The old man was still alive, but he was still alive.

My sister stopped talking abruptly, and I sat up suddenly, looking at the Taoist priest in horror.

My mother's face was also completely pale.

The Taoist priest said calmly: "You will die four years after you are born. I left this message, but you didn't die."

"I didn't believe it when I saw you."

"But after hearing what you said, it makes sense."

"Ghost marriage contract, Yama's invitation, ghosts protect people before marriage, ghosts kill people after marriage."

This time, the old Taoist looked at my mother: "I didn't expect that the old man also knew the Yin and Yang magic, and he extended his life with the Yin marriage contract, which is so bold that it makes people shudder."

"I never thought that the long-lost taboo Yin marriage contract would reappear in this mountain valley."

"There are really people in the world who can do the Yin marriage contract."

"Master Taoist, what is the matter with my son's death tonight?" My mother was sweating profusely.

She didn't understand what the Yin marriage and Yin and Yang magic were.

She only cared about her son's life. She almost fainted when she heard that her son's death was tonight.

The Taoist priest actually looked a bit awed: "To be precise, your son's death was last night"

"Black air covered his face, evil spirit gathered in his eyebrows, and weak yang fire is the sign of death"

"Last night, the old man in your family interfered, and the death was not completed, so the death was moved to tonight."

He looked at me and said bluntly: "Tonight from 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock in the morning is your death, and that thing will come to take your life again."

"You don't have to wait until your 18th birthday, you can't wait."

My mother felt dizzy when she heard it, and she rushed out of the house with trembling hands

She cursed at the empty yard, saying all kinds of dirty words.

She cried and cursed with snot and tears, and everything was directed at her...

I was silent and felt sad. Cursing ghosts is just a rural rumor.

Some old people are good at this, but it is unknown whether it works.

Besides, is that thing in the yard?

Will it be scolded away?

From the time she got pregnant to the time she had a difficult birth, she managed to raise her son, but in the end, he was still in critical condition.

My mother was so angry that her chest rose and fell.

After returning to the house, she knelt down in front of the Taoist priest in white.

"Master, please save my son!"

"You must save him. He should not bear the responsibility for the mistakes of his ancestors, and the disaster will not affect his descendants."

The Taoist priest quickly supported my mother:

"Sister, what are you doing? I can't stand by and watch when the people are in trouble. You should get up first."

After my mother sat up straight, the Taoist priest began to talk about how to deal with it:

"It is God's will. I came here on the day you were born."

"Today, I am facing your death again. It is God's will."

"I have seen the art of Yin marriage in ancient books, but I don't know how to solve it. As for the Qinglong Temple mentioned by the old gentleman, I have heard of it."

"It is on Wangwu Mountain outside Juncheng. Some people in the industry say that the monks in Qinglong Temple have great magical powers and unfathomable Buddhist teachings."

"The old gentleman asked you to go to Qinglong Temple. I think there must be a way to solve the Yin marriage contract."

"That thing will come tonight. You leave immediately!"

I looked bitter: "Master, you said that I looked dead and faced a death. If I leave, will she not kill me?"

"It didn't work yesterday, and it came again tonight..."

"What I got is not a wife at all, but a deadly ghost."

The old Taoist's eyes showed a hint of sharpness: "You go boldly, let me meet her tonight!"

"Tonight I will trick her, you hurry to Qinglong Temple."

"It will be too late when she finds out."

I was stunned: "Leave now?"


The old Taoist talked to my mother, and my mother had no worries

She packed a few clothes and some money for me and sent me out of the house.

The old Taoist said that if I didn't leave tonight,

then my whole family would be buried with me.

My mother had tears in her eyes, and she was reluctant, but this was the only way.

I told my mother not to worry, the old Taoist said that this time it would be foolproof.

When I left, I took the wooden box under my grandfather's bed.

The wooden box was locked with a lock. I tried saws and hammers before, but they didn't work.

I had to take it away first.

After I left, only my mother, my sister and the old Taoist in white were left at home.

The Taoist priest in white clothes paced back and forth in the yard, pinching his fingers.

My sister felt dizzy and asked in confusion: "Master, are you sure?".

The Taoist priest said gloomily: "I told you a fortune, but I can't tell what will happen tonight."

"That thing is not simple."

"Girl, go find some old roosters, yellow paper, and a coffin."

My sister shouted: "Coffin? Roosters and yellow paper are simple, but where can I find a coffin?"

The Taoist priest pretended not to hear and continued, "The size of the coffin must be similar to your brother's body, and it must be newly made this year."

"If you make a mistake, your brother will be in danger."

The elder sister gritted her teeth and said, "I know, even if I have to rob, I will find one!"

The Taoist priest turned around and said to the mother, "Sister, please find your son's clothes."

"The cotton in his mattress and a pair of his shoes."

The mother replied, "Okay."

After the two of them left, the Taoist priest's expression eased a little.

The water in the house was picked up from the well in the village and usually stored in the big vat in the yard.

The Taoist priest walked to the big vat and picked up the ladle to drink some water.

As soon as the ladle reached his mouth, he glanced at the vat from the corner of his eye and his expression suddenly became terrified.


The ladle fell off the ground, and the Taoist priest leaned over to the vat to take a closer look.

My face was stained with a black color that could not be dispersed, and the evil spirit gathered between my eyebrows.....

This is the appearance of death..........


I sat in the car heading to Juncheng and looked at the scene that was passing by quickly.

Even though there was a snoring sound around me, I was not sleepy at all.

When I left, the Taoist priest in white gave me two life-saving advices.

"Don't go out after dark, don't rush, and be sure to find a place to stay until dawn."

"Be sure to enter Qinglong Temple before the night of the 14th."

I checked my phone. Today is the 12th, and there are still two days until the 14th.

Fortunately, Juncheng is not far away, and I can enter the city before dark. It should be safe to find a hotel to stay in.

I don't know how the long-term arrangement at home is, can I deceive that thing?

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived in Juncheng. I checked the time and it was still early.

Since I was staying in a hotel, I might as well stay in one that is closer to Wangwu Mountain, so that it would be more convenient to find Wangwu Mountain.

Wuliao Town in the county town is quite close to Wangwu Mountain. It takes four stops to get from the central bus station in the county town to Wuliao Town.

It's just a matter of two yuan.

I walked in the city with my shit-yellow urea bag.

The county town is a small county town. The economy has declined sharply. Young people have gone out to work.

There are only some elderly people and left-behind children left. I didn't see many passers-by along the way.

The bus stop is not far away. It takes only a few minutes to walk there.

Suddenly, a painful sound stopped me.

I saw an old lady in flowery clothes lying on the curb.

There was blood on her hand. She was probably scratched.

The walking stick was thrown several meters away.

One or two pedestrians passing by walked straight past as if they didn't see it.

I sighed helplessly. Who dares to help people without money these days?

If you don't help well, you will lose everything.

In the spirit of less trouble is more trouble, I thought I would just pass by with my eyes closed.

But the cries pierced my heart like needles, and the nine years of compulsory education reminded me all the time.

Finally, I gritted my teeth and stopped.

Maybe I would be dead in the next two days, so it would be worth it to save one person.

I found a little girl on the roadside and gave her my phone to her, asking her to record the video for me,

to prove that I was helpful and not the cause of the accident.

I walked over to pick up the crutches and helped the old lady up

"Grandma, are you okay?".

'You can see clearly, I didn't knock you down, I helped you up'

The old lady in flowery clothes held her waist with one hand and waved with the other hand: "It's okay, I won't blame you, I just tripped without paying attention"

"Thank you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get up for a long time."

I was relieved: "That's good."

"You walk slowly, I'll go first."

Just as I was about to walk away, someone grabbed my clothes.

The old lady in flowery clothes had wrinkles like dead tree lines, and her old corpse spots were pushed together:

"Can you help me to the bus stop? It's just in front. I hurt my waist when I fell just now."

I was a little embarrassed, but nodded.

Anyway, I had to go to the bus stop, so I just helped her on the way.

"Okay, then grandma, wait a minute, I'll take my phone down."

I ran over to get my phone back, and took out a candy and handed it to her

"Thank you, little friend."

The little girl hesitated a little: "I'm sorry, brother, I accidentally locked the screen just now, so I didn't take the picture."

"It's okay, take it and eat it."

After hearing what I said, she dared to take the candy,

but she still stretched her head to look behind me and asked curiously: "Brother, why did you take a picture of you talking to the air?".

The smile on my face froze, "Didn't you see that old lady in flowery clothes?".

Little girl: "What old lady? I only saw you. I only saw my brother talking to himself."

I felt a chill all over my body

I couldn't even

Looking back

Meet a ghost again?

It is indeed a dirty thing, no wonder others ignore it.

I was a little suspicious of her, after all, I have encountered many strange things in the past two days, so I have to be extra careful in everything.

You said that it was almost night and an old lady suddenly asked you to help her to a certain place. Isn't it scary?

If it wasn't still light now, I would have run away.

I thought about doing a good deed before I died, but I really did a good deed before I died, and it was a ghost.

At this time, the old lady's voice sounded behind me: "Child, are you okay?".

I suppressed my fear and replied with a pale face behind her: "I'll be there soon."

At the same time, I grabbed the little girl's shoulders and stuffed the remaining candies into her:

"Go, go find your parents, don't come here again."

"Otherwise, I will snatch all the candies from you when I see you again!"

The little girl didn't know why, but she was still happy to have the candies, and she jumped away.

And I should face the things behind me.

The old lady urged me impatiently, saying that the bus was coming soon.

I moved my feet slightly to prepare for escape, but suddenly my clothes fell as if something grabbed me.

I could see from the side that it was a dry hand with black blood stains,

The wrinkled skin rolled up like an old man's face, and the yellow-brown nails hid countless black mud.

The old lady's face full of age spots came over from the side: "Child, let's go."

My hands and feet were trembling subconsciously,

I tried to shake off the old lady's hand, but her hand was like nailed to my clothes.

I couldn't pull it off.

Anyway, the old lady was still puzzled: "The bus stop is over there...".

So I had to support the old lady in flowery clothes to deal with it first, and then find a chance to escape later.

As we walked, we really came to the bus stop.

The old lady sat down on the chair under the bus stop sign and clapped her hands to signal me to sit down too

However, I dared not sit with her. I would run away at the right moment.

Whee! ......Whee!

At this time, a yellow bus came from a distance. I saw that it was the No. 7 bus I wanted to take.

I thought to myself, this is the opportunity. I will get in the bus when the time comes.

This old lady can't get on, right? And there are so many people on the bus, which can also give me courage.

The bus naturally stopped at the bus stop

I took a look and saw that the bus was almost full of people. The old people and children were chattering, which made me very happy.

I just like a lot of people!

The driver was a Mediterranean uncle. He glanced at me and opened the door.

No one got off at this stop. It would leave after I got on the bus.

I looked back at the old lady carefully at first. The old lady was taking a nap with a cane.

The opportunity has come!

I stepped into the bus with the most agile movement in my life.

Suddenly, a force on my back pulled me down as I stepped on it.

I turned back in shock and anger, and my anger turned into horror in an instant.

The one who pulled me was none other than the old lady in flowery clothes.

The old lady grinned, revealing her missing teeth.

The wrinkles and age spots overlapped, and this smile was particularly eerie.

"Not this one..."

I pretended to be natural and said, "Grandma, I want to take this bus. You wait here for a while and your bus will come."

"I want to take bus No. 7."

But the old lady grabbed my clothes and giggled, "Not this one."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The driver honked the horn impatiently: "Get on quickly, hurry up!" .

"So many people are waiting for you? ".

I was sweating profusely: "Master, wait a moment, wait a moment, it will be soon".

"Grandma, the bus is about to leave".

Although the old lady looked weak, she was ripping her clothes.

I took off my coat anxiously and rushed to the bus with the urea bag and luggage.

Suddenly, my movements froze, and my neck hurt, and the force pulled me backwards.

I fell to the side of the road, and the urea bag rolled to the old lady's feet.

Only then did I see that the old lady had hooked my neck with the bent end of her cane.

Ding ding ding...

A sound of wheels passed by, and the bus left.

After several trips, I got angry.

If you want to kill me, kill me. Why are you tossing me here?

Anyway, the bus has left.

At most, I will die, and I would rather die than be manipulated by this ghost!

I turned over and shouted angrily: "What on earth are you going to do? ".

The old lady sat back with her cane, still saying: "Not this one...".

I shrugged her off, picked up my clothes and was about to leave, determined to fight this old woman if she tried to stop me again.

I'm going to die sooner or later, so I might as well be a warrior!

The old lady

The voice sounded again: "Look, isn't the car coming?".

Beep beep beep..........

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