Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 114 Chang'an School

The two chatted as they left the tea shop.

Chang'an City has no city walls, because the main city of the community on the system map automatically has protective measures similar to the mountain protection formation. In addition, considering that if the city walls are built, it will be difficult to expand with the increase of players and NPCs, everyone simply designed Chang'an City as a city without city walls.

Ling Xuan was quite curious: "How can this Chang'an City prevent outsiders from sneaking in without city walls?"

"They have something called 'regional network', which can monitor cultivators who do not carry identity jade cards. If you do not have identity jade cards, you will be fined if you are caught, or... well, I don't think anyone has been caught, so I don't know what the consequences are."

The "entrance" of Chang'an City is a huge square. In front of the square stands a bluestone archway. There are two oilcloth tents on the left and right of the archway. In the tents are a complete set of tables, chairs and documents. Two mortals with no cultivation are sitting there, and there are wooden signs next to them.

The wooden sign on the left reads "Registration Office for Entry into the City", and the wooden sign on the right reads "Identity Jade Card Collection Office".

Du Cihuai led Ling Xuan to the oilcloth tent on the left with ease.

Sitting under the oilcloth tent were two middle-aged women, chatting about family matters. When they saw someone coming, one took out two pieces of paper, dipped her pen in ink, and the other asked concisely: "Name, hometown, if any, also tell me your sect and school affiliation, occupation and cultivation level are voluntary."

"Ling Xuan, Ling for Lingchen, Xuan for Xuancao," Du Cihuai answered hurriedly: "As for hometown..."

The woman who asked the question interrupted: "It's best for you to answer in person."

"Uh, my hometown is the Ling family in Taiping Town, Guangcheng Mountain, my sect is Guangcheng Sect, my occupation... Alchemist? My cultivation level is... Foundation Building..."

At the end, Ling Xuan was a little embarrassed. The cultivation level of Foundation Building was only considered ordinary in Guangcheng Sect, and she was not qualified to go down the mountain in the past!

"Oh, it's a cultivator from Guangcheng Sect!"

The woman's attitude suddenly changed from the original indifference to a lot of kindness, she smiled and said: "It turned out that she came from Taiping Town, that's amazing! Miss, are you also here in Chang'an City to apply for a job? There are quite a few disciples from Guangcheng Sect who have come in these days!"


Ling Xuan, who had never been treated so warmly, was a little at a loss. Du Cihuai beside her quickly and skillfully took over the conversation: "You are too kind, this is my junior sister, it's her first time down the mountain, she is not very sensible, I am taking her to prepare Go to Chang'an Research Institute!"

"Are you going to apply for a job at Chang'an Research Institute? That's a good place..."

The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the other woman wrote two pieces of paper with the same content and handed one of the pages over: "Make two copies, one for my file, and one for yourself. Take it to the other side to apply for an identity jade card. If you lose it, you have to come here to register again, which is more troublesome, so try to keep it properly."

"Okay, okay, thank you!"

Du Cihuai took it quickly, thanked him, and took Ling Xuan to apply for an identity jade card.

The application of the identity jade card is much simpler. Give the paper with the registered information to the person in charge, and wait for the other party to burn the information on a jade card. It can be done in a few minutes. After the jade card is received, the paper with the registered information will be stamped with two impressions, one is the stamp of "jade card has been issued", and the other is the date stamp.

After finishing these, Du Cihuai breathed a sigh of relief and took Ling Xuan through the bluestone archway and walked into the square.

Ling Xuan held the cold jade token in her hand, and after walking a dozen steps away from the bluestone archway, she finally couldn't help but ask the question in her heart: "Brother, why... why are you so polite to those mortals?"

Du Cihuai turned around and looked at Ling Xuan as if he was looking at a child, and smiled: "Because they are the same as us!"

"The same? But, but we are cultivators, they..."

"They are just ordinary mortals who can't practice, that's what you want to say, right?"

Du Cihuai stopped and asked.

Ling Xuan's expression became more confused.

"Look there," Du Cihuai suddenly pointed to a building complex not far away that seemed to be almost the largest in the vicinity, and said: "Junior sister, guess what place is that?"

Except for the "commercial area" at the entrance, most of the buildings in Chang'an City are in a semi-construction state, but the building complex pointed by Du Cihuai looks almost completed and put into use.

The entire complex of buildings and the most eye-catching towering building seem to be of the same style, but the design seems to be more complicated and is surrounded by a wall.

Ling Xuan guessed: "Probably... a government office? Or a place like Xianrenju?"

Du Cihuai shook his head and smiled to solve the mystery: "That's a school, that is, a college."

Ling Xuan was stunned: "Book... College? Such a big college!?"

"It's called 'Chang'an School', and next to it is the Chang'an City Library. In fact, it is different from the colleges in ordinary mortal towns. It is said that all people with Chang'an City household registration, whether they are monks or not, can go there to take classes. Moreover, underage residents are forced to go to school unless they graduate early. As for the so-called minors... Actually, it refers to all people under the age of 18, whether they are monks or not, they have to go, and it is completely free."

Ling Xuan, who consciously understood, nodded suddenly and praised: "Reading and learning to read? It is a good deed."

Du Cihuai shook his head: "No, it's not just about reading and writing, that's what I want to say. The reason why it can't be called a 'school' is that it not only teaches the things in ordinary schools, but also teaches the basic knowledge and basic practice methods of cultivating immortals!"

" is this possible!?"

Ling Xuan's eyes widened, and a sense of absurdity surged in her heart.

How can ordinary people cultivate immortals! ? Complete spiritual roots are not something that everyone has! Those who can cultivate immortals are one in a million! How can anyone do it! ?

After being shocked, she suddenly felt ashamed, because she suddenly realized at that moment that her subconscious rejection was just because of this value that everyone can practice, which made her experience of more than 20 years no longer so lucky, so...special.

Du Cihuai kindly let Ling Xuan calm down for a while, then slowly said: "Junior sister, are you thinking that most mortals have residual spiritual roots, even if they spend their entire lives, they can only build a foundation at most, but they can't cultivate anything with a hundred years of life, and cultivating immortals is meaningless, right?"

Ling Xuan hesitated. She did think so, but for some reason, this idea that would never be considered wrong anywhere in Guixu Realm seemed a little difficult to say in Chang'an City at this moment.

"But Junior Sister, think about it carefully, like our alchemy, there are also the contents of talisman cultivation, instrument cultivation, and even the five flavors, formation techniques, etc., do you really need a high level of cultivation to learn?"

Du Cihuai's voice was like a huge hammer, hitting Ling Xuan's heart heavily, making her at a loss.

"Low-grade yellow-grade pills and talismans such as Huiling Pill and Qingshen Talisman can be learned without even building a foundation. Even mortals who can't communicate with any spiritual energy can master the Prayer for Clear Sky and Prayer for Rain Array. Why can't they learn these? Why are they not qualified to learn?

"Is it just because they have a lack of spiritual roots and are destined to be unable to become immortals and prove the Tao that they are not allowed to take this path?

"There are tens of thousands of cultivators, and there are countless people with outstanding talents, but who can guarantee that they will definitely become immortals and prove the Tao?

"Junior sister, you and I both know that there has been no god of the Dao in Guixu Realm for thousands of years!

"So, what is the difference between so-called cultivators with excellent spiritual roots like you and me and those mortals with residual spiritual roots?"

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