Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 251: Frigga's Freshness

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After returning to the company, Kyle checked Natasha's body and let her go. It was the first time to use the reorganization of the reality gem, for fear of leaving behind some hidden dangers.

"Master Gu Yi, please knock on the door next time you come."

Lying on his chair, Kyle didn't even bother to open his eyes, he knew that Gu Yi had arrived here.

This sizzling spark sound, as soon as I heard it, I knew it was the portal of Kama Taj.

"Mr. Kyle is really laid back, he doesn't look like a man with four Infinity Stones at all."

This time, Gu Yi specially gave the time gem to Kyle.

She once said that as long as Kyle can collect three Infinity Stones, he will give the Time Stone to him.

Now that the reality gem is counted, Kyle has reached this number here, and Gu Yi came to fulfill his promise at the first time.

"What's so embarrassing about it? You can tell me and I'll go there in person. There's no need for you to go there in person."

Seeing what Gu Yi took out, Kyle instantly stood up from the chair.

Time gem, this is a good thing. When Thanos destroys the Infinity Stone, this is the first one to destroy.

"Besides that, by the way, say hello to the person in your body. After all, the famous queen of heaven will be a permanent resident of the earth."

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Yi said another purpose this time.

Odin had already told Gu Yi about his and Kyle's plan, and only the three of them knew about Frigga's suspended death.

For this decision, Gu Yi was full of disbelief at first, and did not expect Odin to decide such a plan.

"If you don't tell me I really forgot!"

Kyle remembered it in a row, and went back to Earth to deal with Malekith, forgetting that Frigga was still in his internal space.

Quickly released Wanda and this queen, and the moment they walked out of the space passage, Frigga's eyes flashed a few surprises.

This modern minimalist layout contrasts sharply with Asgard's stately ornate decor.

Let Frigga experience a refreshing feeling, it seems that this choice to live on earth for a while is right.

"I have seen the Supreme Mage!"

After seeing Gu Yi, Frigga also bowed.

The name of the Supreme Being, she has heard Odin talk about it a lot, including how to make him shriveled.

"I don't dare to do it, I will give more advice in the future."

Gu Yi also got up and paid a salute. To a certain extent, the status of the Queen of Heaven is no less than that of Odin's God King.

Besides, Frigga is also an expert in magic, and the two might be able to communicate more.

This time, Gu Yi was also entrusted by Odin to issue a temporary residence certificate to Frigga, which was an admission that she could move freely on Earth.

After the matter was dealt with, Gu Yi left, his heir was about to get on the right track, and then she was going to go back to the plot.

"Let's go, God, I'll take you to visit."

After Gu Yi left, Kyle planned to take Frigga around for a tour, and by the way, give some modern knowledge to popular science.

In the first stop, the two came to the main living room, which was also used to receive Tony and Steve. The interior was very spacious and equipped with various facilities.

"This is called a TV, and it can play a lot of human dramas... um, dramas."

Kyle didn't know how to explain the meaning of the TV series to Frigga, so she changed the words she could understand.

Next, Kyle took Frigga to visit the dormitory, kitchen, bathroom, research room, training room, game hall and other places.

After two hours of wandering, Kyle decisively pulled a flash of Natasha back home.

The woman's curiosity is too strong, she can't resist it completely.

"Natasha, this is Frigga, the queen from Asgard. She is going to stay with us for a while, so let's get acquainted with her."

After telling Natasha about the plan of suspended animation for that Hanhan of Saul, Kyle decided to quit.

Let these two women do the rest. Anyway, with Natasha's character, it's just right that she won't overturn the car.

Looking at Frigga in a dark blue diamond-encrusted dress in front of her, Natasha decided that it was necessary and necessary to change her clothes first.

"The Queen of Heaven, please come with me. Next, I will take you to change into the clothes of the Earthlings, and then go to the shopping mall again."


Top office.

After getting rid of Frigga, Kyle can finally return to his office comfortably.

As time goes by, Wanda is now at the age of high school, which is 16 years old.

In addition, her Chaos magic can also be well controlled, and Kyle feels that she needs to find a school for her to go to.

"Forget it, just go and learn from Tony."

After looking at the information on the table, Kyle decisively gave up the idea of ​​going to high school. These schools that Alice found were more or less problematic.

In other words, basically every school will have this style problem, and Kyle will give up because of the safety of those people's lives.

Among the people he knew, the most knowledgeable and talented were the two old antiques, Odin and Gu Yi, but these two were definitely less suitable for teaching Wanda.

After these two people are eliminated, Tony, the man who rubs the time machine with his hands, can definitely be regarded as the top.

"Go and ask Tony what he means tomorrow, and help him fulfill a wish if you can."

Kyle looked at the time gem on his wrist and thought of a wish that Tony could never refuse.

This seemingly strong man is actually the most sentimental and the most courageous.

"Reality gems and time gems have a good affinity. If space gems are added, new discoveries will be made."

Looking at the three shining gems on his wrist, Kyle had some new ideas in his heart.

Reality gems can be seen as matter, space gems are space, and time gems are time.

When matter, time, and space come together, a complete microcosm can be created.

Time and motion are And motion is the motion of matter, space and matter are inseparable, and the existence of matter proves the existence of space.

The three form a perfect closed loop, in which matter plays a linking role, as long as a little connection force is added to help.

Kyle felt that he had great success in being able to create a microcosm in a small space inside his body.

Although the quantum energy level of this universe will not be very high, it is a perfect cornerstone, and it may develop into the inner universe or the inner multiverse in the future.

"No, for the sake of safety, let's wait until I get the power gem. If I fail, my body will be useless."

"It's tiring to make up a body all over again!"

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