Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 239: Arrive in Asgard

Asgard, the Great Hall of Asgard.

Odin and Thor were already in a hurry at this moment. On the ground made of gold, lay a blackened rabbit doll that was charred by electricity.

The splendid buildings around are also full of cracks, and from time to time, broken objects fall down, and various precious utensils lie on the ground and become fragments.

Wanda sat on Odin's throne and cried, and Frigga could only comfort her softly beside her.

"Stinky boy, do you know how much trouble you have caused!"

Not to mention how powerful Wanda, the inheritor of chaotic magic, will be in the future, it is said that Odin does not want to provoke her elder brother.

There is no reason for him, just because Kyle is too mysterious, no matter how he traces his past, there is nothing wrong with him.

How did an ordinary person from the earth get such a strong power when all the trajectories of life have not happened accidents?

Even though Odin has lived for thousands of years, he has never seen such an outrageous thing, and in terms of the quality of his abilities, Kyle still crushes him.

Especially the so-called power of connection, Odin sent a lot of praise for it when he first met.

"Sorry father, it's all my fault. When Mr. Kyle arrives, I will admit it to him personally."

The trip to the earth taught Sol to take responsibility and protect, and also learned that doing things needs to go through the brain first.

It's a pity that as soon as I get to Asgard, a place where people's hearts are simple and honest, what Thor has learned with great difficulty begins to forget.

"Hey, they have already arrived at the gate of Asgard. I will intercede for you later."

For this, Odin also intends to save some face, and this matter must be settled today.

Since Kyle came to Asgard once before, the guards here basically know him, but the process is not too good.

This time, there was no hesitation at all, and I chose to let it go, saving Kyle to break through here.

After entering the Asgard Palace, Kyle's good mood suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.


A dodging came to Odin's throne, and Kyle called softly.

After hearing this familiar voice, Wanda raised his head and fell directly into Kyle's arms, and began to cry.

"Master Odin, I think you should give me an explanation."

Kyle's eyes turned to Odin and Thor, and he didn't send Wanda here to make her angry.

During this time, he did not stay at the company and play games every day, but he maintained six hours of ability development time every day.

Although this did not allow Kyle to enter the single universe level, his current strength has reached the peak of the heavenly father level.

"That's Mr. Kyle..."

In my heart, I was quickly shocked by the progress of Kyle's strength. After only a few short weeks, there was such a big span.

After a pause, Odin began to talk about what happened before to Kyle in detail.

After learning about what happened, Kyle withdrew his power and oppression. After all, there is still cooperation between the two, so it can't be too stiff.

The general process is this, because Thor's strength has been greatly improved with his help, as a result of Asgard's peers, there is absolutely no opponent who can last a round to fight for Thor.

So, this guy set his sights on Wanda, who had been studying magic with Frigga.

It just so happens that Wanda also needs an opponent to see what level of power he has now reached.

Since fighting is not allowed in the inner hall of the fairy palace, the two came to the outer hall to discuss with each other.

Since it was a battle, Wanda had to do her best, so she put the small backpack she carried with her aside.

After the war, Wanda relied on the illusion magic he had learned during this time to play Thor around.

As a result, this guy felt that his dignified Thor was being played like this by a 15-year-old girl, and then he was a little clueless.

As a result, Sol accidentally hit Wanda's small backpack with her thunderbolt, which contained her favorite doll.

The doll was given to Wanda by Kyle himself on the first day Wanda arrived at Water Manor, and has been with her ever since.

It's a pity that today was cut into such a state by a thunderbolt from Sol, and the little girl immediately began to cry.

Odin and Frigga, who lived in the two-person world in the inner hall, were also alarmed by the chaotic magic explosion brought by Wanda.

"Mr. Kyle, this is all my fault, and I will find a way to compensate Miss Wanda!"

Under Odin's signal, Sol also bowed 90 degrees to express his apology.

After all, he, a thousand-year-old Thor, took the initiative to find a little girl for a duel, which was not a matter of reason.

As a result, the most precious thing in the family was broken, and Sol was also a little unable to hang on to his face.

"It's okay, and it's not anything valuable. I accept your apology, but I have no right to decide on Wanda's side."

When he came to the coke, which could hardly be seen as a rabbit, Kyle put down Wanda in his arms.

"Wanda, take a good look at it, my brother is here to make a magic trick for you."

The power of time, this is the most infrequently used method by Kyle, and it is also the most powerful move.

He put his hand lightly on the lump of coke in front of him, and the next second, something miraculous happened.

I saw that this lump of coke began to return to its original shape from head to toe, and after a few seconds, the rabbit doll came back in perfect condition.

"Manipulating time...another terrifying method."

Odin saw this scene, and his evaluation of Kyle rose by two levels.

Although Gu Yi can also control time, but people can do it with the help of time gems, which is different from Kyle.

Afterwards Wanda, who had recovered his mentality, was taken to the apse by Frigga, and Sol also followed with a dejected expression.

"Since the matter is settled, Mr. Kyle might as well stay in Asgard for a few more days, just in time for Sol to take you and Miss Wanda around."

The unrelated people have left, and there are only two people left here, Kyle and Odin. After a moment of silence, the old king of the gods spoke first.

If this matter is not handled well today, it will definitely leave some hidden dangers between the two of them, and Odin must handle it carefully.

After all, the Three Fronts Alliance is their deepest and biggest plan, and even a little risk cannot appear.

"If that's the case, then thank the God King for his hospitality."

Kyle also knows a little about Odin's thoughts, but he just wants him to relieve his worries.

Stay here to accompany Wanda for a while, and by the way stabilize the little girl's emotions, the outbreak of chaos magic is very dangerous.

If Odin hadn't arrived in time, it is estimated that the current Asgard Palace would have been demolished.

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