The ghost who looked like a shadow stood against the wall and faced Ma Qing as if facing a great enemy.

Ma Qing was the same as usual, still wearing the blood-red wedding dress.

She put her hands on her belly and behaved very gracefully.

The ghost who looked like a shadow was very surprised to see Ma Qing.

And the words the shadow ghost said just now were also worth pondering.

'Why are you here? ’

This seems to mean that this ghost knows Ma Qing, at least it’s not the first time I’ve seen it.

Also, Ma Qing had killed the guy who looked exactly like me before, but Ma Qing showed no sign of leaving. Instead, she grabbed the shadow ghost.

If Ma Qing really wants to kill it, then this shadow ghost is probably in danger.

When I looked at the shadow ghost, it pointed its spear at me.

It looked like a black shadow with a human figure.

There were several cracks on its dark face to form a mouth and eyes.

It looked like a mocking “Hey...what are you doing here again?”.

I was deeply puzzled and asked, “Have I been here before?”.

The crack on its face widened and it laughed, “Have you been here before?”

“I almost forgot that you are from the Zhang family, you are from the Zhang family”

“You are in the same group with those guys who do whatever it takes. You are from the Zhang family. You are in the same group with those bastards hiding in the grave.”

I stroked my chin, this is interesting,

This shadow ghost not only knows Ma Qing, but also knows me. Have I been here before?

Or maybe my mother brought me here before, otherwise why would it say what I am doing here again?

The only possibility is that I have been here when I was young and had no memory.

This guy knows a lot of things,

I suddenly had an idea, and the hand stroking my chin moved up slightly,

Five fingers stretched into the flesh behind the ear, and peeled off the face like a veil:

"Hey, shadow ghost, I think you have seen this."

The two eye slits on the shadow ghost's black face opened wide, and it let out an indescribable strange laugh,

It sounded like an animal's cry and a baby's cry, harsh and unforgettable:

"Skinning? It's that skinless guy, it's dead...died in your hands."

"You are worthy of being a member of the Zhang family, no wonder you came back here."

Sure enough... I let go and my face naturally returned to its original state, with a solemn expression.

Sure enough, the shadow ghost also knew the skin ghost.

It seemed that everything had a trace to trace,

Everything had a thread connecting it to the ancestral tomb.

The ghost in the ancestral tomb knew Ma Qing, knew me, and knew the skin ghost. Obviously, this ghost was not ordinary.

It knew a lot of things, and it seemed to have witnessed things that happened more than a decade ago.

It was also related to the Zhang family's ancient house, or was he just imprisoned here?

I was thinking about continuing to ask questions, but suddenly the shadow ghost's body twisted and deformed.

It looked like an invisible big hand in the air was kneading it, twisting and tearing it to pieces.

Ma Qing started to act.........

The shadow's face twisted together, but it was still laughing strangely. As the light and shadow changed, the shadow ghost completely broke apart, and several black shadows fell to the ground.

I glanced around and shook my head. It was not over yet. The shadow ghost would not die so easily.

As I expected, the tattered pieces of black shadow quickly flowed on the ground and gathered into a blurry shadow.

The shadow kept changing and finally took on a human shape.

A strange mouth was torn out of the dark face, and the mouth was smiling.

I felt something was wrong. It didn't mean to be afraid of Ma Qing, but rather expected it.

Suddenly I thought of something and turned my head quickly.

I saw that the beautiful figure behind Ma Qing disappeared, and her shadow disappeared!

This situation was exactly the same as what I had just seen. First, the shadow disappeared,

Then it was...

A hand gently stroked my face, interrupting my thoughts,

It was cold and soft, like the soft latex pillow in winter. The round nails scratched my face and left a slight sting.

"A Si...what are you looking at?".

The familiar elegance mixed with a cold tone, this feeling even if I don't look back, I can guess who it is,

Ma Qing!

But this is another Ma Qing. At this moment, I already have a Ma Qing in my eyes. The one touching my face behind me is undoubtedly a fake.

It is really the same as my experience. The shadow is lost, and then the fake of myself emerges.

This is the work of the ghost of the shadow.


I never thought it could even copy Ma Qing.

The real Ma Qing in my eyes suddenly turned around, and the sight under the red cloth was extremely cold, and I felt that my body was about to be torn into pieces.

She didn't move, but just stared at me, staring at me with resentment...

I didn't hesitate at all, and I ignited the soul flame in my hand and grabbed the fake Ma Qing behind me.

It felt like soft jade, and I really grabbed her shoulder.

This surprised me very much. Even the fake Ma Qing should be able to easily dodge my qualityless hand.

But she didn't dodge and was caught by me.

I turned my head slightly, and saw the beautiful woman behind me with half of her face covered by red cloth, standing tall and graceful,

The exquisite red moon curved into a playful smile.

She didn't dodge, and my hand burning with soul flames was still on her shoulder, and the green flames spread along her body.

I said blankly: "Why don't you hide?".

She lifted her red sleeves to reveal half of her white lotus root. The hand did not reach out to me,

but fell on my hand, resting on the hand that I was holding on her shoulder.

Her red lips moved slightly: "I...why would I hide from you?".

I instinctively wanted to withdraw my hand, and suddenly I couldn't tell whether Ma Qing was real or fake, but she didn't let me have my way.

The hand held my hand and didn't let me pull it away. The warm eyes under the red cloth and the smile on the corner of her lips surprised me even more.

She had no intention of attacking me...even if I hurt her, she didn't mean to dodge.

What's going on?

Isn't she a fake made by the shadow ghost? She is a fake Ma Qing and should be hostile to me.

After several consecutive twitches, I couldn't pull it back. I could see that Ma Qing's figure was fading rapidly, and it looked like she was about to return to the shadow.

Her expression did not change, and she maintained a weird smile. She raised her other hand, stretched out a green finger and pointed it at my cheek, poking it a few times with a little force.

The strange touch made my mind stagnate.

The shadow ghost was even more dumbfounded. The eyes that had just split open widened, and the corners of the cracked mouth twitched continuously.

It roared angrily: "What are you doing!".

"Do it!"

"You were created by me!".

"Kill him...".

Before the words fell, the shadow ghost was torn in half by an invisible terrifying force, and the tattered black cloth was scattered on the ground.

Fake Ma Qing retracted the five fingers pointing at the shadow ghost, full of murderous intent:

"He... He is mine... No one can kill him!".

Only then did I suddenly understand that the fake Ma Qing had turned against me?

The shadow ghost used the imitation made by Ma Qing's shadow to tear the shadow ghost in turn.

Fake Ma Qing would not avoid my attack, nor would she touch me.

The shadow fragments on the ground gathered rapidly, and before they took human form, they opened their mouths eagerly: "You!".

Just as a word popped out, Zhen Maqing waved her hand and twisted it again.

The resentful eyes were directed at the shadow ghost without any cover. I don’t know what happened.

Zhen Maqing suddenly hated the shadow ghost and became angry.

Five fingers moved rhythmically, causing the shadow ghost to pull to the extreme. It didn’t tear it apart immediately.

Instead, it kneaded it to the extreme, and then stretched out five fingers to tear the shadow ghost into pieces.

After the shadow ghost was solved.

I suddenly realized that her resentful and angry eyes were focused on me.

That was a completely different attitude from the fake Maqing next to me.

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