The old man was very happy.

In the hotel outside the school

Qi Qi sat awkwardly on the neat big bed, rubbing the corner of her clothes again and again, and occasionally peeking at me.

But I didn't pay attention to him at this leisure time.

It's already eight o'clock in the afternoon. If nothing goes wrong, there will definitely be an accident tonight.

This time I brought the Red Evil Box and the Wicked Soul Bone, and I don't know if I can escape this disaster with the Soul Flame.

In fact, the main hope is still placed on the Red Evil Box.

If the Red Evil Box can give some predictions to avoid death, it can't be better.

I sat on the sofa with the Wicked Soul Bone in my arms,

and the Red Evil Box in my backpack next to me, just waiting for time to pass.

Under the light, the relic sometimes appears colorful and rainbow-colored.

Qi Qi noticed the relic and teased, "Ah Si, when did you start wearing earrings?"

"Why does a grown man wear that kind of thing?"

"But it's pretty good, let me see."

I glared at her and scared her away:

"As a qualified adult woman, you should learn to entertain yourself in a place like this, instead of waiting for me to play with you."

Tsk... Qi Qi sat aside with a puffed mouth and sulked.

Although the scene was deadlocked, it was much quieter.

Time passed little by little, from eight to ten, and slowly to eleven.

The price of being tense in this state is fatigue and sleepiness.

At ten o'clock, I was so sleepy that I pinched myself to stay awake. I could only hold on.

Qi Qi was playing with her phone happily, not looking like she was worried during the day.

She probably forgot about the old teaching building.

Staring at the clock,


Dong, dong, dong!

"Hello, do you need tea?" the waiter called politely outside the door.

I woke up instantly, first looking at the time: "11:59",

I quickly gave myself two big. Bian Dou to wake up.

Damn, I fell asleep without realizing it, too dangerous.

Qi Qi was still playing with her phone, she was simply the queen of staying up late.

"No, thank you".

Suddenly there was some movement in the backpack next to me, I got smart and took the backpack into the bathroom.

As I thought, the red evil box opened, it kept shaking,

A gap gradually opened, and the dry fingers slowly stretched out, and then turned the box over and stretched it open a little bit.

I glanced at my phone: "11:59",

It seems that the prophecies left in the Red Evil Box were all in this time period before, so this time should be fixed.

It will open automatically and leave a sentence at this time every day.

The shriveled branch-like strange hand stretched out from the box, stretched out a little bit, and the sharp long nails fell on the floor,

Crunch...Crunch...making a series of strange noises.

But at this time I didn't feel disgusted at all, but was happy instead.

Soon a simple sentence was engraved by this strange hand.

"Sleeping will kill you!".

After doing these strange hands, I returned to the Red Evil Box and closed the box myself.

Sleeping? This reminded me of the first time I returned to the dormitory from the bureau yesterday, Qiangzi and Fatty were both sleeping,

Could this be the premise for the murder of the ghost in the old teaching building?

I put the Red Evil Box into my backpack and walked out of the bathroom. When I came out, I was suddenly stunned,

Qi Qi was sleeping!

The sleeping girl didn't even know that her cell phone was still on. She was half lying on the bed with her eyebrows tightly closed.

I rushed over and slapped her on the buttocks.

She suddenly woke up, but she was just shocked and angry.

It's not that I want to take advantage of her, but the tofu... ugh... buttocks are relatively close.

Fortunately, Qi Qi had just fallen asleep and was woken up in time.

It was not so easy to explain. I made up a lot of lies to coax her out of sleep.

It doesn't matter if she sleeps, but the problem is that we are in the same room. Who knows if she will get me involved if she sleeps.

For the sake of my own life, I can't make any mistakes.

We monitored each other for a whole night before we got through it. We went out of the room and went downstairs tiredly.

The hotel owner saw that we looked good for a while and sighed that we were young and strong. He smiled evilly and said, "Young man, you haven't slept all night."

I rolled my eyes at him weakly: "Your service is not bad. Someone brought tea in the middle of the night."

The innkeeper thought I was teasing him and said with a smile: "I am the only one in this inn, and I am still serving you tea.

Don't joke like that".

I was stunned for a moment, and turned around to ask: "Qi Qi, did you hear the knock on the door yesterday?"

Qi Qi: "No, there was no one there, you are too nervous".

I rubbed my eyebrows: "Maybe".

This is someone saving me again... If there was no knock on the door at that time, I would have fallen asleep, and even the Red Evil Box could not save me.

Who was it?

We returned to school.

But found that the school was suspended!

The familiar Law Enforcement Officer Wang was also in the school, and I approached him to ask: "What happened to Brother Wang again?" .

Law Enforcement Officer Wang looked at me and asked in surprise: "What did you do last night? You look so weird?"

"Didn't you hear about what happened in school? Yesterday, six students and a retired security guard jumped off the building."

I felt the chill spread from my limbs, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

If Qi Qi and I had slept last night, we would have had the same result.

Wait... a retired security guard?

I broke out in a cold sweat on my forehead, and ran into the school without caring about anything else, heading straight to the old teaching building.

Although that place had been surrounded, the security booth was behind the old teaching building.

I ran all the way to the security booth, and the scene over there chilled my heart. There was no one in the security booth.

I broke it yesterday. The window is still there...

I was hoping to get some useful information from him, but he died overnight.

I kicked the security booth in frustration, and the dilapidated security booth shook several times.

This bastard kept me in suspense. Why didn't he just tell me yesterday? He had to wait overnight.

Now he has waited until his life is gone.

I hid myself in the security booth and tried my best to sort out my thoughts.

There were a total of twelve people who entered the old teaching building yesterday, excluding Qi Qi and me, there were ten people.

Six died overnight, There are only six of us.

They probably didn't sleep to avoid this time, but will this trick still work tonight?

Even if this trick can continue to work, we are not supermen and can't stay awake all the time.

The problem here still needs to be solved.

The Taoist priest in white should be able to come today, and I can feel more at ease after he comes.

This does not mean that everything will be fine.

I remember the solemn and nervous tone of the Taoist priest in white after he knew about this.

I rested for a while and got up from the security booth. Suddenly, I found a newspaper under the recliner, which was pressed by a worn-out security hat.

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