The first time I saw a big gun, I was shocked.

My speech was like a bomb. After I sent the message, the group was silent for a minute, and then it started to refresh the screen.

Xiao Lingdang was so excited: "Oh, the Heavenly Master has appeared!"

Red Lady Li Muyu: "I have seen the Heavenly Master."

Corpse Driver Ah Huai: "I have seen the Heavenly Master."


After the tedious courtesy, Li Muyu gave the information: "As for the characteristics, there seems to be no obvious characteristics. The only connection is that the two are men, young and strong, and they don't go out to work, but stay at home. They are basically the kind of gangsters in the village."

"They both went to the pond to fish a few nights before they died. The pond was originally an open space, but later it was formed by dredging. The water in it is about four or five meters deep. There are only a dozen families in the village."

"There is not a trace of Yin Qi in the pond. I seriously doubt whether there are ghosts in it. If there are no ghosts, the death of those two people is not a trivial matter."

I thought about it and gave her an idea. Of course, I couldn't do it in my name. If it turned over, wouldn't it be a loss of face for the Four Eyes Heavenly Master?

So I lied:

"One of my disciples has a suggestion. You can consider it. At night, you can find a pair of rags and get them stained with mud from the other side of the pond. When it's dark, step on the door of every household. Remember not to step too close, three or four steps away from the door. Wait until the next day to step on it again. This time, you will be two or three steps away from the door. On the third day, you will still step one step further away."

"With your skills, it's not a problem to stay undetected. There should be results within three days. My disciple asked me to relay it."

Li Muyu was very smart and reacted immediately: "Does the disciple of the Heavenly Master suspect that the murderer is not a ghost, but a villager?".

I didn't explain or agree: "Just relaying, the details are up to you."

Little Bell spoke actively: "Hey, I think what the disciple of the Heavenly Master said makes sense. How can it be a ghost if there is no Yin Qi? The Heavenly Master is knowledgeable. Can the Heavenly Master give some advice?".

The corpse driver Ah Huai: 'Haha, the Heavenly Master will understand this kind of thing at a glance. What good will it do for us if the Heavenly Master tells us? Only difficulties have always been there. The Heavenly Master knows everything and deliberately keeps silent in order to make us grow better. '

Hong Niangzi: "Lingdang! Don't say too much. How can I trouble the Heavenly Master for such a small matter? It is my honor to let the Heavenly Master's disciples give advice."

"Thank you for relaying the Heavenly Master. I will try to do it. Please thank the Heavenly Master for me."

Taoist Liang Hu: "My Junior Brother Si Tong has understood it now. Just do it boldly. He will take action at the critical moment."

Sometimes I really want to beat some people to death. I can brag easily, but will I take action at the critical moment?

What can I take action with? I just think about it casually and come up with some bad ideas. If I am sure, why would I use the name of others?

I complained to Taoist Liang Hu in a private message before shutting down the software.

After that, I didn't pay attention to this matter anymore, and the matchmaker Li Muyu didn't show up in the group.

Three days later, the group started to explode again.

Li Muyu: "Really, really, it's true!"


Ghost hunting expert Wang Zhi: "Are you crazy? Or have you been dumped by a man? What are you doing so early in the morning?"

"My phone is vibrating so hard that it's going to explode."

Little Bell from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau: "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? Aren't you trying to catch that water ghost? If you really can't catch it, forget it."

Matchmaker Li Muyu: "I caught the water ghost! I really caught the water ghost according to the method given by the disciple of the Four-eyed Heavenly Master".

Ghost-catching expert Wang Zhi: "Isn't this as it should be? If he wasn't sure, how could the Heavenly Master relay it?"

Ah Huai: "It would be embarrassing if you couldn't catch it".

Little Bell: "!!! Really? Haven't you been at a loss all the time? That method doesn't seem to be able to catch the water ghost".

Li Muyu: "The water ghost is the village chief! The so-called turtle is the village chief in disguise. I used the method given by the Heavenly Master's disciple, pretending to be a water ghost and leaving footprints in every household, making progress a little bit every day".

"Sure enough, there was a breakthrough. Within two days, the village was in an uproar. Every household was prepared for danger and surrounded me to beg me to catch the ghost. I told them that the two people who were dragged into the water by the water ghost came back to seek revenge. I said that although I couldn't solve it, everyone didn't need to panic. As long as those two people were not wrongly killed, everyone would be fine".

"On the third day, I put footprints on the threshold of the village chief's house

, the village chief came to ask for help in the early morning, and confessed what he had done. He killed the two village scoundrels."

"According to him, the villagers were fed up with the two scoundrels. They either molested women or stole things. The reputation of the whole village was ruined by them. They made trouble in the village every day. After a long time, the village chief couldn't stand them anymore, so he knocked them out and threw them into the water. Therefore, he made up the story of the water ghost."

Xiao Lingdang made a stunned expression: "The Four-eyed Heavenly Master has indeed seen all the truth. Maybe he is using the name of his disciple to help you, Xiaoyu."

Red Lady Li Muyu: "Thanks to the Heavenly Master and his disciples for solving this matter. Today is the fifth day of the fifth month. On the thirteenth day of the month, my daughter Li Muyu owes that disciple a favor. If you need anything that day, please let me repay you." I rubbed my chin and said, "Yes." Yes, this is in line with the cold temperament of the four pupils. Noticing the time, I was in a trance for a moment. It was already the thirteenth day, and it would be a month away from the death calamity. My own fate also started from the death calamity. I kept drifting with the flow and could not stop. Gradually, I didn't know where I would be pushed by this inexplicable torrent. Dongdong... Dongdong... I looked at the door with my double pupils. The solid wood door panel continued to be transparent in my eyes until I could see the person outside the door. Short stature, unchanged little white dress, led a A Rubik's Cube.

"Jia Jia, I know, I'll go down right away."

I shouted and got out of bed. When I opened the door, Jia Jia was already walking downstairs.

Sometimes it was Jia Jia who called me to eat or Lin Xin herself.

Because there were not many vegetables left for lunch, Lin Xin simply cooked some noodles and two cold dishes.

I told her that it was okay to cook casually, but she ignored it. Instead, she got worse the next day.

So I had to go buy vegetables every two days.

After dinner

Lin Xin curled up on the sofa and read a book. Her black hair flowed in an unknown direction with the wind outside the window. The pages of the book kept turning. She searched again and found the page she was reading.

Another gust of wind messed up the pages of the book, but she still didn't mind the trouble Searching again, rustling...searching...

She doesn't seem to get angry, at most she frowns stupidly, and she is very quiet no matter what she does.

Influenced by her, Tang Jia is also very well-behaved, but she is a little less talkative, and basically doesn't speak unless she has something to say.

I was lying lazily on the sofa and browsing my phone, and Tang Jia came over to take a peek.

A few strands of hair floated in front of the phone, and when I looked up, I didn't know where the beauty came from.

Lin Xin stretched out her hand, holding a piece of paper with dense and beautiful handwriting on it.

I took the paper and took a look, tenderloin... tribute vegetables... potatoes... peppers, etc.

"These are the only things you need to buy."

Lin Xin nodded and ran back to read.

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