The blind Taoist priest almost lost his voice in his last words.

He fell backwards.

Chen Zhenren supported him, tears burning in his eyes: "Why do you... why do you have to do this?"

The blind Taoist priest turned his head with difficulty, and his body twitched every time he moved.

I know the reason for the twitching very well, it hurts.

The blind Taoist priest's skinning was not done by a skin ghost, unlike Chongyang's uninjured and skinless body.

He peeled off his skin.

Even if it was a skin that was swapped, he would still make his body full of wounds when he peeled it off.

It's hard to bandage such a body.

It is a challenge for people to peel off the dead skin from their fingers, but the blind Taoist priest peeled off the skin of his upper body!

The amount of blood loss alone was enough to make him faint.

Without skin, every movement of his body was a contact between real flesh and blood and the outside world.

The blind Taoist priest grabbed Chen Zhenren's collar with one hand, and at the same time, his eyes were about to fall and looked fiercely at the bald Taoist priest, followed by the fat and thin Taoist priest.

He used all his strength to scream in Chen Zhenren's ear: "No! Absolutely can't... let it escape!"

"We must... get rid of it here!"

"No... no matter what... method... no... cost!".

Liang Hu's eyes, which had finally recovered a little, turned red again, and tears fell one after another.

I suddenly understood the purpose of the blind Taoist priest.

He didn't just want to prove himself, he wanted to eliminate the scope of suspicion.

Originally, there were four suspects, but now there are three.

In other words, the blind Taoist priest's self-sacrifice created value for finding the evil spirit.

The bald Taoist priest reacted in a daze, and immediately waved a paper knife at the fat and thin Taoist priest:

"Junior Brother Wang... That's the real Junior Brother Wang... So the evil spirit must be between the two of you!"

"That's right, one of you is not human!"

The fat and thin Taoist priests were united in hatred of the enemy at this time. I don't know if it was the blind Taoist priest who provoked them.

They attacked the bald Taoist priest together.

I also expected this situation.

Now that the blind Taoist priest is dead, the bald Taoist priest who has always advocated killing the blind Taoist priest naturally becomes the first suspect.

After all, the blind Taoist priest suspected him!

The three of them fought again, and the scene was a little chaotic.....

And Chen Zhenren was still trying to treat the blind Taoist priest.

The two Hu Taoist priests were immersed in sadness.

After finally getting a clear picture, the situation was about to be in chaos again. Of course, I couldn't just watch it.

I kept shouting to Chen Zhenren: "Zhenren! Zhenren!"

The Taoists in the temple only listened to Chen Zhenren's command.

The previous incident with the blind Taoist in Chongyang made them hesitate for a long time even to move.

Chen Zhenren lowered his head and put the blind Taoist's skin back little by little, and gave an order in a deep voice:

"Stop them, no one can die anymore."

After receiving the order, more than a dozen Taoists who were like robots and dared not move rashly took action instantly.

Their Taoist skills and skills may not be as sophisticated as these three old Taoists, but they can always subdue them with their numbers.

In the temple where the moonlight was already weak, these people took action again, and the small space was very chaotic.

The two Hu Taoists and I dodged to the side, fearing that we would block or be injured by mistake.

We all knew that this chaos would not last long, and it might stop the next moment.


The door was closed...

The cool moonlight in the temple suddenly disappeared, and the windowless temple suddenly became so dark that it couldn't be any darker.

You can't see your hand in front of you?

The scary thing is that he is in front of you, and you can't see him at all!

"Who closed the door!" Chen Zhenren's angry voice overwhelmed all the chaotic noises, echoing several times and shocking people.

It was so dark that it seemed to be able to swallow people... The already chaotic scene was only a little more chaotic than before,

Because they were Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain.

I was vaguely bumped into by a few people, and it seemed that there was someone behind me.

Several warm flames suddenly lit up in the dark vision, not big, enough to illuminate people's faces,

This was the Taoist priests' hands that made the talismans in their hands burn.

Bang! Chen Zhenren suddenly kicked down the two large doors of the temple.

The moonlight visited this crowded temple again.

The talismans in the hands of the Taoists gradually extinguished... The scene returned to calm.

It was not because of the door closing incident, but because their attention was on the floor.

There was a skinless bloody corpse on the floor, and a

Wrinkled human skin...

Everyone looked at the human skin, and everyone had an ugly expression on their faces.

The bald Taoist priest... was the Li Junior Brother mentioned by Chen Zhen...

The skin on the ground was his skin!

I was furious, and I slammed the ground like I was venting my anger.

This damn skinned ghost changed its skin again, whose skinless bloody corpse belonged to?

It was just in the few tens of seconds when the door was closed and the light completely disappeared,

It had completed the process of peeling, peeling, and changing its skin.

Chen Zhenren came to the skinless bloody corpse with a gloomy face, gently put down his hand and touched it again...

After more than ten seconds, he said three words: "Dead".

After Chen Zhenren stood up, his eyes swept over each of us,

Everyone stayed for a while.

It was indeed the case, each of us could be a skinned ghost, and Chen Zhenren could be one too.

Suppose the skinned ghost was originally a bald Taoist priest, and in the time when the door was closed just now,

it killed another Taoist priest and changed his skin.

It is almost impossible to distinguish a corpse without skin.

It looks like a bone with flesh on it, otherwise the four old Taoist priests would not be so suspicious.

I leaned against the wall helplessly, and all the energy and strength in my body were drained.

Not only was I physically weak, but I also felt mentally weak, as if all the tension and fatigue from a night of tension came rushing up at once.

Moreover, I felt helpless in the face of the skin-covered ghost. This thing is not only mysterious in origin,

its existence is also weird. It can run rampant in Longhu Mountain with human skin, and Taoist magic is ineffective against it.

After wearing human skin, it can even master memory and techniques.

Before, the two Hu Taoist priests also asked the bald Taoist priest, and he knew everything he asked.

The skin-covered ghost also knows the paper man technique of Taoist priest Chongyang.

Originally, thanks to the sacrifice of the blind Taoist priest, we finally reduced its hiding range to three people,

but as soon as the door was closed, the range had affected all of us.

The two Taoist priests with beards crouched down beside me, holding their heads, staring blankly at the surroundings, at the bloody corpse, at the skin of the bald Taoist priest...

"It's over... It's all over... Did it hide among us?"

At this time, everyone secretly looked at the people around them. The ability of the skin-covered ghost was already public knowledge.

However, compared to suspecting the people around them, they suspected the fat and thin Taoist priests more.

The two people who came out of the basement were also the ones whose skins were swapped by the skin-covered ghost.

Originally, they and the bald Taoist priest were the only three suspects.

Even if the bald Taoist priest is dead now, the scope has spread to everyone.

Their suspicion will still be greater than any of us.

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