"Evil spirit, your existence has threatened the security of the world, you must be sealed today!"

Gu Yi threw out a scarlet chain again, completely binding the evil spirit, but she couldn't act on her own anymore and needed to contain the other party.

Now that neither of them can move, it's time for Kyle to make this cage.

"No, I can't be left here."

Seeing that the cage was taking shape faster and faster, the evil spirit began to get impatient, and he could feel the power contained in it.

If you are really locked in that thing, you will definitely not be able to escape!

Thinking of the tragic life after being imprisoned, the evil spirit became ruthless, and two groups of black energy condensed into a long blade, directly cutting off his two arms.

Gu Yi's side immediately felt that the chain lost its target, and couldn't help but sigh that it was really cruel.

Since she severed her two arms, it seems that she still takes this evil spirit lightly, and will be serious in the future.

"My black magic is useless to that person. Get the white magician ready first, and then find a way to run away."

After the evil spirit got out of trouble, he thought about what to do next. Kyle's magic immunity really made him a little overwhelmed.

But Gu Yi didn't have this ability. Just now, his sneak attack almost succeeded. If he hadn't been blocked, the winner would have been decided now.

Coupled with the unknown power of decomposition and creation in Kyle's hands, the evil spirit is really not sure that it can do it.

According to the normal level, the current Kyle is only a sub-heavenly father-level powerhouse, but the doctor's methods are very perverted.

Creation alone is the authority that only God can possess.

Not to mention that there is a more perverted power of connection, which can turn all fantasies into reality with a single thought, whether or not he exists.

Even if the linking power that Kyle can use now is very small, but if all of them explode, it should not be underestimated.

"Since ancient times, Kama Taj's practice is from the white magic of the Trinity, the Great God of Vishan."

Gu Yi’s hands began to tug at the tactic, and if he wanted to obliterate the consciousness of the evil spirit, he had to borrow the power of that one.

Due to the fact that he sealed his own dark power, Gu Yi couldn't make unscrupulous shots, otherwise the seal would be broken.

If you are absorbed by the evil spirits, the strength will be further advanced, and it will be quite troublesome!

"Every generation of Supreme Mage can borrow the power of the Great God through special means, and I am no exception."

Three golden-red circular spells with complex runes spread out in front of him, Gu Yi's expression was extremely serious.

She had never used this trick, even against Dormammu.

"This power..."

The evil spirit began to panic, and immediately manipulated the black qi and began to arrange its own resistance.

Countless dark green circular apertures condensed in the surrounding void, each of which contained extremely strong magic power.

"Evil spirit, your end has come!"

Gu squeezed the tactic with both hands, and a sudden huge magical force quickly passed through the triple circle and was expanded to a width of 100 meters in diameter.

The magic light cannon flashed past and blasted straight towards the evil spirit body, which was only a hundred meters away.

In front of this power, the evil spirit's eyes turned blood red, and he used all his strength to launch his own counterattack.

Hundreds of dark green apertures released energy rays together. Although each beam was very small, it was not much different from Gu Yi's attack when gathered together.

"If this is shot down, it is estimated that this alien dimension will be smashed to pieces."

In the distance, Kyle, who created the cage, was also disturbed by this fluctuation. His fingers trembled slightly, creating a barrier in front of him.

The cage is only one step away from completing, and this step requires evil spirits to enter and act as the core.

This step requires the ancient one. The biggest nemesis of black magic is naturally white magic.

Boom! ! ! !

The loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth reverberated in this different space. The location of the two people had been completely submerged, and the surrounding space had been shattered.

Borrowing the power of Emperor Weishan, in the end, Gu Yi was slightly better, shattering the body of the evil spirit and successfully shattering his consciousness.

The sheepskin scroll quietly floated there, the evil spirits in it had disappeared, and the only thing left was a super-aggregate of huge energy.

"Be detained."

Kyle threw the cage in his hand at the ancient sheepskin scroll, and the crystal blue brilliance shot out instantly, taking it into it.

In the end, the cage turned into a pure white crystal ball of light, which slowly floated to Gu Yi's body.

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

Reaching out to take the ball of light, Gu Yi folded his hands together and thanked Kyle.

This is also a transaction between the two, otherwise this powerful weapon Kyle would not have been given to Gu Yi in vain.

And the price paid by this supreme mage is that he can read all magic books, including forbidden books, in Kama Taj's library today.

This price is not too big. You must know that Kama Taj has existed on the earth for so long, and the collection of books inside must be extremely rich.

"In that case, let's go back."

In this transaction, the biggest winner is Kyle.

Just by creating a cage and helping Gu Yi to block two deadly attacks, he could gain so much.

The golden-red cremation portal opened ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Kyle immediately jumped in, and inside was Walter Corporation.

Kama Taj is definitely going, but not now.

After Gu Yi went through this battle, he had to deal with Dormammu when he went back. Kyle didn't want to be dragged to be a coolie.

After saying goodbye to each other, the portal was closed.

Lying in his chair, Kyle pulled out the system panel.

If he keeps taking the minimum guarantee to finish the plot sequence, and when Thanos gets the six gems, he will have about 30 chances to draw the lottery.

This number is very small, it is so small that it explodes!

Converting points with cash has many disadvantages, so Kyle wondered if he could cancel this and convert it to another way.

"System, give me a solution."

Not to mention whether this transfer of money will attract the attention of the State Administration of Taxation, the fact that the tens of billions and tens of billions have gone missing is already very suspicious.

Although there is a system to block and no one can find it, Kyle always feels that this is not the way to go.

[Return to the host, pay 1000 points to upgrade it to influence points exchange]

Looking at the balance of points, there was just over a thousand left, and Kyle paid it immediately without hesitation.

After about a minute, there was a 'ding' sound from the system.

[The upgrade has been completed, and the points are being exchanged according to the influence of the host]

[After testing, your influence value is 150,000, and the exchange points are 1,500 points]

[Note: Influence value 1 is 1000 people]

"One and a half billion? My influence is too low!"

Kyle is a little puzzled. He is the boss of a 100 billion company, why is his influence so low?


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