After another kick, the boy went back mumbling.

After taking two steps, his feet suddenly couldn't touch the ground. He wanted to look back, but his vision was spinning.

I grabbed his collar, twisted his body and threw him to the ground: "Bang!".

The passengers on the bus were stunned again.

My eyes were red as I pinched his neck, my fingers sometimes relaxed and sometimes tensed.

It was as if the boy was a human skin and a normal child in my eyes.

He was thrown down, and it took him a while to recover. He was so unconvinced that he cursed:

"Hit me, if you have the guts, kill me."

"If you can't kill me, you are my child!".

I was stunned, and my palms kept exerting force.

The human skin shouted at me: "Kill me, you have the guts to kill me."

The boy's breath in my palm was getting weaker and weaker, and the human skin in my eyes,

The ghost in the skin became more and more arrogant, as if mocking me that I could never kill him.


The mother who looked like a housewife knelt down in front of me and pulled my arm desperately

She yelled and cursed crazily, tearing me: 'Let go, you fucking let go! '

"Let go quickly! If he gets into trouble, I'll make you stay in jail for the rest of your life!"

'I'll kill you, let go quickly'.

A woman has limited strength, she couldn't pull me away, so she bit my arm like crazy,

I felt a little pain and regained a little clarity,

I also saw clearly that I was holding a struggling, cursing little boy.

I suddenly let go of my hand.

The boy's mother continued to scratch me and bite my arm.

The boy took a breath and bit my hand like a mad dog.

Seeing this, the passengers next to me also wanted to surround me.

A strange cold wind came from behind my neck, and I suddenly remembered something: "Don't...don't do this...".


The woman who bit my arm twisted her body dozens of times, almost becoming a hemp rope spurting blood.

And the boy under my hand exploded directly.

Countless plasma, bone fragments, internal organs, and intestines were splashed everywhere...

A piece of unknown flesh and blood tissue stuck to my eyelids, and blood also bathed me all over.

The passengers who just surrounded me were also covered in blood. They were silent for a few seconds, and then they exploded:




"Someone is committing a murder! Master, drive the car to the law enforcement bureau quickly!".

‘Don’t let this murderer get away! ’


“Hey, what are you doing!”, a shout woke me up.

All around were passengers who were about to call the police, timid students, and a few men who were ready to make a move.

There was also a mother who was screaming at me to let go of her child.

I looked down, and the boy was a little breathless because I was pinned to the ground.

I shook my head and let go of the boy. Ignoring the insults and protests around me, I ran away from the bus just as it arrived at the stop.

After getting off the bus, I found a secluded path and sat down in the corner, looking at the dark curtain in the shadows.

I raised my hand unconsciously,

What happened to me?

Am I really too allergic to the ghost? .

If I really attacked a child in public just now, I’m afraid that the chaos caused at that time would kill many people.

But the boy looked too much like a ghost, not just the boy, almost everyone looked like a ghost.

I was also curious about why I had this illusion.

Click... click... footsteps sounded not far away, as if two people were chasing each other.

A man wearing a hoodie and running wildly, followed by a girl,

The girl shouted at the top of her voice: "Thief, he is a thief!"

"He stole my wallet! Please help me stop him!".

Because I was hiding in the corner and the fleeing man in the hoodie did not notice me,

I raised my head, thinking of asking him to stop, so I reached out and grabbed his leg.

But the result was not what I thought, the man in the hoodie fell down after being caught by me.

But it was not that I grabbed nothing, but I pulled off the skin of the man in the hoodie!

The skin was connected to the clothes..... loosely piled on the ground,

One corner was in my hand.

The man without skin fell to the ground and wailed after running a few steps,

He noticed his state and screamed even more strangely.

When the girl who caught up saw the human skin in my hand and the skinless man not far away, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

I mentioned

I stood up with the skin bag, which was spinning and swaying in the air. The touch in my hand caused me extreme discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and goose bumps.

My body wanted to throw away this thing, which added another bomb to my already confused thoughts.

I peeled off someone else's skin!

I knew very well that this was the characteristic of the skin-covered ghost. Only its characteristics could peel off a person's skin without knowing or feeling, and peel off a person's skin easily.

Now I have done this.

This kind of thing has happened before. In the old teaching building incident, I obtained Qi Qi's characteristics, and now I have the characteristics of the skin-covered ghost.

I think I can't accept it for a while, but it will be a big trouble for other people to see this situation.

I endured the discomfort and came to the man with the human skin, and burned him unconscious with soul fire.

Like the instinct of a baby to suckle, the instinct of an animal to hunt, when I came to him, I knew what I should do.

But it was very embarrassing when it came to doing it. I tried several times but failed. After half an hour, I finally succeeded in returning the skin to him.

Then I took out the wallet he stole.

I came to the girl, woke her up and returned the wallet.

Although she still had the memory before she fainted, she would believe it was an illusion under my words.

I left here and walked back to the hotel alone. What I saw on the road was still weird and normal.

When I returned to the hotel, the two Taoist priests and Li Muyu did not ask me where I was going.

They saw my abnormality, and they were also powerless. If they took the initiative to come up, they might be beaten again.

I took a shower, and after washing, I came to the sink in my shorts.

I washed my face with ice water again, seeking the sobriety brought by the cold.

When I raised my head, water drops rolled on my face one after another, and the bloodshot in my eyes faded a lot.

I can use the characteristics of the skin ghost, which proves that the skin ghost is gone.

What about these abnormalities I saw?

According to Liang Hu, it was only because I was too sensitive and mentally weak.

Where are the double pupils and the pulao skin?

Someone must have taken those two things and made the ghost in the blood lotus into ghost skin. All suspicions point to the skin ghost.

Maybe the skin ghost is not dead?

Maybe it is hidden among the people I saw, or maybe what I saw is real?

Liang Hu could be the skin ghost, and Li Muyu could be too?

Pedestrians on the street and passengers on the bus could be.

Splash... I kept splashing cold water on my face with both hands, and kept thinking.

Da... At this time, something rolled into the sink,

I picked it up with my hands, and the mirror clearly showed what I was holding.

This is an eyeball... a person's eyeball.....

I seemed to have found a treasure, an eyeball!

Perhaps this eyeball is related to the ghost, and the ghost once again changed into a double pupil, and this eyeball was replaced.

This eyeball is in this room,

So is it the Taoist priest Liang Hu? Or is it Li Muyu?

Suddenly, I looked at the mirror,

I have a double pupil in each of my eyes, and the four dark pupils are coordinated, each glancing in a different direction.

So... it's me......

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