Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 281: Ultron, Mind Gem, Rebirth

Tony reached out and took off Ultron's core processor, and then the body turned into a piece of debris.


"Let's go, there are more difficult things waiting for us."


After the Ultron matter was resolved, Tony and Steve didn't plan to stay any longer. After all, Sokovia was still climbing rapidly.


The death of the final boss still did not stop Sokovia, and now the altitude is close to the area where the oxygen is scarce.


If there is no way to stop, not only the people who have not evacuated, but also the military and the SHIELD above will be endangered.


"The key, who among us can make Sokovia stop intact?"


This is the only problem in front of them, but Ultron directly uprooted Sokovia.


Even with the power of Hulk, it is impossible to withstand the impact of Sokovia's fall.


"Let us solve this problem!"


Just as the two were trying to deal with Sokovia, two voices came from behind.


The moment he heard the voice, Tony's face under the mask showed an excited expression, and now Sokovia doesn't have to worry.


The people who came were Natasha and Carter. Kyle knew that it would be difficult for the Avengers to deal with Sokovia, so he specially asked them to come here to support him.


Natasha and Steve went to help the ground troops clean up the mess, and instantly rescued those who were under the rubble.


"Do you need my help?"


Tony flew to Carter and asked, they were responsible for dealing with the fallen Sokovia.


Natasha naturally knew about Carter's strange power. Even if the continental plate was lifted, it could be done, not to mention this little Sokovia.


"No, just watch from the side, try not to come near me."


Carter shook his head and refused Tony's help. It was easy for him to deal with it himself, for fear of accidentally hurting Tony who came to help.


After confirming that Tony had successfully opened a safe distance, he came to the bottom of Sokovia, and a heat ray directly exploded the thruster.


Then there were a few heat rays, which destroyed the magnetic field reversal devices on both sides, losing two major powers, and Sokovia instantly began to fall in a straight line.


"Next, witness the miracle."


Carter raised his hands above his head, and his arm muscles swelled up instantly, supporting it under Sokovia.


Boom! !


With a vibration comparable to thunder, Sokovia was directly lifted up by Carter, and the cloak behind him flew wildly.


"Wang Defake!"


This shocking scene made Tony stay in place on the spot. It was like the heifer opened the door for the heifer, and the bull was coming home.


Carter's arms sank slowly, leading the entire Sokovia to descend together, and finally dropped into the original big pit.


Except for an extra ring of cracks in the surrounding ground, it was basically the same as before, and I also experienced a wave of aerial play.


"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I have to go back to my life first. Remember to bring back what the boss wants."


After dealing with Sokovia's landing problem, Carter threw off his cloak and left here. He finally came back, and he wanted to get along well with his sister.


Seeing Carter leave, Tony also remembered what the Red Queen had said to him, and now the core of Ultron is in his hands.


Croki's gem and body were buried by himself. The military will definitely clean up Sokovia later. If they don't get it, they may not be able to get it out.


Thinking of this, Tony immediately drove the horsepower to the maximum and flew towards the location of the Ultron base.



Time flies, three days have passed in a blink of an eye.


Gu Shu


Water Company, top office.


"Is this the whole thing?"


Kyle looked at the pile of debris on his desk and fell into a state of worry.


Good guy, Tony packed it up for him, and even Ultron's body was split into parts to make specimens.


"Boss, I'll leave the rest to you."


Natasha was only in charge of delivery. After confirming that her task was completed, she got up and patted her buttocks and left.


Looking at the pile of parts in front of him, Kyle decided to take a shortcut and deal with them as soon as possible.


After a simple snap of fingers, all the useless parts that Tony sent to him disappeared, and there were only three items left on the table.


Ultron's core, mind gem, and vibrating body.


"Looking at your last sentence, it's up to you to lead the new consciousness."


Kyle picked up the core of Ultron, and the flashing red light inside had already been extinguished. Next, he wanted to extract the remaining data fragments inside.


After the First World War in Sokovia, the appearance of vision was inevitable. Since the plot collapsed, Kyle had to artificially create vision.


This time, he intends to use Ultron's last conscious data as the leading theme.


That is, the good personality data that is willing to believe in human beings and the power of the heart, rather than the vicious personality who destroys the world.


"Mind gems are used to reshape consciousness, and some changes can also be made on the body."


The main body is complete, the next thing is the side dishes.


That body adopts Ultron's long-standing style, which looks darker and is not suitable for a positive character.


Kyle simply adjusted his appearance and removed all the spikes that could easily hurt children.


Now the body is closer to the vision in the original book. In order to avoid accidents later, Kyle extracted the power from the mind gem and made a fake one.


You only need to recharge it regularly. Basically, it is no different from the genuine product, except that the abilities are weaker.


"Next, the most important step!"


An infinite blue light reflected in Kyle's palm, instantly covering the entire room.


At the same time, those blue rays of light began to pour into the Mind Gem, and a similar gem was converging beside it.


This is the most important step. Imitation of an Infinity Stone is not an easy task, even if there is a connection force to help.


Boom! !


At the moment when the gem was formed, a huge amount of energy fluctuations spread out to the entire universe with the company building as a node.


"Hoo! Hoo!"


Kyle sat in his chair, and he took two deep breaths.


In front of his body, a dark-yellow imitation mind gem was floating there, and a bright-yellow genuine gem fell on the table.


"It's done!"


This wave consumed two-thirds of the power to successfully imitate the Infinity Stone.


Judging from the current internal energy of this gem, it can be used for a hundred years after being fully charged. Of course, this is without large-scale consumption.


If it is used in battle, this fake mind gem will lose its energy after a few battles. It needs to go back to Kayle to recharge it.



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