The full text of the explosive post shows that the Qingfeng wine of Yidian Liquor Industry is a pure industrial wine, which is garbage.

The production process of Qingfeng wine from grain to finished wine only takes 3 days.

It is all industrial assembly lines, without cellaring.

In just a few days, grain worth a few yuan has turned into Qingfeng wine worth 168 yuan.

All of us consumers should resist this kind of industrial garbage. Yidian is a black-hearted merchant.

There are many factory pictures behind.

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This post instantly set off the Internet, and countless people scolded Yidian Company for making black-hearted money.

And the direct feedback is that the sales of Qingfeng wine have declined a lot, but it is still much higher than the sales of the previous month.

Hong Xin is a sales clerk of Yidian Liquor Industry. Every day, she will enter the company's backstage to check the sales data.

In the morning, I arrived at the office half an hour early, and after making myself a cup of coffee, I started my daily work.

After turning on the computer and entering the backend to check yesterday's sales data, he suddenly found that the sales data had dropped significantly compared with the data of the previous day, and the data dropped by almost 70%.

This data should not appear in the sales curve in recent times, and even if there is a decline, it should not be so large.

Hong Xin immediately summarized the data and completed the relevant analysis in just a few minutes. After printing out the completed chart, she immediately reported it to Manager Deng.

Looking at the comparison of the documents and data in front of him, Deng Yalun knew that there must be a major problem. Sales may decline, but not so fast and so much. Normally, it is relatively gentle.

Immediately let all the company's personnel understand the relevant situation, especially the public relations department to prepare countermeasures, and notify the sales team nationwide to understand the reasons through distributors and channels.

Soon the information came back. It was the production process of Shangqing wine that was announced on the Internet, and someone stole the concept and kept leading the rhythm, saying that the company's wine was industrial waste.

There were a lot of Qingfeng wine backlogs on the distributors and channel dealers, and many customers wanted to return the goods.

Deng Yalun heard the report and thought for a long time. This must be an attack from other wine companies.

It seems that this situation needs to be communicated with Liu Sen to see how he handles it. After all, he developed the wine, and he knows the entire technical process best, and it is easy to find a breakthrough.

Liu Sen, who is constantly learning various knowledge to enrich himself, heard the phone ring, took a look and answered the phone.

"Brother Aaron, what's the matter?"

"Asen, there are some problems with Qingfeng wine now. It was stolen and attacked by people on the Internet. Now the reputation has declined and the sales data is also falling rapidly."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Liu Sen turned on the computer and began to search for related topics. He typed in Qingfeng wine, and a lot of negative news appeared directly. Some of the previous good reviews and curious news were squeezed out of sight.

All I saw were some industrial waste, black-hearted merchants, no connotation, etc.

These are obviously the counterattacks of companies whose interests were touched by Yidian Wine Industry. These are all minor problems. The quality of the wine is there, but now it is being led by the rhythm and ignoring the quality and taste of the wine.

"I have seen the news. How are you going to deal with it?"

"Here is what I think. First of all, we must explain our products and the principles. We are a technology company and we must establish our image so that when there are new products next time, all consumers will not have strange ideas."

"Then we must punish those who are leading the trend and spreading rumors. We must directly collect evidence and prosecute them. After all, our group has a lawless madman Zhang San, who must be released to show his face. Next time, those people should think twice before thinking of any crooked ideas."

"But you still need to explain the specific principles of winemaking. After all, our company's wine is produced and bottled for sale in 3 days."

After hearing this, Liu Sen had no problem with it. He directly added a suggestion to set up a live broadcast department in the company to explain our company's products live.

In this way, if there are any questions, netizens can have a place to ask directly, and they will not be led to the trend in other places.

This department will live broadcast our production workshop. With our hygiene and professional conditions, it will definitely attract a large number of people. After all, other corporate wineries are definitely not as good as ours.

Because the production process is different.

This department should also understand the dynamics on the Internet on a daily basis. Once there are bad signs or things, they should be dealt with immediately and not allowed to expand.

Moreover, the live broadcast room can also drive the sales of the company's products.

Deng Yalun quickly arranged the matter, and sent some production principles that Liu Sen sent to the public relations department, and arranged for someone to polish them and publish them on major platforms.

"Clarification Statement Letter

Guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the content of this statement, and bear individual and joint liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of its content.

Today, the company noticed that on many platforms, there were rumors about our company's products and the concept was replaced, and the content expressed was inconsistent with the actual situation.

The clarification of the actual situation is as follows:

The company's Qingfeng wine production is indeed an assembly line process to ensure a consistent taste, but the normal process required for winemaking has not been reduced.

The reason why we can produce wine in 3 days is entirely because our company is a high-tech enterprise and has made technological breakthroughs in the brewing process. The new type of koji and enzymes developed by our company can shorten the fermentation time from several years or even ten years to 3 days. God, this is a breakthrough and progress in technology.

Times are advancing, technology is advancing, and our company has always been operating based on this concept.

Wine is an extension of culture. Maoshan, where the company is located, is a famous Taoist holy land. It dates back nearly 5,000 years. Our company uses the formula summarized in Maoshan's ancient alchemy and the new technology of modern high-wine brewing to brew the wine, inheriting the tradition. The most important thing is Taoist culture, which is quiet and inactive.

Hence the name Qingfeng Wine.

Regarding the recent unverified and false content on various platforms, our company will pursue relevant responsibilities in accordance with the law.

This is for clarification.

Yidian Liquor Industry

**year month day"

After seeing the clarification letter from Yidian Liquor Industry, major platforms were all boiling over. This company is really tough and they directly criticized it.

Many people are publishing some interpretations, and the explanations for several questions are in place. People have shortened the fermentation and brewing time through high technology.

They are awesome at doing this. If you can, you can also develop it. This is the real liquor technology. Those beauties who rely on fermentation, blending, and old wine cellars are incomparable.

Compared with years, people have used recipes that are thousands of years old and have been made through modern technology.

Compared with culture, it is thousands of years old and is Taoist culture.

There are so many people who are so upset. A few yuan turns into 168 in a flash. That’s because they have the skills and the taste is good.

If you have the ability, go for it. Those wineries where a few dollars can turn into hundreds or even thousands, aren’t they even darker?

The same goes for wafers. A pile of sand can be turned into wafers, one hundred thousand of them. You can criticize this and call it a shady businessman.

I just want to say, why is Yidian Liquor not a listed company? You should go public soon. I will definitely buy your stock. This is a real liquor technology stock. If you agree, let me take the lead and let Yidian Liquor If the industry sees it, let them go public.


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Soon this message was pushed to the top, many people saw it, and it was quickly forwarded and became popular on major platforms.

A group of people shouted for Yidian Liquor to be listed on the market.

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