a rolling gourd, hitting her like a gong.

But it didn't matter, Fenrir felt that he was progressing very fast, and he had learned the sixth martial art.

Fenrir had always wanted to give her sister a big surprise, but she never came back and there was no news. But fortunately, Fenrir still has games to play, and life goes on.

until this moment comes.

"The remaining alchemy energy is 3%, please replace it with a new energy module as soon as possible."

Yes, the gaming helmet uses something akin to an alchemical battery. It is nonsense to expect this kind of mass-produced mid-to-low-end alchemy item to be permanently effective.

If you rely on the helmet to restore energy by itself, you can only play for about half an hour a day. In this way, three days later, Fenrir was forced to turn on the underage game mode.

In theory, as the first generation of Fenrir, it is no problem to "recharge" the helmet. However, his operation is too rough.

The Dragon King masters alchemy without exception, but the gap is as big as Jaylen and Tony.

Norton can smelt nano-scale recycled metal wires. If Fenrir can make a puppet move, Yemengarde will be excited for a long time.

Fenrir, who was forcibly restricted from playing, had a mental breakdown. Half an hour was not enough for him to finish his daily tasks, and Vera's teaching was even more difficult.

Although the mental age is less than 6 years old, Fenrir also knows that it is absolutely impossible for him to sneak out and buy batteries by himself. If you order takeaway, Nibelungen is obviously not in the scope of delivery.

Once upon a time, happiness was rare, and Fenrir could watch a silent movie with snowflakes twenty times in a row, forcing the dealer to dub it.

When there was no TV signal, he would lie on the golden and silver mountains, use the dragon's breath to melt the gold coins and re-cast them, and then yawned and waited for his sister to come home.

From frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality is difficult.

For the past two days, Fenrir had been rolling around on the mountains of gold and silver, guarding the half-hour game time. For the first time, he knew that there is a pain called Internet addiction.

It's no exaggeration to say that he lost at least a quarter of a ton.

Finally, Fenrir made a decision that violated his sister. He went to find her in the game and asked her to bring him a battery.

Username [Senior Brother Fire, Burglary and Defense], Fenrir added his sister and friend in the game. But he has always been obedient, and has never revealed that the two dragons are acquainted in reality.

Unfortunately, Fenrir's plan went awry.

"Look at the face paralysis, it's that star player [Roar!] Eh! If you kill him, you might drop special equipment."

Chu Zihang, who was accompanying Xia Mi on the road in the game, looked solemn, and attacked Fenrir with a textbook-like dragon slaying technique.

The younger brother Long only had time to let out a suspicious roar, and was beaten by Chu Zihang and the second-generation head Xia Mi, and was brought down in suspicion of Long Sheng.

So, love disappears, right?

(History can be surprisingly similar even in different worlds.)

The sister didn't love him anymore, she ran off with a half-breed. She didn't even want to bring him two batteries.

He was still a child of 6 years and tens of thousands of months, and he experienced the grief of family divorce prematurely.

The grief-stricken Fenrir decided to resume his old business, start the Dragon King's little train, and pull some people up.

What game are you going to play...

The game my sister chose was called poker, and Fenrir didn't understand it at all. The winner selected through this game probably won't have much in common with him.

Fenrir's light suddenly flashed, there is! Master Wei told him a few very interesting stories, which just happened to be used.

The younger brother Long turned grief and anger into strength, and burst into amazing action.

Everything is ready, Fenrir train, start!


From his voice alone, the crow was sure that this would not be a simple character.

A pair of big hands slammed the car door from the rear of the car and entered the last carriage where Crow and Yaksha were.

Seeing the image of the visitor, Yaksha, who has always believed in the number one mang character, is a little reckless.

The man is nearly two meters tall and looks a bit like a mixture of Mongolian and Caucasian. His powerful muscles were slashed like an axe, his face as hard as iron had a dark red scar, and his long gray-black hair was tied behind his head with something like animal bones.

Coupled with the wolf and eagle tattoos on his chest and the rough animal skin coat, Yasha felt that this guy had probably gone to the wrong theater.

"Go forward, relying on martial arts to pass through each car, until the front of the car, there is a prize."

The brawny man kept talking, just enough for the crow to keep up.

"Who are you?"

"I am the player here. You, newcomers, go forward. Trade loneliness for weapons."

Fenrir also felt that his cover-up was flawless. In fact, the crow and the Yaksha had more question marks than each other.

As far as your style of dress is concerned, it is conservatively estimated that it is a thousand years earlier than them. Players, crossing players?

"How to get out?"

Fenrir shook his head.

"Arrived in the first car, it is possible."

After reading the opening remarks, Fenrir opened the door of the carriage like a competent NPC and prepared to go to the previous carriage.

"What do you call you... warrior?"

Fenrir's brain shook and he forgot his name. This body is a mixed-race warrior in the Huns army who killed thousands of people during the Eastern Expedition. After the bloodline got out of control, the elder sister used alchemy to make a corpse guard. It looks fresh because it has been kept in the nibelungen.

Fenrir took a lot of energy to learn to control the corpse, stammering, facial paralysis, and often sharing hands. What was his name, I can't remember.

Got it!

"Weiwei. I'm Weiwei!"

Crow, Yaksha: ?

Warrior Weiwei reached out and touched the sickle-shaped metal carving on the side wall of the carriage. The nine bird heads measured his sense of loneliness and began to spit out gold coins frantically. The dark golden hill was cast in place into a halberd that was still tall.

Weiwei raised Fang Tianhuaji and entered the previous carriage without looking back.

Crow and Yaksha rubbed the back of their heads in confusion.

What's going on right now, they don't understand at all. For their educational experience, Nibelungen was still a bit ahead of its time.


Yasha suggested.

Trade loneliness for weapons.

Crow was a little nervous. They just came out to drink, and they didn't have weapons on them. It would be a good help if they could get powerful weapons, but at the same time, it would also show that he was a lonely gangster.

He touched the ferret carving, one, two, three... six gold coins ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ melted and condensed into a dark golden finger tiger in the magnetic field. Not bad.

Yasha also touched it, but didn't respond for a long time. After a while, the bird's head on the far left finally vomited out a gold coin like spitting.

As a result, this fellow bit the gold coin and swallowed half of it with a click. Half of the gold coin fell to the ground and remained in a molten state. After a long time, it finally deformed and hardened.

It's a nail clipper.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Yaksha wanted to punch him in the face.

"Isn't it said that mixed races have blood grief, they should be relatively lonely."

"Maybe I have a big heart."

The crow put on the finger tiger, and Yasha looked at the nail clipper for a long time, but still stuffed it into his pocket.

Open the door behind him, the tunnel is dark, and the sporadic light begins to annihilate.

Let's go ahead and try.

Although the current situation is very strange, but fortunately, there are two of them, and it is better.

There was a sound of metal crashing from the previous carriage, and then a Fangtian halberd pierced the sidewall of the carriage, scraping sparkling sparks on the surface of the rock tunnel.

The door of the carriage opened, and a blond little sister with a nosebleed walked into the last carriage with a grumpy expression and a short stick in her hand.

The crow shrugged, pushed Yaksha, and Yaksha pushed him back.

Little Taimei attacked Yasha without saying a word, but the crow hit her in the stomach with a beautiful right hook. How to beat people hurts, they are familiar with it.

It took a long time for K.O.'s little sister to stand up, jump off the small train like a wandering soul, and enter the deep tunnel. C-class hybrids forced to slay dragons https://

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