The monks were busy, but the situation was not good.

Master Chen: "First of all, you must immediately disperse all the disciples and Taoist children. From now on, everyone must go down the mountain!".

Countless faces suddenly changed color when these words came out.

Chongming was surprised: "Master, what are you talking about? Let everyone go down the mountain?"

"Isn't the evil spirit coming?"

"Besides, what exactly is the matter that requires everyone to go down the mountain? How can you explain this to me?"

"This matter is too serious. Please think twice, Master."

I looked around and looked at Master Chen's expression again, and suddenly guessed what he was going to do.

The Taoists in the temple were also panicked: "Master, what are you going to do?"

"Master, why are you doing this?"

Master Chen looked straight at Chongming and repeated again:

"Let everyone go down the mountain now, Chongming, you must do this"

"If you don't want your four uncles to die in vain"

"At the same time, the second thing is that after everyone goes down the mountain, you also go down the mountain to make sure that there are only us on the mountain."

Chongming: "Can you...".

Master Chen: "The evil spirit is among us, it could be me, it could be Mr. Zhang, it could be anyone"

"It first mixed in with your four uncles, and I was not decisive, so it escaped to us. This mistake cannot be made again"

"It must not be allowed to escape again, and the scope cannot be expanded!".

I took a breath,

Master Chen's decision was too decisive...

He wanted to seal the skin ghost on Fulong Mountain and trap it in this temple!

Arrange all the people on Fulong Mountain to go down the mountain.

In this way, except for us, the skin-covered ghost has no chance to change its skin, and its hiding place is also limited to us.

This move is not only for the safety of other disciples in Fulong Mountain, but also to get rid of the skin-covered ghost.

Once the skin-covered ghost mixes into those disciples, it will be really troublesome.

When it hides in the four old Taoist priests, Chen Zhenren has no way to find it.

Who can find it if it hides among hundreds of disciples?

It is not afraid of Taoism when it is covered with human skin, just like ordinary people. I guess even my wronged soul bone is useless.

Chongming understood and was shocked. He wanted to say something,

but Chen Zhenren waved his hand tiredly.

"I understand" Chongming nodded with difficulty and left.

The Taoist Liang Hu asked anxiously: "Little Chen, why don't you let me leave too? I don't know anything. Wouldn't it be troublesome to stay here?"

Chen Zhenren didn't say anything, but a questioning voice came from the Taoists:

"Uncle Liang Hu, why do you want to leave? Is there something wrong with you?"

"I don't think it's impossible. After all, only Uncle Liang Hu can't protect himself here. It might be Uncle Liang Hu who was replaced when the door was closed just now."

The Taoist Liang Hu was so angry that his beard trembled: "Who said that? Stand up!"

"You dare to doubt me, what's your intention?"

The doubt about Liang Hu was just a beginning. The next target was Chen Zhenren.

A Taoist asked unwillingly: "Zhenren, why did you do this? Drive everyone down the mountain and leave only us?"

"Don't you think your behavior is suspicious?"

"Although it's hard to believe and disrespectful to Zhenren, I still have to say that it's not impossible for Zhenren to be replaced."

"Otherwise, why did the real person only leave us? Could it be that the real person wants to get rid of us?".

Another Taoist priest immediately opened his mouth and cursed: "Asshole, look at what you said, you dare to doubt the real person, you are the most suspicious!"

"How could the real person be replaced? Open your dog eyes and see clearly"

"The real person is to protect the disciples!".

"But aren't we also disciples of Fulong Mountain?" Someone said silently.

The scene was dead silent for a moment.

Although Chen Zhenren's move can trap the skin ghost and prevent other disciples from being harmed,

But I, the two Hu Taoist priests and other Taoist priests are almost equivalent to abandoned pawns.

The safety of those disciples is exchanged for our predicament.

The skinny young Taoist priest sat on the ground insanely, and begged Chen Zhenren:

"Chen Zhenren, we are not abandoned, are we?"

"Zhenren, you have great magical powers, it's just an evil spirit, how can a mere evil spirit jump in front of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable and Zhenren?"

"So Zhenren must be able to tell who the evil spirit is, right? Zhenren left us behind so that he can find the evil spirit, right?".

I kept silent. In fact, everyone knew that

If Zhenren Chen had a way, how could he watch the fat and thin Taoist priests kill each other and watch

The blind Taoist priest skinned himself to death?

But even so, who didn't hold out hope for Chen Zhenren?

Chen Zhenren was the most experienced and skilled person among us, and the only hope could only be placed on him.

Chen Zhenren came to the Taoist priest with a wooden sword and patted his head with his big hand:

"Don't worry, that evil spirit won't escape."

"The four junior brothers will be settled today, and their deaths will definitely not be in vain."

"I swear to make that evil spirit disappear from this temple."

The Taoist priest was confused, and his scattered eyes gradually solidified, and excitement emerged in his eyes: "Really..."

The thin young Taoist priest's head flew up, turning in his mouth, and his mouth was still moving


Blood gushed out and splashed all over the ground...

It was not until the head of the Taoist priest fell to the ground that everyone woke up.

With several pairs of horrified and confused eyes, Chen Zhenren stood up bathed in blood.

A trail of blood was left by the wooden sword in his hand...

He faced all the Taoist priests with tears of blood: "Sorry... Sorry".

He moved his body and pierced the throat of an unsuspecting Taoist priest with another sword.

Swish... Scarlet liquid gushed out, a torrent that could not be stopped by the palm.

Chen Zhenren howled with tears on his face: "No... No, you are not either!".

The other Taoist priests then reacted: "Zhenren wants to kill us?"

They were horrified and frantically slapped all kinds of talismans at Chen Zhenren.

Chen Zhenren held the golden Taoist bell in his other hand and shook it. Suddenly, all the talismans either spontaneously combusted or became ineffective.

Swoosh... Another black object was thrown high up, leaving a thin water mark in the air.

Da... The black thing fell in front of me, with a pair of unbelievable eyes staring at me, and blood was still flowing from the broken head.

My hand holding the wronged soul bone was shaking, and I was even a step slower than those Taoists in terms of reaction,

Because I could never imagine that such a thing would happen,

This Arabian Nights, this bloody scene...

Chen Zhenren was slaughtering Taoists!

Chen Zhenren did not stop, in terms of Taoist magic, he was stronger than everyone present, and in terms of aura, no one could remain rational in front of him.

Some Taoists did not dare to attack him, and some did not dare to believe it.

Chen Zhenren just cried and waved his sword, and every time he killed someone, he would mutter, "It's not you... Why is it not you yet..."

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