The snow was still wet, and the snow was still wet.

The blood lotus continued to twist towards the silver-white refrigerator, and slowly it got under the bed.

Click...creak...similar to the action of opening a box.

Soon, a hand stretched out from under the bed in a hazy and dark way.

The hand grabbed the edge of my bed.

Then the black shadow crawled out from under the bed little by little, with its hazy facial features facing upwards.

It leaned over to my bedside and looked at me!

The right eye of the black shadow was bloodshot, and the dark pupil was spinning wildly inside. A tongue with a tattoo stretched out from its mouth.

It lowered its body, and its tongue and eyes moved closer to me...about to stick to me...

Huh! Huh! .....I jumped out of bed and woke up, and immediately looked around.

My left eye opened unconsciously, making my vision even more blood red.

I quickly looked around, and there was no shadow, ghost or anything like that.

I touched my forehead, which was covered with cold sweat, and my back was also a little wet.

I covered my left eye, and the fear in my heart was still there:

"Is that shadow a dream?"

"Why do I have such a dream?"

"That shadow seems familiar...and why do I dream of double pupils and pulao skin?".

A sticky liquid dripped from the tip of my nose, I touched it, and brushed it away with my fingertips...

This doesn't look like sweat, it's very smelly and sticky, more like saliva, as if everything just now was not a dream!

I suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly turned on the bedside lamp and pulled open the drawer,

and I was shocked at a glance: "Xuehe is gone!".

This strange thing happened, and I instantly thought of the dream just now, so I got out of bed and stretched my head down to explore the place.

As soon as I looked down a little, I saw a shadowy hand at the edge of the bed.

I was stunned for a moment, and I didn't dare to look down again.

It was not a dream just now! It was real!

The shadow was under my bed!

My hands were tense, and the soul flames on the five fingers of my right hand suddenly appeared. Be prepared, right?

I looked under the bed with a drum in my heart.

The hand of the shadow was just a starting point. Looking back, there was a black mass inside, but there was no body of the shadow. It seemed that there was only one arm.

In addition to the hand of the shadow, there was also a silver-white box under the bed.

I looked at the box and my face was not very good, because the position of the box had changed.

I clearly remembered that the box was outside before going to bed, but now the box was inside.

Something moved the refrigerator!

I couldn't calm down at all after such a thing happened. I pushed the bed out forcefully to retrieve the silver box.

This big noise also woke up Li Muyu.

She rubbed her eyes and said, "Master, what are you doing?".

My face was as pale as ice, and I only said one sentence, "Xuehe is gone!".

Li Muyu's sleepy eyes suddenly woke up.

She turned over and got out of bed and came to the table. When she saw the empty drawer,

she felt her scalp tingling and sweat on her back.

The bed was pushed open by me, and I easily touched the refrigerator.

After pulling out the refrigerator, I took a look and found that the buckle was still intact, but what about the things inside?

If those two things were lost, it would be a big trouble.

At that time, the skin-covered ghost relied on the double pupil to escape from the pursuit of the Heavenly Master. The Pulao skin is also a treasure of the Nine Families of Longmen. If any of them is lost, there will be trouble.

I opened the clasp with two fingers and opened the refrigerator urgently.

As soon as I opened the box, I clearly saw a miserable face facing me!

Sunken eye sockets, wrinkles like dead trees...

My pupils condensed, and my right hand brought out a gorgeous flame tail. I reached in and grabbed its head and pulled it out.

However, the first feeling when I grabbed it was wrong. I don’t know if it was the feeling, but many things were wrong.

I pulled it out and found that it didn’t have a ghost-like body.

It was like a piece of loose and shriveled clothes.

But the face was very miserable, retaining a terrifying appearance, and there was a tearing wound in the middle of the face.

It was caught by me and swung in the air. A word exploded in my mind,

Ghost skin!

The ghost was made into a skin bag like clothes, and it was made into ghost skin!

This kind of thing was encountered a lot when chasing the skinned ghost,

But now that the skinned ghost has died, the ghost skin appears again, which is a terrifying thing to think about carefully.

When I looked at the ghost skin, Li Muyu suddenly screamed: "Xuehe is here!".

Turning his head slightly, Li Muyu was squatting next to the refrigerator. In the box, in addition to the ghost skin that had been pulled out, there was also a broken

The rotten blood lotus.

She held the blood lotus out with trembling hands: "The blood...blood completely broken?...What on earth is going on?".

"Why did it come out of the blood lotus, and why did it appear in this refrigerator."

I stared blankly at the refrigerator. The double pupils and the Pulao skin that were originally in the refrigerator were gone.

They were still lost...............

Even though I had expected this in my heart before, it was still so hard to accept it when I saw it with my own eyes,

Not to mention the appearance of such a damn thing as the ghost skin.

What happened in such a short period of time?

Could it be that the ghost in the blood lotus stole the double pupils and the Pulao skin?

It's not impossible, after all, it's the ghost from Wu Zang Tianshi, but what about this ghost skin?

"The damn things in the refrigerator and the ghost in the blood lotus are gone", I threw the ghost skin on the ground and prepared to look for other clues.

Li Muyu glanced at the ghost skin, and said in surprise and astonishment:

"Isn't this the ghost in the blood lotus?".

I stopped, and my eyes were attracted by the ghost skin with a big hole on its face:

"You said this ghost is the ghost in the blood lotus?".

Li Muyu nodded: "Yes, that's right."

"Although it looks shriveled and empty like clothes now, I have fought with it several times, and I remember clearly that this shriveled ghost gave me the same feeling and impression as the ghost in the blood lotus."

At this time, the two-bearded Taoist priest woke up with a yawn: "My God, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I was dreaming and was woken up by you, a ghost and a blood lotus."

"That ghost is not honest...".

The next second, the two-bearded Taoist priest choked, and he looked at the tattered blood lotus in Li Muyu's hand and the shriveled ghost skin on the ground in horror.

Now he couldn't tell how the ghost stayed in the blood lotus honestly.

"What happened!".


The shrunken and empty ghost skin on the ground is gradually disappearing, indicating that the ghost has just died.

I sat cross-legged on the bed, the empty refrigerator was not far away,

I was deeply trapped,

The double pupils and Pulao skin in the refrigerator were lost... and the blood lotus also ran out and broke without permission,

If the ghost in the blood lotus was not there, the loss of the double pupils and Pulao skin could be well explained,

But now the ghost in the blood lotus has turned into a ghost and died here, which makes things confusing.

Who took the double pupils and Pulao skin? And made the ghost in the blood lotus like this?

Ma Qing has the ability to make the ghost in the blood lotus like this, but she will not take the double pupils and Pulao skin.

If I suspect someone, I must start from the inside,

But if it is internal, there are only two suspects, the two Hu Taoists and Li Muyu!

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