Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 88: changing future

The future... It is not predicted that it will go forward as it is seen.

Every small action, every breath, and even every change in our heart will cause this mainstream to branch into countless branches.

This is Kyle's new feeling after watching this battle, which has caused a lot of impact on his mentality.

This result was something he did not expect. Not one of the 150,000 possibilities was the current result.

Normally, the final outcome would be Tony losing, and then shaking Natasha over.

In the end, Natasha slammed Obadiah with a hammer, felt the power of the super body, and was finally put in prison.

"It seems... time is indeed a difficult thing to control."

Kyle stretched out dozens of energy streams and transmitted them into the bodies of the wounded who were transferred to ensure that they would not die.

Then he teleported in time and space and came to the center of the battlefield.

If he doesn't shoot again, Tony will die on the shrapnel in his chest.

A stream of energy was transmitted into the Ark reactor in front of his chest, filling it with energy that was already as low as 2%.


Replenished with energy, Tony's purple complexion was slowly replaced by normal blood, and he also had the strength to stand up.

In this battle with Obadiah, he has done everything he can, and the damage to the armor has reached 73%.

"You're welcome, after all, I'm also very interested in Obadiah's changes."

As soon as Kyle stretched out his hand, the ancient sheepskin scroll from Obadiah was taken out, and then his body quickly decayed and disintegrated, gradually melting in place.

Obviously, this is the price of using black magic. After death, not even a whole corpse is left, which is really miserable!

The moment he started the ancient scroll, Kyle clearly felt an inexplicable force trying to penetrate into his body.

But he couldn't even break through the outermost defense of his body.

"Tony, just keep the amulet. After each use, it will automatically recharge from the quantum realm, as long as it is not destroyed."

Wrap the ancient sheepskin scroll with a special energy net, and then retract it into the space inside your body.

"Do you need me to help you erase the memories of these people?"

Hearing the sound of sirens in the distance, Kyle asked Tony in front of him.

He wanted to make sure that Tony's inner thoughts had already decided to become a superhero.

If he doesn't want to live this life, Kyle can erase the memories of all witnesses.

"No, it's better to admit it directly if you hide it."

Tony waved his hand and said, then let himself bear the pressure of public opinion, just take this opportunity to announce something.

Seeing that his decision had been made, Kyle nodded, then left here and returned to the company.

It took about five minutes for the police car to break in through the rough road that had been beaten to pieces by the two men.

The first thing I saw was the broken ground and Tony who was covered in injuries.

"Hey, did any of you bring a cheeseburger?"

Seeing the bewildered police officers, Tony made a humorous joke.

Actually, this is the truth. After fighting for so long, his stomach was indeed a little hungry, but he was suppressed by the pain earlier.

Now it suddenly became more soothing, and all kinds of feelings came up, but Kyle didn't cure him directly.


Water Company.

"Natasha, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as he returned to his office, Kyle saw Natasha with disheveled hair lying on the sofa.

A negative aura came on his face, and Kyle, who was in a complicated mood, was also a little emo.

"Boss, Lilian's ability needs special training, otherwise I suspect it won't be like this next time."

Natasha raised her head, and there were three scars on her face that looked like sharp claws.

Although the bleeding has stopped, it can be said that this kind of injury is left on the face.

With her physique, she won't leave scars, but it's just uncomfortable during this time.

" it caused by Lillian?"

Kyle's face was full of doubts. He also knew Lilian's strength. It was impossible to cause such damage to Natasha.

Whether that little girl can break Natasha's psychic defense is uncertain.

"How do you say it, Lilian seems to have awakened again. This time, her ability is a little troublesome, and she can control blood."

Natasha repeated what happened to Kyle just now.

When she conducted a new round of testing on the group of four, Lilian's newly awakened ability was out of control, so she gave Natasha a test.

And at that time, she never thought that Lillian would do something to her when she came over, so she didn't have the slightest bit of defense.

But fortunately, she reacted fast enough, and immediately used her mind power to throw her out, otherwise the best result would be to be penetrated.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like we're going to send another general."

After listening to Natasha's narration, Kyle became interested.

Manipulating blood... The strength of this ability on the battlefield is going to explode, and the follow-up Battle of New York seems to be a very good opportunity.

Although I don't know whether the blood of the Qitarians can be manipulated by Lillian, but these things can only be known by trying In addition, Lillian can also transform into a bat and show a vampire form. "

Seeing that Kyle didn't care about her injury at all, and instead praised Liliando more, Natasha was extremely angry.

However, she couldn't hide these situations without reporting them, so she could only helplessly tell the rest of the ability to awaken together.

"This is nothing but normal vampires should be able to do it."

Kyle guessed that the vampire's real body looks like sharp nails, a pair of wings on the back, and the appearance of fangs and blood pupils.

If he really turned into that kind of person who was so ugly, he would have doubts about the aesthetics of the system.

"What happened over there? That loud explosion just now."

Back to the topic, Natasha asked with great interest.

The impact of the intensity of the explosion had already covered half of New York, and the Water Company naturally heard it.

Although it can't compare to the extent of the reactor explosion in the original plot that spread to the whole of New York, it's not bad.

"Well, it will be on TV news tomorrow, you can look forward to it."

Kyle did not spoil Natasha, but set a suspense.

Now he has more important things!

The ability to predict the future reminded him just now that this is a system set up by Kyle himself.

Since this ability is usually not enabled all the time, he simply set a policy that whenever he is mentioned in the future, he will be notified.

Anyway, with his reaction speed, even a second can be used as a long time, and it doesn't take a few seconds to read these futures.

And it just so happened that the system just came to send him a special message...

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