Then, under the astonished witness of Cracker and all the Big Mom Pirates below.

Lucy and Luke burst out at the same time: “What are you Big Mom Pirates? You are not qualified to negotiate with our Fallen Pirates.”

“Brilliant Starlight.” The two women shouted at the same time.

This was the first time they used this new skill, which was also a combination skill that could only be used by two people.

The two meteor balls came to the air and spun in a high-speed circle.

Then suddenly a large number of purple meteors and golden meteorites fell down, all hitting the warships below.

“How dare you.” Cracker was shocked and angry at the same time.

He didn’t expect the other party to start without saying a word, and it was this kind of big move at the beginning, and he didn’t give them any face at all.

He didn’t even take his mother seriously, which was something he couldn’t accept anyway.

But he also knew that he had to resolve this wave of attacks first.

So Cracker quickly created a large number of cookie soldiers and asked the soldiers to pick up shields and go forward to resist.

“Boom boom—crack.” All the meteors and meteorites hit it, and many biscuit soldiers were blasted into pieces along with their shields.

But some meteors and meteorites still hit it, and Cracker could only take out his biscuit-shaped sword, Pretzel, to face the meteors and meteorites that were hit.

“Roll, Pretzel.” Cracker spun the sword in his hand at high speed, and added Armament Haki, and fired a spiral sword energy at the meteors and meteorites in the sky.

With a sword energy slash, the remaining meteors and meteorites were shattered, completely dissolving this wave of attacks.

“Hah–” But at this time, Lu Ke had already gotten off Litora, and kicked Cracker with a downward kick with Armament Haki.

“Pound–.” Cracker used his sword to block it in time, after all, he had already predicted the danger with his Observation Haki.

But feeling the power coming from Lu Ke’s legs, Cracker couldn’t help but tighten his thighs and bend them slightly.

Cracker’s eyes were full of surprise now. The opponent’s strength was not right.

As for the alternate admiral, they, the generals, the cadres of the Four Emperors who were second only to the captain, still had the ability to fight him, especially the vice-admiral, who had a greater chance of winning.

But he felt the fluctuation of the strong breath coming from Luke, which was not like it. It had to be stronger, wait, stronger? That was it! Admiral!!

“You…” Before Cracker could say this thought in horror.

Lucy also came down, first squatted on the deck, and then kicked up, also adding armed color domineering, and kicked Cracker’s abdomen directly.

After a bang, Cracker was kicked out directly.

He was too obsessed with thinking before, and did not react in time.

“It’s not over yet, go to Jinyu/Ziliu.” Lucy and Luke shouted at the same time, and then immediately let their meteors rush towards Cracker.

Cracker blocked with a sword again, but the two sisters also kicked the meteorite with a kick, adding force, and at the same time, they also added armed color to the meteorite.

Cracker was immediately forced to retreat, even though he had used armed color, he still retreated.

“Have you reached the general?” Cracker immediately said to them in disbelief.

But the two sisters just laughed, and then kicked with another foot at the same time, and once again pushed Cracker back.

“What do you think?” The two sisters posed in a handsome pose, standing together, holding the meteorite in their hands.

“Two generals, how long has it been, you have already crossed it, how is it possible?” Cracker said with some trembling, two generals, that would be difficult to fight, he couldn’t beat the general, that was the existence in their group that only his mother could deal with.

“Come again.” “Just surrender.” The two sisters picked up the meteorite and rushed up again.

“Damn it, I’ll fight you.” Fear turned into motivation, Cracker picked up again and rushed up. As for the other Big Mom’s minions on this warship, they had already fought with Litora in the sky.

At this time, on the other side.

Also heading towards Barati was the Hundred Beasts warship led by Drought Jack.

On the deck, Jack also saw the newspaper this time and was stunned.

“Did the Fallen Group add two more strong generals?” Jack said.

“Master Jack, do we still need to trouble the other side? The other side is too strong.”

A subordinate minion next to him said in fear and panic.

Even a small minion like him can see how terrible the Fallen Group is now.

“Humph, what are you afraid of,We come with the reputation of Kaido. No matter who the other party is, we must give Kaido a face and continue to move in their direction. ”

But Jack soon roared loudly with pride and confidence, as if he was full of confidence in his boss Kaido.

Hearing that he was going to die, the subordinate’s face turned pale, but now they had to do it. He knew the temper of Master Jack. If he said no casually, he would definitely lose his head immediately.

“I understand, Master Jack, I will ask people to speed up immediately.”

He could only say it immediately.

“Yeah. Hmm?” Jack nodded with satisfaction.

But suddenly, he saw a black shadow flying over in the distance.

“What is it?” Jack was full of misunderstandings about this, but when the thing was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed to be something more than an ordinary thing, he had already noticed something wrong.

“Chi——” Well, the thing flying over at this time, no, or the huge figure, had already made a cry.

“Oh my God, what is this, a dragon? ”

“There really are dragons in this world, and they are so big!”

Some minions on the Beast Warship spoke up immediately, their sentences full of surprise and disbelief.

“Why does this thing look familiar?” Jack did feel familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before?

“Well, you see there is someone on the head of that giant dragon.” But at this time, someone on the ship suddenly said.

Everyone, including Jack, was stunned after hearing this, and then they all looked over and immediately found that there was really someone on the head of this giant dragon.

But when Jack saw this person, he had already recognized him. This was his target this time, including the giant beast he was riding.

“Does the other side have other giant beasts? And the gluttonous fat chef Allen, how come they are here? No matter, I came at the right time. “Jack said with some doubts, but he hated things that required thinking.

It would be better to do Kaido’s business directly.

At this time, under the leadership of the Night Bat Soldiers, Alan also came here riding on Litora.

He could recognize the flag of the Beast Group, and Jack was also easy to recognize. He had seen Jack’s bounty order and knew what Jack looked like in the photo.

“Finally we have arrived at the destination, Melba, say hello to the other party.” Alan smiled.

Melba did as he was ordered, and shot out orange Melba destructive rays directly from his eyes, hitting the Beast Warship below.

Seeing the dragon suddenly attack The Beasts Pirates on the warship panicked.

“Asshole, you dare to attack directly,” but Jack was furious at this time. He didn’t expect the other party to really attack directly. What does this mean? The other party didn’t want to talk to them at all.

Or they knew the purpose of their coming long ago, but they didn’t even let him talk and directly refused.

How could Jack, who was hot-tempered and reckless, bear it? He directly pulled out his two sickles, attached the armed color domineering with extremely huge power, and faced the tough guy Melba’s light head-on.

Jack still resolved this wave of attacks, but if it was Melba from the peak strength of the Ultra World, even the admiral would have to be cautious with this move. Be careful to face it, or even avoid it.

But even so, Jack was not feeling well. Many places on his arms were burned, which shocked Jack. Are the energy attacks of these giant beasts so powerful? Well, why is it getting dark?

But suddenly, he felt something was wrong again and looked up at the sky. But at this time, the minions of the Beasts Pirates were shocked because Melba had fallen.

With a splash, Melba’s huge body fell directly into the sea. The sudden fall into the water caused by its huge weight and size directly raised huge waves in this sea area, and pushed Jack’s Mammoth far away.

“Chi——. “Melba roared directly at the Mammoth with full of momentum and pressure.

It seemed that he was swearing that he was the tearer of the sky.

And seeing such a huge beast up close, it seemed that he was also frightened. The minions on the Mammoth were stunned and pale, and even knelt down.

Even Jack was dazed, but he immediately said angrily: “Taotie Fat Chef Allen, what do you mean by this?”

“What do you mean? Your Beast Pirates are trying to attack our fallen beasts. I came here on the captain’s orders to get rid of you. Isn’t it unreasonable to attack you directly when I see you?” Allen said without any politeness, sneering and mocking.

He is already a general, even if he is the lowest level. If it is the other two disasters, he will still be afraid, but in terms of strength, he is better than Jack!

“Asshole, you fallenThe Pirates are just a new group, how dare they not give face to our Governor Kaido. “Jack roared angrily.

“Your Beasts Group is nothing, if you have the guts, just let Kaido come in person, a coward who can only stay in Wano Country.” Allen continued to speak bluntly, and he also practiced talking skills.

“Asshole, I’m going to blow you up.” Jack, who finally couldn’t stand it, took action directly. With a wave of his hand, those small gunners turned fear into strength, and fierce artillery fired directly at Allen and his group.

Alan summoned a rock shield and came to the front to resist.

As for Melba, although his strength was weakened, his physical strength was not weakened, and this artillery fire was not enough.

The shells hit them directly and exploded.

But the two people’s abnormal defense still allowed them to resist easily. After the smoke dissipated, the people of the Beasts Pirates were stunned.

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