After thinking about the situation, the old Taoist asked, "Haven't you known the little girl surnamed Qi for several years?" I nodded. The old Taoist asserted, "According to your speculation, there is basically no other option. I am sure that Lin Ying is the ghost!" "Good guy, you are really good at hiding." "But... that little girl surnamed Qi... I'm afraid... Alas." I raised my eyelids, shook my head and didn't want to talk about it, and changed the subject: "What other ways are there to find Lin Ying now?" The old Taoist said, "Lin Ying knows that her identity will be exposed. She failed to kill you, so she naturally has to hide." "But I do have a way to find her, but..." He smiled bitterly and looked around. It was only the first day of his detention, and there were still three days left.

How could he possibly get out in this situation?

I knew early on that it was basically impossible to ask the Taoist priest to help in this situation,

so I probably had to put my hopes on myself.

"Do you think there is any other way out, Taoist priest?"

The Taoist priest grabbed his sparse beard, shook his head and said, "Let me think about it."

He walked back and forth in the room.

The monitor on the side looked at us like we were idiots, which was as it should be.

Who would talk about ghosts every day as if they were making a movie?

The Taoist priest thought for a long time, and suddenly pulled off a handful of beard, and said ecstatically:

"I got it! There is a way to kill her!"

"There is no need to find her at all, just let her soul fly away!"

"It's just that this method is a little difficult to implement. First, the things needed are hard to find, and second, you have to go to the old teaching building again."

I couldn't help but wonder,

You can kill her without finding her?

The old Taoist has this method, but judging from his expression, it seems that this is not a simple matter.

"What do you need? Taoist priest, please tell me first."

The old Taoist said very seriously:

"This is a magic method, which is derived from another type of Lu Ban's magic of exorcism. I have used it once. This method harms the harmony of heaven, damages people's life, and cuts off Yin virtue."

"You need to find a four-year-old rooster, coffin nails from a thousand-year-old tomb, cat's eye stones from two tombs that are at least three hundred years old, a virgin's long hair, and a small paper man"

"First, paint the paper man with the blood of the old rooster, find a piece of clothing she wore and stuff it into the paper man, use the cat's eye stone as eyes, and wrap the long hair around it. When it is completely dark after arriving at the old teaching building, immediately pierce the paper man's eyebrows with the coffin nail."

"This will connect the paper man to her, and the coffin nails will nail her! She will never make any waves again. The paper man will automatically find her. Follow the paper man. She can't move. Use soul fire to kill her!".

I couldn't help but twitch my lips.

It's okay for a four-year-old rooster, but I've never heard of things like thousand-year-old coffin nails and cat's eye stones.

Wouldn't the thousand-year-old coffin nails have naturally degraded long ago?

These are all in the tomb. He can't go to rob the tomb now, right?

I was a little worried: "Master, are you sure this paper man can restrict her movements?".

The old Taoist stared unconvinced:

"You dare to question me, kid? Don't worry, she won't kill you so easily, otherwise why would she waste so much effort?".

"Put the clothes in, insert the coffin nails, and even if she is a powerful ghost, she will stand still."

"The most powerful thing about this ghost is hiding, otherwise how could she hide in front of me for so long? Not simple... not simple".


"Okay, okay, time's up, don't go crazy", the monitor on the side couldn't stand it anymore,

The more he listened to us, the more he thought we were crazy.

The Taoist priest was taken away: "Remember, you must pierce the paper man's forehead without hesitation after dark!".

I looked at the Taoist priest's figure, feeling extremely melancholy...

I can only rely on myself, but at least I got a method,

The paper man nails the soul... It sounds mysterious, it should be reliable if it comes from the Taoist priest.

Now I'm about to start looking for materials,

Coffin nails, rooster blood, cat's eye, paper man, hair, clothes worn by Lin Ying.

Other things are easy to say, but these coffin nails and cat's eye are hard to find...

Subconsciously touched my ears, and suddenly shuddered, ears... earrings,

Oh, Mr. Kou!

Mr. Kou is a senior in the antique and jewelry circles, he must have a way!

I didn't dare to hesitate, I took a taxi and went to the store immediately

I went to Mr. Kou's shop.

When I arrived at the shop, the young girl from last time was now dignified and instructing other employees. Her western dress made her look particularly elegant.

She seemed to remember me, and she couldn't hide her joy when she saw me.

"Mr. Zhang, you are here!"

"Come on, please sit down first."

"You Ya, make some tea quickly, you are a distinguished guest."

She pressed me down on the sofa impatiently.

I took the tea that had already cooled on the table and poured it into my stomach, then I gasped and said, "Kou... Where is Mr. Kou?"

"I want to see Mr. Kou."

The young girl handed me a tissue: "I have just informed Mr. Kou. Mr. Kou has instructed that if you come, you should inform him as soon as possible."

I thanked him.

At this time, Mr. Kou also came out, wearing a black Zhongshan suit, looking like a dignified old cadre.

When he saw me, his face was so happy that he quickly came to the sofa:

"Hey, Ah Si is here"

"I was still thinking about you yesterday, and I saw you again today."

I stood up solemnly: "Mr. Kou, I have an important matter this time and want to ask you for help. If not..."

Mr. Kou frowned and looked unhappy: "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it right for you to ask me for help? Don't worry about big or small things, just come to me. What other troubles are there? Tell me what's the matter?"

Mr. Kou's hazy eyes were shining. Although he was old, he was very smart.

He saw my character when we first met. How could I be so thick-skinned unless I had to.

And Mr. Kou was thinking hard about how to deal with me and keep some friendship.

This time, he would not let me go.

I looked around at the staff in the store.

Mr. Kou understood immediately and stood up to invite me to an office.

In the office, I told him my request:

"I have been involved in some things recently and the situation is urgent. I would like to ask Mr. Kou to help me find two things."

Since I didn't want to say it clearly, Mr. Kou would not ask any more questions. He simply asked:

"What do you need? Just tell me."

"A thousand-year-old coffin nails and cat's eye stones in a tomb chamber over three hundred years old!"

Mr. Kou's loose eyelids suddenly lifted up, and his eyes were very sharp at this moment. He smiled and said, "That's all?"

"A Si, you have found the right person. I am probably the only person in Dachang City who can help you find these two things you want."

"I am very happy that you asked me for help this time. Don't worry, I will definitely give you the two things you want."

"I want it today."

"No problem, I will give it to you in the afternoon."

The young girl knocked on the door and brought in the tea, but I was still slightly distracted...

I didn't expect that the two most troublesome things among these things could be solved so easily,

Mr. Kou's identity is far deeper than I thought!

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