The two Hu Taoist priests: "Si Tong can't go down the mountain until the other Tianshi get rid of the evil spirit." "What?" I turned back in surprise: "Doesn't this mean that Si Tong Tianshi was put in solitary confinement?". But if you think about it carefully, the punishment given by Fulong Mountain is not too severe. In some aspects, it is almost not a punishment, and Si Tong Tianshi should not have any objection to it. Liang Hu Taoist priests said angrily: "This is what he deserves. He is always so arrogant and thinks that he can solve everything by himself. He will not rely on others and always regards himself as the unique person." "By the way, Si Tong told you to go to Fulong Mountain after you wake up. He has something to tell you. Other Heavenly Masters also want to see you."

'The Heavenly Masters also told me not to blame yourself for this. This is something you can't bear.'

I nodded, and a complex look flashed across my eyes: "No need for the Heavenly Masters to invite me, I will go too."

"I have participated in this matter more or less. Even if I tell myself that the deaths of Chen Zhenren and Chongyang Taoist Priest have nothing to do with me, can I get over it?"

The two Hu Taoists didn't say anything. Don't say I can't get over it, he can't get over it even more.

Because the people who died were his junior brothers and his nephews... Didn't the two Hu Taoists lose more that night?

The two Hu Taoists sat for a while and left. After all, there was nothing to talk about, and talking too much would be sad things.


After that, I stayed in the hospital for another two days. I didn’t try to summon the ghost wife again.

But the swelling on my face hadn’t subsided and there was no place to cut my neck.

But I made friends with Xiaojing during these two days. She is a few years older than me. After getting to know each other, I often called her Sister Jing.

She went to Fulong Mountain, a place with beautiful scenery, to find some leisure time, as if to escape the pressure of the big city.

She was very interested in the ghost stories I told. Every time I talked about those weird ghost stories, she was always skeptical, but she was still afraid to leave work early and not walk at night.

In summary, she was timid and curious.

On the third day, I went to complete the discharge procedures after getting the doctor’s permission.

When I returned to the ward to pack my things, Xiaojing had just come back from outside. She handed me her backpack: "Hey, it’s clean."

"I really don’t know how you got so many blood stains."

"I secretly put some gauze in your backpack for you, and other daily medicines."

"Sister Jing, thank you very much", I took it and thanked her, and put the red evil talisman box and other sundries in.

Xiaojing leaned against the door with a cunning look in her eyes. She took out her mobile phone and shook it: "Do you want to add a contact number, so that we can make an appointment later."

I looked at her playful look and subconsciously wanted to say... OK...,

But at that moment, Lin Ying's death flashed through my mind, and that picture choked my words in my mouth.

I smiled tepidly: "Forget it, we can meet again if we are destined to meet in the future."

Xiaojing put away her mobile phone with her beautiful eyes staring at me, and her eyes could almost stare two holes in my body: "I wish you are destined not to see me again."

"Come here and I will help you remove the bandage on your left eye. The wound should be almost healed."

"It doesn't matter whether it is removed or not, it's a one-eyed dragon anyway."

'What one-eyed dragon, what are you talking about, come here quickly'

I put on my backpack and came to Xiaojing. Her movements were deliberately gentle. She seemed a little stubborn as she was concentrating on one thing.

The burden on my left eye was reduced little by little, and circles of gauze fell to the ground.

After all the gauze was removed, my left eye felt unprecedentedly free, as if it was finally free of wrapping, and I could feel Xiaojing's breath hitting my eyelids.

My left eyelid kept trembling, and my mood was wavering between opening and not opening.

Even if the result was the same pitch black, I felt so heavy when I really had to accept and witness this fact that I couldn't speak.

In the end, I made up my mind to accept the status quo, one eye is one eye.

The eyelid that had not been opened for a long time slowly pulled up, and the wound on the eyelid would bring a painful and obscure feeling.

The next second, my facial expression suddenly froze,

The whole facial features were completely stiff, only the pupil was shaking and shrinking.

It was not black, not pitch black.

My left eye opened a little, and light came in.

It was like the dawn light when looking at the sky from a high mountain in the clouds, scattered and blurry.

A little light can almost become a small sun, and my thoughts

I followed closely and then I was a little confused.

Xiao Jing saw that I looked a little strange, and quickly held my head: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?".

I didn't say anything, my left eyelid was still lifted up, my eyelashes fluttered like butterflies, and more and more white light came into my sight, as if to dye half of my vision white.

This white light only appeared for a few seconds and then slowly dissipated. It should be that my eyes adapted to this sudden light sensation, and my vision was also recovering.

An object, a person, a strand of hair, gorgeous colors, a small ball of hair on a sweater...

A point and a line, colors make up this world, and everything is changing from blur to clarity, and this process is the same as the focus of a camera.

The most peculiar thing is that this focusing process has no limit and no end. It seems that as long as I want, I can keep focusing, making everything in front of me clearer and the details more perfectly presented.

I held my breath and sank into this wonderful feeling, vision, and the continuous gathering and deepening of my subconscious, eager to see more clearly and see deeper things.

Xiaojing appeared in my vision with simple, light makeup. I had never noticed the color of a girl's lipstick before, but now it was not because I wanted to pay attention, but because it tried to attract my attention.

I can observe many elements at the same time and collect a lot of information in a very short interval.

The composition of Xiaojing's makeup, delicate pores, the composition of her sweater, knitting skills, etc., even a slowly crawling insect in the corner can be collected by me.

I dare say that my vision has never been so clear and thorough, as if a new world has been opened.

Is that all?

No, my vision is telling me that you can see deeper, and your vision is more than that.

Keep looking, keep digging, and see through everything!

My left eye has been completely opened,

and my vision has entered a new field, a new world.

I see through the essence of things!

Under the structure of each woolen thread of the sweater, under the cotton silk of the white sweater, the delicate embroidery of the light pink lace underwear,

Further down is a small steep mountain.

My brain has been filled with all kinds of information and elements, and there are still many doubts waiting to be resolved.

I should have stopped, but my subconscious mind tempted me,

It's like a demon whispering in my ear, it's much more than that!

You only see a little bit!

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