The ghost pleaded, flatteringly: "You need me"

"I can help you, I will do my best to help you, no matter what you want to do, I can help you"

"You have been chasing me for so long, do you doubt my ability, or do you question my loyalty?"

"I can sign a contract with you, swear an oath, as long as you let me go, as long as you don't kill me."

I kept silent, and my five fingers still grasped the existence in its body.

As the soul flame burned, the ghost's struggle became smaller,

and its skin became more and more transparent, almost reflecting the green flame inside.

It started to panic: "Do you want to kill me?"

"Don't you want the bodies of those two women?"

"I can repair their souls. I have ways to repair them. If you let me go, I will return them to you. I will repair their souls. From now on, I will obey you."

"I will give you the double pupils and the dragon patterns. I will help you get the remaining seven dragon patterns."

At the end, it began to cry with tears: "Let me go. I just want to live."

"I just want to live. I can agree to anything you say as long as you let me go."

"Zhang Ah Si, let me go...let me go..."

"I just want..."

"Gradually, its voice became weaker and weaker until it disappeared, and the existence in my five fingers completely dissipated under the burning of the soul flame.

The baby's skin shrank, and an eyeball with two pupils detached from the back of the baby's head and rolled to the side.

I didn't dare to pull my hand out, but I knew in my heart that my special feeling for the ghost was gone, as if the ghost had never existed, and I didn't have this ability. After pulling my hand out from the baby's back, the soul flames on my five fingers were burning. Before, the soul flames were only on three fingers, but now they can cover all five fingers. I turned the baby's skin over and searched inside for fear that the skin ghost had any chance of survival.

Until I found a totem-patterned tongue inside, I was relieved.

The baby's skin was on the ground, and the double pupils and the Pulao dragon pattern were also on the ground.

I leaned against the wall and panted, unable to resist the fatigue and the complexity of my mood, I closed my eyes.

It died... The skin ghost finally died.....

Maybe I did a stupid thing. The skin ghost made that promise.

It was obvious that if I agreed, I could save my mother and sister, and I could also gain an extremely weird subordinate, but I still didn't stop.

In the end, I couldn't believe in the skin ghost. Even if I was an unfilial son, I couldn't give it a chance to survive.

Maybe there was hope to save my relatives, but if the skin ghost survived, others would lose their relatives twice as much.

Anyway, I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do about being an unfilial son.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a woman in red standing tall in my sight, and her blood-red wedding dress revealed weirdness everywhere.

I forced a smile: "You're here".


The two supernatural bloggers hiding in the corner couldn't help trembling. They really risked their lives to stop the ghost from escaping just now.

But now seeing the woman in red, they really didn't dare to move. It was as if their bodies were resisting approaching the woman.

They didn't even dare to get close.

The supernatural blogger murmured: "I hope that brother can survive."


Facing Ma Qing, I was so calm for the first time, as if I was ready to accept death.

Her hand, which was flat on her lower abdomen, slowly raised and stretched towards me.

I suppressed my fear and didn't dodge. This was what I agreed with her.

This was the result I should have fulfilled.

I leaned against the wall in a rotten way and closed my eyes... It seemed that everything didn't matter anymore.

I tried my best...

The faces of my mother, sister, and Li Youyou couldn't help but appear in my mind. Maybe these are the last regrets...

I still couldn't live according to the words of that little girl... But now I am quite satisfied.

My death is meaningful.

Her flawless jade hand fell on the side of my face, and her fingertips tentatively touched my cheek, and then she put her palm on it,

It was cold and soft, just like ice jade.

She stroked it carefully, moved her red lips and said: "Not today...".

The elegant and crisp tone disappeared with her disappearance.

I opened my eyes and touched my cheek, and the figure in the red wedding dress in front of me had disappeared.

"Not today...

.She didn't touch me...but left me this sentence".

"Didn't she mean today?".

I looked at my phone, thinking about it. Today is the 21st, and there is still more than half a month before the 14th of next month.

Does she mean that the date should be on the 14th?

What will happen specifically? I don't know, but it is likely that I will die.

She said that if I want to be with her, I have no choice but to die.

The 14th is indeed a very meaningful day.

That day is my birthday, and it is also the beginning of the cause and effect between me and Ma Qing. It seems that it will become my death anniversary now.

She is worthy of being her, so willful...

This is exactly what I want. There is still time to return the double pupils and bronze horizontal sword to Fulong Mountain. These two dragon patterns also need to be explained.

The journey of half a year finally has a destination.

Now I have the urge to lie down and don't want to get up.

The supernatural blogger and his companion came over carefully, and he asked quietly: "Is that woman gone? ".

I frowned and said: "Isn't she behind you?".

The supernatural blogger was stunned for a moment, then jumped up, and looked back in panic. There was no woman except his companion.

"Fuck, are you scaring me?".

I said angrily: "You are a ghost and you are afraid of ghosts?".

He retorted in a harsh voice: "How can a ghost be as scary as her? You will definitely suffer if you are entangled by her."

I said jokingly: "At least this bowl of rice tastes good now."

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