By Killing The Enemy And Exploding The Cultivation Base, I Have Put An End To The Arrogance Of Billi

Chapter 59 Really Swept My Yancheng? Awakened Physique: Junlong Physique!

"Full..... Defeated?!"

All the onlookers were stunned,

Looking at the scene in front of you is impossible to accept this fact.

"No one in my Yancheng can fight with Wang Xuan Yi~!"

"Gao Hao, who broke the first limit, is not an opponent, this guy really swept me Yancheng-?!"

Gao Hao is Yancheng's secret weapon, even he is defeated, and the younger generation of Tamcheng is naturally quite equal to being swept away by the suppressed Xuan.

Wang Xuan did not stay in place,

After defeating Gao Hao's five, he turned around and walked in the direction of the city gate.

Looking at the back of Wang Xuan leaving, everyone woke up like a dream.

At the same time, reporters from various cities who had been paying attention to Wang Xuan's movements were excited.

News after news rushed into the public's field of vision at the same time,

It caused the shock of countless people in the city.

【Unstoppable! In the first battle of Yancheng, Wang Xuan killed the five Tianjiao with one enemy and five seconds! 】

[Visit, does Wang Xuan even have to sweep the five major cities?! ] 】

[Heijo Demon! ] Who else can block it! 】

Pingcheng, the city lord's mansion.

Dong Xuehai and Lord Liu Cheng were sitting on the sofa, drinking tea.

Don't look at them so shocked on the surface, but in fact, they have long been excited in their hearts.

"After watching the news, Wang Xuan Yi personally swept the five Tianjiao of Yancheng."

"It is equivalent to sweeping the entire young generation of Yancheng."

"Wang Xuan, it's good, it's really angry!"

When Wang Xuan set off for Yancheng, the two had been paying attention to his situation.

When I heard the news that Wang Xuan swept Yancheng, I was even more excited.

This is the first time that someone in Pingcheng has hit the outer city!

Wang Xuan can be said to have achieved the feat of no one before and no one after him!

Lord Liu City said with a smile: "This kid is famous, it is estimated that even people in the five major cities know him now."

Dong Xuehai scolded with a smile: "This kid likes to make such a big move, and he has caused a lot of trouble."

Even so, no one could hear the pride and pride in those words.

"The battle of Yancheng, Wang Xuan became famous in ten cities." Lord Liu Cheng said with a deep gaze.

"Even taking my Pingcheng will become famous in the old land of the Terrans!"

"Wang Xuan will take the glory of Pingcheng to a new height!"

"Believe Wang Xuan, this kid hasn't let us down."

Heijo is a high school, and the girls' dormitory is 608 bedrooms.


"Zixuan, your brother won!"

"In the past, it was all people from other cities who came to our Pingcheng to play awe, but now your brother also represents Pingcheng to Tancheng!"

"All the people of Pingcheng are thanking your brother for playing the grievances that our Pingcheng has accumulated for many years, and our people in Pingcheng can finally raise their eyebrows and exhale.

Wang Zixuan did not speak, his expression was already dull.

People in their dormitory are also constantly following the news about Wang Xuan on the Internet.

Therefore, as soon as the news of Wang Xuan's sweeping the five Tianjiao in Yancheng came out, they immediately paid attention to it.

Wang Zixuan, who should have been more happy for several people, did not react at all at this moment.

What's the situation?

Several people couldn't help but be confused.

"Zixuan, shouldn't you, who is a sister, be proud of your brother?"

"Yes, if this is my brother and has done so many earth-shattering things, I would jump up excitedly!"

"It's me, I want everyone to know that Wang Xuan is my brother."

Wang Zixuan's eyes were red and he choked up, "I'm not upset."

"I just..... It's just that the excitement feels like a dream. ”

"Sweeping Yancheng, is my brother so powerful!"

"Nope.... I'm going to call my mom and say, "Oh, my brother is the pride of the whole family!"

Wang Zixuan cried out excitedly.

Several people in the dormitory looked at each other, crying and laughing.

Reporters from all cities all looked at Wang Xuan.

Even, some reporters judged Wang Xuan's route and waited in front.

But gradually, these reporters found that something was wrong.

After Wang Xuan left Yancheng, the direction he took was not Pingcheng.

"Wait, isn't Wang Xuan planning to go back to Pingcheng?"

"Where is he going? After sweeping Yancheng, shouldn't they all go back to announce the good news?"

"This direction of travel, does he want: Halfway through the conversation, a reporter's eyes widened.

As if thinking of something shocking, my whole body was shaking with excitement.

All the fellow reporters around him were waiting for him to say the next half, but this guy was silent.

"What is he going to do, you should finish talking."

"Oh I'm leaning, I'm dying."

Another reporter thought thoughtfully, suddenly looked up and exclaimed: "Wait! Isn't the direction in which Wang Xuan is traveling where Cloud City is located?"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately reacted.

"Yes, yes! That place is Cloud City!"

"So Wang Xuan didn't return to Pingcheng, but went directly to Cloud City?!"

"This guy wouldn't plan to sweep Yan City and then target Cloud City, right?"

"Cloud City is strong this year, it is said that in this year's ten city competition, it is ready to summon up enough energy to break into the top five cities!"

"He's crazy! That's Cloud City!"

"This guy's strength is good, facing Jian Wushuang three moves in seconds."

"After going to Yancheng to fight one against five, with the momentum of thunder, quickly sweeping, good seedlings.

An old man with white hair and a kind face looked at the news with interest and commented.

"Young and so vigorous, he may also have a special qi and blood talent physique."

"Although there is still a gap with those super demons in front, it is not bad."

The old man smiled and looked away, looked at the peaceful and quiet campus outside the window, and continued to say to himself:

"This year, in the old land, many people who have broken through the limit realm have come out of nowhere, and it seems that there is a rising trend.

"I wonder if this funny little guy named Wang Xuan will come to apply for the academy this year?"

The old man thought,

A smile appeared on his face.

Although the old man is a lot of age, his body is tough, he walks like the wind, and his eyes are as clean and bright as a newborn baby.

This fairyland-like place is a martial artist's dream and has one of the highest schools of martial arts

Saint Martial Academy!

This old man was the elder of the Holy Martial Academy.

Cloud City,

Inside the city lord's mansion.

"I heard that the kid named Wang Xuan, after leaving Yan City, came straight to my Cloud City."

"People come all the way here, and we have to come up with some hospitality."

"Long Sen, you go to the city gate and wait for him."

"Yes." A plain-looking, naked boy answered and walked out of the city lord's mansion.

The young man was full of tendon flesh, and his flesh seemed to contain an extremely terrifying energy.

As soon as you breathe in, there is qi and blood roaring in your ears.

The surrounding body seemed to exude a killing aura like a sea of blood.

The city lord walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and said with a smile: "Wang Xuan of Pingcheng, I asked the young and strongest combat power of Cloud City to entertain you, and I have already given you enough hospitality."

Someone on the side hesitated: "City Lord, this Wang Xuan defeated Jian Wushuang and defeated the five Tianjiao of Yancheng, can Long Sen stop him?"

"Long Sen, is my cloud city for a hundred years of rare Tianjiao, it is said that he also has an extremely ancient flesh physique, the flesh is invincible, even the fierce beast is afraid when he sees it, Long Sen can't stop him, who can stop it?"

The city lord asked rhetorically with a smile.

Cloud City's century-old Tianjiao, Long Sen, is the strongest combat power in Cloud City!

He doesn't win, who wins ?!

From the moment Wang Xuan stepped into Cloud City.

Look down the wide street.

A naked boy was standing there, as if he had been waiting for Wang Xuan for a long time.

Wang Xuan stopped, played Long Sen up and down, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thick and black, like Jian Wushuang, the strength of Cloud City is not bad."

"I didn't come in vain, and this trip can be full of harvests."

Wang Xuan felt satisfied.

0 begging for flowers.........

Long Sen looked at Wang Xuan from a distance, felt the powerful aura on his body, and fought against the sky.

"I'll entertain you the lord of the city."

"If you have friends from afar, you don't need to go in Cloud City, let me send you back to Pingcheng."

Long Sen roared, the muscles on his body swelled violently, and his figure seemed to rise several feet in an instant.

The sound of qi and blood rushing in the body is like a tiger's roar.

The breath that emanated rolled up countless fallen leaves.

This strong aura blew Wang Xuan's hair.

"This guy's physical strength is very good."

"Then I will fight in the flesh!"

Wang Xuan's eyes were a little more serious.

A few meters apart.

Long Sen roared again, tiptoeing, and his figure shot out.

At the same time, the fist was raised, as if it contained terrifying energy, and a punch bombarded!

The Power of the Ten Dragons!

Wang Xuan's heart shook slightly,

This was the only person he had ever met with such terrifying physical power.

I instantly affirmed in my heart that this guy must be the strongest combat power in Cloud City!

"It's fun to play like this."

Wang Xuan's expression was solemn, his fist frame was pulled open, and his qi and blood were boiling.

A punch greeted it.

The power of the thirteen dragons!

Spirit-level high-level martial arts!



A powerful aura spread out around the two.

Countless bricks on the ground are erected, and cracks spread!

The air pops and makes an overwhelming sound!

Those reporters who followed closely behind only felt thunder falling and their ears buzzing.

The momentum is so vast and everyone can feel it within a radius of 100 meters!


Ronson flew out upside down faster than when he came!

He covered his injured and bleeding arm with one hand, and stood up with difficulty, his muscles trembling.

"How is it possible!"

"Your physical strength is even stronger than mine!"

Long Sen's face was full of shock, and he could no longer calm down because of his feelings.

He is invincible in the flesh, and he can smash upper-level weapons with his fists.

Won many battles, never opponents.

But this time, in the physical strength that he was most proud of, he actually fell behind!

Wang Xuan's expression was calm.

"Your physical strength is indeed good, compared to me, there is still a big gap.

Long Sen lowered his head, his forehead was bruised, and his muscles actually agitated again.

The whole body qi and blood boil to the extreme!

Red eyes!

The muscles are red!

Ronsen kills again!

"Dragon Burst Fist!"

In the void, a dragon roared faintly.

Flat ground with strong winds!

Punch it out!


Wang Xuan still threw the same punch.

There seems to be an electric light flashing all around.

This punch has the power of thunder!

Thunder exploded!

The sky is flat and thundering!


Long Sen flew upside down again, and this time, he couldn't afford to fall to the ground!

【Ding Ding Ding——】

[You defeated Dragon Sen, and the repair is randomly dropped]

【Congratulations, you have obtained three years of cultivation】

【Ding Ding Ding——】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the cultivation experience of the Ancient Yuan Body * for 30 years

[Physical Evolution: You Awakened the Junlong Body]

【Ding Ding Ding——】

[You have awakened the power of the ancients: Spirit-level high-level great consummation, Jun Long Jin]


Wang Xuan's muscles agitated, and his momentum climbed to the peak!

His physique actually began to transform directly.

His skin faintly turned red!

A strange and exceptionally powerful force is injected into the body!

Wang Xuan only felt as if there was an inexhaustible power in his body!

Qi and blood exceeded 22,000 calories!

The strength of the flesh breaks through the power of the thirty dragons!!

Ask for tips, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for support!!!!

Ten thousand....

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