Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 303: Return to Asgard

Entering the Asgard domain, Sol and others parked the spaceship on a nearby mountain, planning to sneak into Asgard, trying not to attract Hela's attention.

Soon, the four came to Asgard through Loki's private passage, and the first thing they saw was a large number of corpses that had not been cleaned up.

These are all warriors who resisted Hela, but unfortunately the difference in strength is too great, and they were brushed off as mobs.

"Damn it!"

Seeing his comrades who fought **** battles together fall like this, Sol's heart is naturally very uncomfortable.

At the same time, he also had a clear understanding of Hela's combat power. Even if so many people let Sol fight, it would never be possible for her to be so quick.

"Don't be sad, now the important thing is to find Heimdall, I know a place should be."

Loki quickly grabbed Thor and said that if he disrupted the plan, Asgard might not be saved.

Loki is quite clear about Asgard, he knows that there is a refuge in the back mountain, and Heimdall has a high probability of staying there.

"I'm going to open the main ship to transfer the people."

Upon seeing this, Valkyrie said immediately, from the looks of it, Asgard should be occupied by Hela.

According to the old king of gods, as long as Hela is in Asgard, her strength will always be in a state of strengthening, which is very difficult to deal with.

"I'm going to help too."

Wanda intends to go with Valkyrie. After all, the current Asgard must be in danger, and one more person will add more power.

Besides, the reason why Wanda came is to see how powerful Hela is. Even if I meet her halfway, I can delay time.

"Okay, then we'll split up and leave it to you."

Sol nodded and said, then let Loki lead the way, and immediately set off to the refuge.

Follow Loki to the refuge point in the back mountain. As expected, Heimdall is taking the residents of Asgard to hide here.

In order to escape Hela's domination, the retreat time of the inhabitants was delayed by the soldiers with their lives.

"You're finally back, we've been waiting for you."

Heimdall breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Sol returning, but he was extremely nervous during this time.

The death of the old **** king and the return of Hela had a great impact on Asgard, and he could only try his best to protect the safety of the people.

"You go to the Rainbow Bridge first, and take the spaceship there to leave. I'm going to see Hela alone."

Thor handed the people over to Loki and Heimdall, while he got up and went to Asgard Hall.


At the same time, in the main hall of Asgard.

"I need Heimdall's sword, he can drive the rainbow bridge and tell me his location."

Hela was sitting on the throne, and the executioner below was kneeling there, and cold sweat kept pouring out of her clean head.

Originally, he wanted to exchange the position where everyone was hiding, so that Hela would like him more.

It's a pity that after the two of them got there, the building was already empty, and there was not even a hair left in it.

"Sorry, Heimdall has been exiled, you'll never find him."

At this time, Sol stepped on the debris on the ground and walked in. At this moment, the splendid hall had been completely destroyed, and there were still dried blood on the ground.

Seeing that Sol did not run away, but took the initiative to find herself, Hela's face also showed a bit of interest.

"Sister, long time no see!"

Not caring about the executioner, Sol's eyes were fixed on Hela, trying to see some expressions on her face.

Gu thief

"I didn't expect that you are still alive! And you dare to return to this place again."

Hela slowly stepped down from the throne and came to Thor.

It seems that this younger brother of hers is not as cowardly as she thought, at least he has the courage to face his fears.

"Yes, by the way, take a look at the new decoration here, your taste is really bad."

Sol glanced at the wall with only Hela's own portrait and said that she smashed the other half of Odin directly.

The colorful fragments on the ground were put together to look like Odin. Hela's actions were enough to show the hatred in her heart.

"When I do things, I will never only cover up, or exile, like the bad old man Odin."

"Odin and I when we were young, let the whole universe be drowned in blood and tears, otherwise how do you think this magnificent palace came from?"

"But suddenly one day, he intends to be a benevolent king, stop killing me, and banish me to the ghostly place in the underworld of Heim."

Hela's hand touched the top of her head, and the crown formed by the spikes was instantly formed. She no longer planned to continue talking nonsense with Sol.

Next, let the strength see the true chapter!

Saul knew that he lost to Hela in terms of hard power, and that the hammer he was proud of had disappeared, so he had to seize the opportunity.

She raised her right foot and stepped heavily on Hela's foot, and she, who had never been attacked before, became stiff for a moment.

Taking this opportunity, Sol directly punched Hela's lower abdomen, knocking her out a few meters away, and sliding on the ground for a distance before slowly stopping.

"Step on your toes!!?"

Hela gritted her teeth and got up from the ground, she was actually overwhelmed by this kind of child's tricks.

What's even more outrageous is that the one who used this trick was actually the great prince of Asgard, the famous Thor in mythology.

"This is taught to me by a good friend of mine. Although the moves are terrible, it is undeniable that the effect is very good."

Sol had a smug smile on his face, this was a special big move he wholesaled from the Tin Man.

Not only is the effect powerful, but it is hard to guard against.

Even the big Hulk was shattered by Tony with the Veronica armor.

"You are courting death!"

Hela was so angry in her heart, her anger rose uncontrollably, and she rushed up to fight with Sol.

Catching the rushing force, Sol rolled against the ground and threw Hela out, then grabbed the spear on the ground and poked it directly.

clang! ! Hela's reaction was very fast, and she summoned a short sword with one hand, blocking Sol's attack.

"Looks like you're not as clumsy as I thought."

After a simple two-stroke matchup, Hela found that not only did she not take advantage of it, but she was at a disadvantage.

However, it was just a test just now, and the next thing is the real battle.

Hela folded her hands, and several daggers condensed beside her, rushing towards Sol with a lightning speed that could not be heard.

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

The fast dagger made Sol dodge a little embarrassed, his waist was slit open, and part of his cloak was cut off.

"For the glory of Asgard!"

Sol swung the spear, spun the dagger in front of him, and then tried to melee Hela.

If you keep being kited like this, you will definitely be the one who will lose in the end!

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