The Zhang family is suppressing evil spirits.

I asked again with a gloomy face: "You are suppressing evil spirits, why do you kill the people of Niuma Village?".

"What are the people in the village at fault? They knelt and died in front of the Zhang family's ancestral tomb. Do you dare to say that their death has nothing to do with the Zhang family?".

"What exactly is a human ghost?".

The blue-clothed elder: "As the name suggests, a human ghost is a human soul that has not left the body after death, a ghost in a human body."

"Niuma Village is just influenced by the Zhang family. The Zhang family can suppress evil spirits and people. If they are not in trouble, will you come back?".

The red-clothed elder shook his head and sighed: "A Si... You are too rebellious... You should be obedient."

"You shouldn't doubt the Zhang family. How can a member of the Zhang family ignore the will of the Zhang family?".

An unexpected voice sounded behind me:

"Yes... Ah Si, your rebellion is useless. Don't you understand now? No matter how you want to leave the Zhang family, you will eventually return here."

I turned back in surprise and confirmed again that the voice was the same as the person I guessed.


"Silly boy, my residual soul has told you that I am in another place." Grandpa patted my shoulder and sat down aside.

Looking at Grandpa, my eyes became more and more wrong.

Grandpa is indeed dead, and the people who appear now should be people.

Why do I think that these Zhang family members, the elders in three-color clothes, and Grandpa are all living people?

Is Grandpa not dead?

The elder in green clothes: "Let's continue our conversation."

"The people in Niuma Village are just a warning. The Zhang family has caused that situation, and there are ways to clean it up. Of course, it is not up to us to clean it up, but up to you."

"The head of the Zhang family is Fu Xie. In addition to the Zhang family, there are three other ancient Fu Xie families."

"The Li family....Wang family....Ma family."

"Four families and four clans stand side by side."

My pupils were like an earthquake when I heard this. Since ancient times, the Fu Xie family is not only the Zhang family, but also other families.

But what shocked me was not this, but the surnames of those families!

Zhang family, Li family, Wang family, Ma family.

People with these surnames seem to have appeared around me, and they all left a deep and indelible impression in my mind.

Li family...Li Youyou...Wang family...Wang Zhi?

The last one is the Ma family...Ma Qing!

I am not sure about the others, but I am sure that Ma Qing must have some connection with the Ma family, and even Li Youyou may be from the Li family.

In this way, everything has a logical basis.

I am from the Zhang family of the Fu Xie family, and the people of the Li and Ma families of the other Fu Xie families are around me.

But there is one thing that doesn't make sense. Ma Qing and Li Youyou are not human.

I stared at the green-clothed elder and asked: "Li Youyou...Ma Qing...Are they also from the Fuxie family?".

The green-clothed elder nodded in agreement without saying anything more.

The red-clothed elder said at this time: "You killed the ghost in human skin, right?".

I raised my hand and gently cut a crack on my face: "Isn't it obvious?".

The red-clothed elder: "That ghost is different from other ghosts, and different from Da Li, and it is also the ghost that the Zhang family has been suppressing."

"It's just that the ghost ran away eighteen years ago, and now you have eliminated it again."

The cracks on my face have not disappeared yet,

I smiled and said: "It was eliminated? Then what is my current situation? Am I that ghost?".

The green-clothed elder's eyes behind the white paper showed a crazy state of mind: "No!.........You are our masterpiece!".

"You are the masterpiece of the entire Zhang family!".

"You are also the only member of the Zhang family who can walk outside at present!".

The only one... I pondered over this word.

According to what the elder said, I am the only member of the Zhang family who is away from home.

Even my mother and sister are not sure whether they are alive or dead, but they are definitely not away from home.

The elder in red said: "Your grandfather's lineage is the way out for the Zhang family and the continuation of the Zhang family's bloodline. It was undoubtedly a failure at the beginning. Although your two brothers grew up, neither of them lived past the age of eighteen."

"Unlike you, Zhang Zhao brought you here after you were born and used the power of the entire Zhang family to extend your life, so that you survived."

"You lived past the age of eighteen!"

"You should be grateful to the Zhang family."

Undoubtedly, the extension of life they are talking about refers to Ma Qing,

I think one thing

Asked: "You said that my grandfather's lineage is the only way to survive, and the only continuation of the bloodline is me?".

"So why does the Zhang family stay here?".

The red-clothed elder laughed self-deprecatingly:

"This is the final ominous sign of the end of the Zhang family. Just like the girls of the Li and Ma families around you."

"The Zhang family has the ability to subdue evil, and the four evil-subduing families of Zhang, Li, Wang and Ma have all encountered ominous signs. The world is balanced, just like the order of heaven and earth punishing those who have the means to kill ghosts."

"Your ability to take away the characteristics of ghosts is the masterpiece of the Zhang family, and it is also a backup for you to get rid of that ghost."

The green-clothed elder said: "I just said that the ghost is not ordinary, not an ordinary big evil."

"The special thing about the ghost in human skin is that it cannot be killed!"

"It is beyond my ability to kill it."

I frowned and denied it immediately:

"It is impossible, the ghost will be injured. It was almost killed last time in Fulong Mountain, and I killed it myself."

The elder in green: "The death I'm talking about is different from the death you're talking about. The people in Fulong Mountain do have the ability to destroy it, but they don't have the ability to kill it."

"It's like a weed on the ground, born from the soil and growing in the sun. It's a ghost derived from the lack of people, ghosts, etc."

"Commonly known as 'nothing'."

"Nothing derives from three, and the three ghosts are different, which can mess up the world."

"No skin, no heart, no soul."

"That ghost is skinless. Skinless can be killed, but the next skinless can't be stopped from appearing. The mission of our Zhang family is to permanently eliminate these three nothings!"

The elder in red: "It's easier said than done. The three ghosts not only have strange abilities, but also have the ability to plunder other people's skills. For example, the skinless can put on other people's skin and use other people's power."

"There have been several times in the history of the Zhang family that the skinless was killed, but there will always be the next skinless. The skinless you killed is the third generation."

"This third generation of Wupi is mediocre in talent, and is far less afraid of death than the previous two generations."

Suddenly, the confusion in my mind collapsed, and the matter seemed to have a beginning and an end.

"Wupi cannot be permanently eliminated by the Zhang family or other Fuxie families. When one generation is eliminated, the next generation is born."

"I now have the so-called Wupi characteristics. This should be the masterpiece of the Zhang family. That is to say, you want to use me to completely eliminate Wupi."

As soon as these words came out, the three elders all showed a strange smile, as if they were talking to me, and there seemed to be other deep meanings.

"From now on, there will be no more Wupi. You are the fourth generation Wupi. It can also be said that Wupi among the three Wus was wiped out by your own hands."

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