Now, Lu Ke finally understood why her sister did this before, why she used the Twin Light Wheels on Cracker, whose defense was already strong.

That was just to attract attention and let the opponent relax his vigilance, so as to give Litora time to accumulate power and attract Cracker’s attention.

Then she completed such a decisive kill, but Lu Ke knew that her sister’s kick had not completely solved Cracker, so she also rushed up with a smile.

Lu Ke also attached the Overlord Color entanglement on her feet, and the same shining color jumped into the air, kicked out with both legs, and kicked Cracker’s chest with two pairs of smooth knives and two soles directly.

It even dented in. Cracker’s eyes widened because of this blow, and he spit out saliva and blood in pain, but the light in his eyes was slowly losing. Obviously, he was about to faint.

With a bang, Cracker was kicked out directly.

The moving trajectory was like a parabola, and Cracker was kicked into the sea by Lu Ke.

The defeat was certain, and coupled with the pain, Cracker didn’t move at all before falling into the sea.

As a Devil Fruit user, what would happen if he fell into the sea without any precautions?

Needless to say, his limbs were weak and completely paralyzed. In a short period of time, he was like a mollusk.

At the same time, this also meant that Luke and Lucy easily handled this battle. The two of them fished Cracker up, handcuffed him with a seastone bracelet, and locked up the remaining Big Mom’s minions. They had been dealt with long ago, otherwise Litora would not have been free to help them.

With Litora’s help, Luke and Lucy quickly led this group of captives back to the Bole.

In this way, the civil war of the Fallen Pirates had not been spread on the sea for long, and the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates with greedy and coveted purposes immediately became captives of the Fallen Pirates.

What was waiting for the sea was to shock them again. They didn’t expect the Fallen Pirates to take action so quickly. At the same time, some people would be furious after hearing about it.

At the same time, the events of the two battlefields were soon seen by some reporters and patrolling navy officers who had been secretly following them. They were stunned.

They never thought that the Three Disasters and the General Star would be taken down so quickly? And they were the two sisters, the chef Allen and the navigator Lucy Luke, who were the lowest-ranking in the Fallen Corps with the strength of a candidate admiral.

But these people soon understood that the truth could actually defeat the General Star and the Three Disasters at the level of the Vice Emperor, even though these two people were not the strongest people in the Big Mom Corps and the Beast Corps except the captain.

But Allen and Lucy Luke’s performance was too easy, so they all used a serious guess, that is, these three people had reached the level of admirals and had entered.

Those journalists were immediately excited, and the patrolling soldiers of the navy were panicked, but anyway, they reported the news back to their respective newspapers and the holy place of the navy, the Marine Headquarters in Marinford.

The news agency seemed to be the first to get the news. The presidents of those newspapers were all very excited. It had only been a few days, no, not even a day, and the star of the Big Mom Pirates and the three disasters of the Beast Pirates were captured.

Although it was far inferior to some of the actions of the Fallen Pirates, it was also a big news after it was released. Soon, the presidents and employees were busy.

The Navy Headquarters also learned the news. Originally, the Navy held another meeting, after all, the World Government had issued an order.

But the Navy was still arguing in the meeting room.

The Hawks believed that they should set out to fight the Fallen Pirates now, regardless of whether there was a gap or the opponent was difficult to deal with, they had to set out anyway, so that the world could see that the Navy acted quickly and fiercely.

It was their duty to deal with pirates and rush to fight.

However, the neutral faction and the dove faction soon raised objections. After all, the strength of the Fallen Corps was too strong. The other side had at least five generals, three alternate generals, and super technology, monsters, and ghost troops. It was not so easy to deal with.

We must take a long-term view, at least find the opponent’s weaknesses first, and do it slowly. After all, their navy is not yet capable of dealing with the power of the Chaos Fruit and the Twin Fruit. Of course, other people are not easy to deal with.

Especially the three admirals of the navy, different justices, Akainu of course took the initiative to fight, Kizaru and Aokiji represented the neutral faction and the dove faction respectively, which was about the same. After all, lazy justice and vague justice, they naturally did not want to fight, and the opponent was indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

Even Garp, Sengoku, Crane, and Zephyr didn’t really want to fight the Fallen Corps now..

Because if the Navy wants to deal with the Fallen Group, it must go all out. The current strength of the two sides is estimated to be 60-40, 60-60 for them and 40-40 for the Fallen Group. Even if they can win, the Navy will suffer heavy casualties. At that time, the Four Emperors might take advantage of the Navy’s fall and do whatever they want. As a few old men, they don’t want to see this situation.

For a while, the whole conference room was very noisy, as if it was in a vegetable market.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was opened with a snap, and an intelligence soldier rushed in in a panic.

Many of the high-ranking Navy officials who were still arguing were startled, and they soon looked at the soldier with dissatisfaction.

These eyes proved that the soldiers were naturally afraid, but they knew that he was here to report important situations. These eyes proved that the soldiers were naturally afraid, but they knew that he was here to report important situations. It was willing.

“Marshal, is there any information from the East China Sea? A dozen days ago, the warships of Jack the Drought of the Beasts Pirates, who were the focus of attention, and Cracker, the star of the Big Mom Pirates, were indeed looking for the Fallen Pirates, and they were trying to get the giant beasts and black warriors of the Fallen Pirates, but just an hour ago, these two teams were taken care of by the Fallen Pirates. Now these two teams have become prisoners of the Fallen Pirates.”

The soldier did it immediately, and the high-ranking navy officials who were originally very angry were stunned.

Because this information is really a bit explosive, and it happened too fast. Didn’t the Fallen Pirates just finish the civil war and leave the Barati Restaurant?

This big thing happened without even a day of peace.

Everyone looked at each other.

But soon, they also discussed this matter.

“What do you think the Fallen Pirates will do with these two teams?” Zhan Guo asked directly to everyone.

“There are two possibilities, either killing the hostages or blackmailing them. But with the precedent of our navy, the other party seems to like collecting resources very much. Maybe they will really threaten Charlotte Linlin and Kaido to hand over the money to redeem the captives. After all, there are the Three Calamities and the General Star this time.” He immediately expressed his analysis.

Garp and Zefa nodded, expressing their support for this possibility.

But soon, in the confused eyes of everyone, Zhan Guo laughed, and even laughed out loud.

“Hahahaha, God really helps me.” Zhan Guo laughed immediately, and even couldn’t help patting his thigh.

Many people were confused. I don’t know why Zhan Guo suddenly laughed like this. Did he think of something? Did he think of any good ideas?

Zhan Guo saw them like this and said immediately.

“No matter which one it is, the Fallen Group has completely trampled on Charlotte Linlin and Kaido’s face. It is very likely that these two people will take action personally.”

“We can ambush secretly from the dark, and we can better understand the Fallen Group through Charlotte Linlin and Kaido. If one of them loses, or both lose, we can just go out and pick up the bargain.”

Zhan Guo proudly and confidently said his plan, and when the others heard it, their eyes lit up. Yes, it can be done this way, they can completely outsmart it.

Everyone also agreed, and this meeting ended successfully. Finally, there was a breakthrough, and the navy started to operate soon.

It seemed that they were ready for this ambush, but they did not notice that when they were in the meeting room, there was a pair of red eyes in the shadow looking at them.

Soon, the eyes disappeared.

At the same time, on the other side, Allen and the two sisters also brought the captives back to the side of the Bole, and the ninjas immediately went up to operate the two ships, allowing the Mammoth and Cracker’s warships to move forward with them.

Allen and the two sisters also went to do their own things with a smile under Kuruda’s praise and praise.

“Big Mom and Kaido are still very rich. Big Mom, who has many businesses, and Kaido, whose main business is selling seastone, can extort a lot of money this time.” Kuruda said, looking at the two ships next to him.

Although they are not short of money, who would dislike having too much money?

“Huh?” Suddenly, Kuruda saw a ninja soldier coming out of the shadow next to him. He immediately understood that this was a ninja soldier reporting the situation.

Taking out the token, he soon knew that this was actually a ninja soldier coming from the Navy Headquarters. In order to grasp the Navy’s movements and intelligence at any time, he had asked some ninja soldiers to sneak into the Navy Headquarters.

Hiding in the shadows, silently, it is also difficult to be discovered.

Through this ninja soldier, Kuruda soon understood the Navy’s plan.

“It really deserves to be a wise generalSengoku, if we are not careful with such a plan, it is indeed easy for us to capsize, and now Kaido and Big Mom cannot be arrested by you, so be prepared to pay for nothing. ”

Kuruda first praised Sengoku, and then suddenly showed a sneer.

He thought about it for a while and came up with a new plan, but in fact, he just made some changes to the original plan.

Kurula told his companions that he would go to the nearby sea area for a few laps.

He flew out of the Bole immediately, but when he came back again, he was carrying a few sacks.

There seemed to be someone inside, and his companions asked what this was? Kurda smiled and said, you will know in a few days.

At the same time, many newspapers finally wrote the news this time and published it on the sea.

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