"Hold on, hold on..."

Liu Sen kept thinking silently in his heart.

There is only one bar of electricity left on the screen of the electric vehicle, and the red light indicating lack of power is flashing continuously. At the same time, the electric vehicle is also broadcasting in a loop: low battery, please charge.

His eyes were filled with helplessness.

It's 9:40 pm now, and the last takeout order has just been delivered.

Half an hour ago, Liu Sen was preparing to close the food delivery crowdsourcing app and go back to rest.

The damn platform sent another takeout order to a relatively remote place. After the delivery, the electric car didn't have enough electricity left to get home.

Liu Sen is a clerk in a company.

I work normally during the day and work part-time at a kangaroo food delivery platform at night.

I have been running for more than a month, three to four hours a day, and the average income is about 80.

The electric car continued to drive for a few more minutes, and finally the car's speed was slower than walking speed.

Liu Sen had no choice but to kick on the ground and let the vehicle slide forward. In the end, he could only push it forward.

Pushing up a slope, Liu Sen was sweating all over his body, and some gold stars began to dance in front of his eyes.

This is a phenomenon that occurs when you are particularly tired.

He couldn't push the car anymore, so he had to park it on the side of the road.

This place is still two or three kilometers away from the dormitory.


Liu Sen sighed, picked up the cell phone hanging on his chest, and prepared to call his roommate for help.

He doesn't like to trouble others.

I was holding my cell phone and preparing to dial a number when I saw several flashing dots appear on my phone.

Liu Sen didn't pay attention, thinking it was caused by fatigue and dizziness.

He shook his head, trying to wake himself up, but the flashing dots in front of his eyes did not move, but stayed in a fixed place.

He moved his eyes to the electric car and found that there were also some flashing dots on the electric car.

Liu Sen looked at other places again. There were no flashing spots on the guardrails or green belts.

When I looked back at the electric car and the mobile phone, there were some flickering dots again.

He reached up and rubbed his eyes, but those flickering spots were still there.

Liu Sen looked at the situation in front of him with some doubts.

He was a little scared, but also a little hopeful.

He was afraid that he had a mental problem and that he was sick.

What I'm looking forward to is whether this will bring some different changes to him.

I stretched out my right hand to touch the small dots in front of me, but there was no feeling.

Liu Sen also had flashing spots on his right hand.

What on earth is this?

He stared at a point on his hand, and a projection screen appeared in front of him.

Thumb nail length: 1.23 cm

The decimal point in 1.23 is flashing.

Now Liu Sen was sure that this was really not an illusion.

Looking at the projection in front of him, Liu Sen immediately looked around carefully. There was nothing unusual about the passing vehicles or the occasional pedestrians passing by.

He immediately felt relieved. Only I could see the projection in front of him.

Is this the legendary Goldfinger?

But what's the use?

It will definitely not just display data, otherwise the decimal point will not flash all the time.

Does the flashing mean the decimal point can be operated? Can it be moved?

Why isn't there a manual?

He was just about to try moving the decimal point of the nail data, but suddenly stopped.

This is a part of your body. If something goes wrong, it would be too tragic to kill yourself.

He had to be careful when testing, he didn't want to be the first person to kill himself after having a golden finger.

Liu Sen turned his attention to the electric car, focused his thoughts on the flashing dot, and a light curtain immediately appeared.

Didi electric car

Mileage: 60.00 kilometers (remaining 0.5 kilometers)

Top speed: 50.00 km/h

After looking at the light screen and thinking for a while, I tried to move the remaining 0.5 decimal point of the cruising kilometers back. I saw that the decimal point jumped back and the panel became;

Didi electric car

Mileage: 60.00 kilometers (5 kilometers remaining)

Top speed: 50.00 km/h

It has really changed, but I don’t know if this data change will lead to changes in reality.

I looked at the dashboard of the electric car and saw that there was still one bar of electricity on the display, and the red light was no longer flashing.

After turning the switch, the car started to run normally, and there was really power.

Liu Sen decided to go back to the dormitory first and then study slowly.

It's still on the road now, so it won't be good if something strange happens during the modification.

Liu Sen looked at the small flashing dot in front of his eyes, thinking that this would not always exist, and it would affect his vision.

Just when I thought about it, those flickering dots disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

For a moment, Liu Sen was worried about gains and losses. Won't the golden finger also disappear?

Then with a thought, those flickering dots appeared in the field of vision again.

It seems that it appears when you want it and disappears when you don't need it.

Liu Sen rode his electric bike back to the dormitory building with excitement.

Because it is an old community, there are no cameras here.

I once again opened the panel of the electric car with my mind, wondering if adjusting the power would eliminate the need for charging.

Didi electric car

Mileage: 60.00 kilometers (remaining 2.1 kilometers)

Top speed: 50.00 km/h

I want to move the decimal point of 2.1 back one place again, but I find that it cannot be moved.

Strange, can it only be moved once?

But this dot is still flashing, so it should still work.

He changed his mind and moved forward one digit, and the data became 0.21 kilometers.

He moved forward again, and the data became 0.021 kilometers again.

He moved the decimal point forward again and found that he could not move it, but he could move it backward.

After trying several times, he found a pattern. This decimal point can only move forward or backward by 1 digit on the original basic data.

Liu Sen did not move the decimal points of other data, which would directly change the performance of the car.

For example, if the speed is changed to 500 kilometers per hour, what will this car look like? He dared not imagine it.

And the cruising range is changed to 600 kilometers, which can be the same as that of electric cars. How will this car change?

For the time being, it is better to be safe. Just now, only the remaining mileage was changed, because most of the data changes are about the power, which should not cause changes in appearance.

Connect the electric car to the charger, swipe the card for 2 yuan, and the charging time is 480 minutes.

Liu Sen checked the charger interface again and saw that it was charging.

After confirming, I went back to the dormitory with peace of mind.

I forgot to charge several times before, which resulted in no power the next day, so now I am suspicious. I even ran over to confirm before going to bed when I was in the dormitory on the 5th floor.

When I got to the 5th floor and opened the door, I heard the sound of League of Legends coming from my roommate's room.

My roommate is a colleague from his company named Qin Song, who is more of a homebody.

This two-bedroom and one-living room dormitory is rented by the company. The environment is pretty good. The company deducts 150 from the salary every month, and the company subsidizes 60 yuan for water and electricity every month.

Qin Song has been working part-time with Liu Sen to deliver food during this period. He wanted to ask him for help when he ran out of power before.

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