Don't disturb the ancestral graves!!!

The things in the ancestral graves cannot see the light of day again!!!

This is a big taboo in my family for generations, but this taboo was broken by my father.

My family is a well-known poor family in the village.

It's not that my family members don't work hard and try to make a living.

It's just that my family is born poor.

Whether it's doing business or growing crops, nothing has been successful.

Even if I work part-time in a restaurant, the restaurant will go bankrupt after a few days.

This also led to our family becoming the ghosts in the mouths of the surrounding villages. People were very afraid of my family.

All the villagers knew that,

Hey, whoever dared to use the Zhang family would wait for the family to decline and the business to go bankrupt.

It was not until later that my grandfather told the truth about my family.

My family was poor because there was an incredible thing buried in my ancestral tomb.

A poor ghost!

When my grandfather was young, he owed a cause, and the result was that the poor ghost moved into my ancestral tomb.

If a ghost enters the Yin house, the Yang house will be uneasy.

If a poor ghost lives in the Yin house, the Yang house will be poor and old!

The poor ghost lived in my ancestral tomb, so that my Zhang family would suffer poverty from generation to generation until death.

This is the fate of the Zhang family.

My father had two sons and one daughter at first.

My eldest brother was diligent in studying since he was a child. He was a famous student in the village.

One of his articles was praised by people outside.

Later, my eldest brother packed his bags and left his hometown to study.

But only his body came back.

The family was poor, and the eldest brother spent almost all his family savings on studying.

When he arrived in the city, the eldest brother went to the river to fish in order to fill his stomach, but he encountered a water hole and fell into it for a long time.

Only at night did a body float up after drinking enough water.

The second brother had no talent for studying, but he had a lot of strength.

The second brother could chop trees as well as two people, but he chopped trees in the dark to make more money when he went up the mountain to chop trees.

In the end, he fell into the mouth of a wolf and was sent home with only half of his face left.

After losing two sons in succession, the mother fell ill and cried and fainted several times, and the father ran to the ancestral grave in anger.

He wanted to dig up the ancestral grave and pull out the so-called poor ghost!

The death of the eldest and second brothers was ultimately due to poverty!

The father blamed the death of the eldest and second brothers on this poor ghost.

If it weren't for this poor ghost, why would their family be so poor.

The son went fishing and stayed up late to chop trees?

When my grandfather learned about this, he vomited blood in a hurry. By the time he arrived at the ancestral grave, it was already over.

My father's eyes were red as he made the first shovel.

The sky, which was still a little bright, suddenly became dark.

The roaring thunder was like the gods and demons scolding.

My father stopped his hand.

Grandpa shouted, "Don't dig, don't dig, it's a disaster, a disaster for the Zhang family."

But my father was born with a rebellious temper, so he became more motivated.

He gritted his teeth and made another shovel.

With this shovel, all the birds and animals in the village flew away in panic, and the dogs and pigs in the house all lay on the ground in panic.

When my father made the third shovel, blood gushed out from under the shovel.

It was as if this shovel had hurt something.

Grandpa's face turned pale and he collapsed on the ground, muttering to himself.

It's over... The grave has been dug up, the ghosts and gods are killing the sky, the Zhang family is in great trouble, the Zhang family is in great trouble...

Father swallowed his throat, he also realized that something was wrong

But he couldn't stop at this time.

He dug with a shovel

I don't know when the soil he dug was bloody and very wet

The mud like blood slid down the shovel.

Finally, the ancestral tomb was completely dug up and saw the light of day again

Boom! A thunder ripped through the sky,

The dazzling white light made the dark earth clear for a moment.

The lightning illuminated my father's muddy face, but my father's expression was horrified, fearful, and twisted.

He stared straight into the ancestral tomb, and the shovel in his hand slipped powerlessly.


Father died over there in the ancestral tomb,

No one knew what my father saw in the ancestral tomb, or how he died.

My grandfather, the only witness, became a fool with dementia after that incident.

He kept talking about the great disaster of the Zhang family, the great disaster of the Zhang family.

My mother was pregnant when my father died.

The grief almost caused me to die in the womb.

Thanks to the help of the neighbors, I was sent to the doctor in time.

From then on, the whole family relied on my mother alone.

My foolish grandfather and my sister who was only seven or eight years old were the burdens on my mother.

The villagers advised my mother that she was still young and could remarry, so why tie herself to this broken place?

It would be better to abort the fetus and take the daughter to find a random family than to be a widow.

To be honest

My mother had this idea.

That day, my mother made plans to go to the city to have an abortion at dawn.

But after dawn, my mother changed her mind and decided to stay in this broken house without complaint.

Later, I heard from the villagers that someone saw my father that night.


I don’t know if it was because of my father that I was lucky enough to survive and be born.

The time of birth was also very strange.

I was four months earlier than the expected time.

My mother cried loudly in pain, and she didn’t look like a woman who had given birth to three children at all.

The conditions of the village clinic were not good, so the village chief immediately arranged for someone to drive a tractor to take my mother to the city.

The tractor roared, and it was the most expensive car in the village.

But when my mother got on the car, the tractor suddenly stalled.

No matter how the driver adjusted it, the car just wouldn’t start.

While my mother cried in pain, the village chief also remembered scratching his head and turned around to ask someone to pull the bullock cart.

Although the ox cart is not as fast as the tractor, it can at least move.

The person who went to pull the ox cart soon came back sweating profusely

"Village chief, the ox is crazy!"

"The ox kneeled on the ground and refused to move. I whipped it until it was almost broken, but the ox was as stubborn as a stone in the toilet."

The village chief slapped his head and said, "What a mess. All kinds of troubles will happen when something happens."

"I will kill you tomorrow, you beast."

"This won't work. Find a cart."

"The beast won't work. People will pull it into the city."

After a lot of trouble, I finally lifted my mother onto the cart and was about to go into the city.

A thunderous sound rose, and heavy rain poured down.

The muddy road in the countryside was soaked by the heavy rain and became muddy. The cart got stuck in the mud and couldn't get out after not going far.

The village chief called over a dozen strong young men to come and tow the cart, but the cart seemed to be rooted in the mud and would not move.

My mother fainted from the pain, and the blood under her body flowed with the rain.

It was as if God was deliberately making things difficult for our Zhang family and did not want me to be born.

Every place would take my life.

But man proposes, and heaven proposes.

A Taoist priest in white came into the village to take shelter from the rain and happened to see the scene.

The Taoist priest dipped his hand in the mud and drew a few strokes on the cart, and then gently pushed the cart out of the mud pit.

Those young and strong men were dumbfounded. They couldn't push it with several hands, but the old Taoist priest could do it with one hand?

The rain stopped at this time.

The old Taoist priest's eyes stayed on my mother for a while, and the village chief thanked him and invited him to rest in the village.

A group of young men came back soon.

The village chief was surprised: "Why did you come back?"

A man said: "I met Mr. Wei. He just came back from the city and said that the main road was blocked."

"He knows a small road at the west end of the village. It's fast and not muddy."

"Why are there so many men? Two people will pull over. We will go back and change clothes."

"Why can't you find two women to take care of him in the hospital?"

The village chief jumped up when he heard it.

He slapped the man in the face: "What the hell are you talking about in broad daylight?"

"Mr. Wei died of illness in the hospital the day before yesterday and was cremated in the city yesterday."

"How could you see him?"

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