Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 72: Key Government Communications and Amazing Annual Meeting Prize Draw

What we just discussed and confirmed is the year-end bonus, and the normal monthly bonus will still be paid out normally.

As time goes by, Shangqing wine has also entered thousands of households.

Various reviews of Shangqing wine have also appeared on the Internet, and all the reviews are very good.

Shoko, who made a big splash in the last review of Qingfeng wine, also made a review of Shangqing wine at the first time and gave a very high evaluation.

As long as people who have drunk it have a very high recognition of Shangqing wine, they all say that this wine has reached a new height of Chinese liquor.

It is definitely the top level of liquor.

The distributors in the Lighthouse Country also directly ordered 100 tons from Yidian Company.

These wines were transported in two batches, 10 tons were directly transported by air, which can meet the market as soon as possible and be used to promote the reputation of high-end wines.

Another batch was transported by sea. The other party has already liked this mode of transportation. Not only is the freight cheap, but on the other hand, most of the wines shipped by sea will be upgraded, which can directly appreciate in value.

Before the goods arrived, the invested goods directly appreciated by about 20%. Such a good thing can't be found anywhere else.

Liu Sen also received a notice from Chen Tianxiang of the government that they would visit Yidian in the near future.

The other party's tone was particularly cordial, and they also wanted to build a good relationship with the company. The sudden rise of Yidian was completely beyond their expectations.

At the beginning, it was because of the relationship with President Jin, and they would also give some care without violating the regulations.

I really didn't expect that it would become so big in just a few months. During this period, many superiors came to call to inquire about the situation of Yidian, some at the municipal level and some at the provincial level.

All these made the Rongcheng government more face-saving, and Rongcheng's reputation was also spread out and became famous throughout the country. Yidian Company is not only an industrial company that does practical things, but also very famous on the Internet, and Rongcheng is also famous.

This is very beneficial for future investment promotion. Recently, many large companies want to invest and build factories in Rongcheng.

Including real estate, there are some signs of warming up again, and housing prices have begun to rise.

They knew that this was all because of Yidian, so they had to maintain it well and take their needs into consideration. After all, if some of their plans affected the development plan of Yidian Company, it would be bad if there were conflicts.

This time, in the name of inspection, it was actually to determine the future urban development plan through communication.

After all, everyone has the common point of building their hometown Rongcheng well.

It is best to cooperate with each other.

A few days later, under the leadership of Liu Sen, the leaders of Rongcheng were welcomed.

This team was very large, not only with the first and second in command, but also with all the department leaders of Rongcheng.

Such a large team is also for better communication.

Liu Sen led the reception team, accompanied Xie Hongshan and Chen Tianxiang to visit the group's direct scientific research team, logistics team, and legal team, and then took them to visit each subsidiary.

Along the way, they received countless exclamations and praises.

After all the meetings, they finally had dinner in the group's cafeteria.

After the meal, everyone entered the meeting room.

The reception team of Yidian Company was outside preparing to provide logistical support.

The top leaders of Rongcheng, the top leaders of various departments, and the senior executives of Yidian Company in the conference room began to get down to business.

They began to express their opinions on the future development of Rongcheng and Yidian Company.

Time passed quickly, and the day ended in a blink of an eye. Everyone went back to rest and gathered together again the next afternoon to discuss.

At the end of the meeting, everyone smiled with satisfaction.

In the next period of time, according to the plan, Rongcheng will have a big development, and all aspects will actively promote the implementation of the plan.

The content of this meeting will also be kept confidential and may not be made public until many years later.

After the government officials left, Rongcheng's No. 1 and No. 2 also set out again to report to Cudu.

A day later, they went to the province together with the leaders of Cudu.

Two days later, Liu Sen received a call.

"Mr. Liu, the things we communicated before have been approved by the top." The person speaking on the other side was Rongcheng's No. 2 Chen Tianxiang.

"Okay, then I don't have too many concerns." Liu Sen received a positive reply and was quite happy.

The development in the next period of time will definitely enter the fast lane, and there is no need to worry about being restricted.

Otherwise, the development will definitely be greatly affected. Although the current revenue scale of Yidian Enterprise is indispensable for the development of Rongcheng, if some procedures are delayed, it will also affect the progress of his overall planning.

With the recognition and cooperation of the government, it will be much easier.

"You can do it boldly, we will fully support it."

Chen Tianxiang will definitely support it strongly. Rongcheng will get more from the development of Yidian. They have won the commendation from above this time.

Just one week before the Chinese New Year.

All the stocks of Shangqing Liquor were sold out. According to the leader's intention, the website maintenance staff directly issued a notice on the official website.

"Notice to all customers: Due to the limited inventory of Shangqing Liquor, it is currently sold out. If you need it, please buy it in April next year."

The moment they saw the notice, the netizens who were previously influenced by some online views exploded instantly.

These netizens began to attack those who had previously posted on the Internet that Shangqing Liquor would definitely not be out of stock and would even be reduced in price.

They even directly scolded those people on the hot search, and all kinds of abuse were overwhelming.

Many people deleted posts and closed comments.

At the same time, there were many posts seeking to buy Shangqing wine, hoping to buy a batch.

These have nothing to do with Yidian and Liu Sen. He is organizing the annual meeting of the entire company.

This annual meeting was held outdoors in a square next to the group.

This square was also renovated by Yidian after it was left unfinished.

Except for the necessary staff, all the company staff arrived, and sales staff from all over the country also came back to participate.

Everyone was beaming with joy, because of the rapid development of the company, the company's staff promotion speed was also very fast, and the performance bonus was also a large sum.

Many people have directly reached the peak of their lives and changed their lives because of Yidian.

Employees one by one, those without cars bought cars, those without houses bought houses, those without girlfriends got girlfriends, and those without wives got wives.

Those with cars changed cars, those with houses changed bigger houses, those with girlfriends changed girlfriends, and those with wives changed wives.

Just kidding, the last two are not there, but the car and house in the front are real.

Everyone was very happy to attend the annual meeting this time, with a smile on their faces, and they also heard some rumors that the year-end bonus this time was very good.

The first thing at the meeting was the work reports and plans for the next year from the general managers of each subsidiary and the director of the group.

After all, many grassroots employees do not know the situation and development of other subsidiaries.

This process also allows all employees to understand the company's projects, future development and goals, and increase employees' sense of honor and mission.

In simple terms, you go out to brag and have something to talk about.

Especially since the Chinese New Year is coming in a week, if you don't pretend to be cool in front of your relatives and friends when you go back, it will be a failure.

Next are some singing and dancing projects, which will end soon.

Liu Sen walked onto the stage and looked at

This is his goal, which is being realized step by step, driving employees and people to get rich, leading scientific and technological progress, and making the country rich and strong.

"Hello, brothers and sisters. After a period of hard work, we have received today's rewards. Yidian Company is booming with everyone's efforts."

"No matter how much I say, it can't compare to material rewards, so I will announce a few things today."

"The first is the year-end bonus. Although the company was founded only two or three months ago, many people have just joined our big family, but there is still a year-end bonus. The specific distribution details will be sent to everyone in a while."

"The second is my decision. Because of the rapid development of the company, the company's annual employee increase is very large. In order to attract more people to join the company, the company will build a batch of houses every year to reward employees with outstanding performance. The specific details will be issued together."

"The third is the lucky draw of this annual meeting. Please look at the big screen."

When everyone saw the big screen, they were boiling. The lucky draw rewards were too tempting.

Special prize, 1 person, 1 million.

First prize, 3 people, 500,000.

Second prize, 20 people, 100,000.

Third prize, 200 people, 10,000.

Fourth prize, 1,000 winners, 5,000 yuan.

Lucky prize, 5,000 winners, 1,000 yuan.

Participation prize, all non-winners, 500 yuan Mulinsen stored value card.

"I believe everyone has seen it, are you surprised or not?" Liu Sen said loudly.


This is really a big surprise, not only is there a high year-end bonus, but the lottery at this annual meeting is also beyond their imagination.

"The answers are very neat, it seems that everyone is very satisfied."

Liu Sen heard everyone's answers and saw everyone's eyes, each revealing desire, and he also smiled.

Once his company's annual meeting only gave everyone a 2 yuan lottery ticket, saying that it was giving everyone a chance to win 5 million, which was simply speechless.

"Now let's start the lottery." Liu Sen continued to explain.

"The rules of this lottery are different from the ones you've seen before. When you all enter the venue, you will have a number ticket, which is divided into two halves. One half is kept by you, and the other half is put into this lottery box by yourself. This large lottery box has always been here. It is completely transparent, and only the top is black and opaque. Everyone should be able to see it from the beginning until now. No one has touched it."

"The current lottery rules are that starting from the lucky prize, each winner will come up to draw the next prize until the special prize is drawn. The rest are all participation prizes."

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