Because he had received the message from Kuruda before he opened the portal in his original world.

Knowing that he could not be exposed yet, Gray Wolf naturally stopped laughing after coming here.

It was said before that Gray Wolf had only respect for Kuruda, who could summon him from his original world to here, improve his original life, eat mutton happily with his wife and son, and perform the righteous villain’s work in such a world.

Because Gray Wolf knew that everything he had now was given to him by Kuruda, and as long as there was nothing going on here, he could go back once every nine days. According to this calculation, he would have at least six and nine days a month to go back to accompany his family.

He was very satisfied with this.

So Gray Wolf was now staying quietly in Kuruda’s room.

Bored, he was also slowly getting familiar with the two new powers Kuruda gave him.

At the same time, Kuruda, who was enjoying breakfast in the restaurant, also received a system prompt and knew that Gray Wolf had come.

He smiled immediately. At the same time, he also got the information about the Alien Group and the Night Bat Group, and knew that even Jack and Hawkeye Mihawk from the Beast Pirates had come.

In addition to Cracker, who represented the Big Mom Pirates before, Hawkeye probably came to the East China Sea for the reason in the original book, but Kuda believed that he would definitely come to find Sid.

As for the other two, hehe, Kuruda thought about it for a while and knew what they were here for.

One is for the monsters, and the other is for the Ghost Corps.

But who cares about them? Their strength is here. If these jackals come, they will all be beaten back with a stick.

However, since there is still a distance from here to Cocosia Village, and you may pass by the sea restaurant Barati, but in short, it will take some time. Take advantage of this time to let your partners and yourself practice well in the time and space practice space to improve your strength.

Especially Gray Wolf, who started the latest among the current partners. Not only did he have to get familiar with the new power, but he also had to practice the power of the pirate world. In order to hide, he could only stay in the time and space practice space for a while.

During the meal, Kuruda also asked Maple if she was used to living and sleeping on the ship.

But Maple smiled and said that she liked the room she had decorated yesterday and was used to living there. After all, in her original world, because of her profession and adulthood, she had lived on the ship for many years, not to mention that her life on the Bole was much better than before, and she was very satisfied with it here.

Hearing this result, Kuruda was also satisfied. It was good for the partners to get used to living on the ship, which was also his duty as the captain.

At the same time, at the dinner table, he also talked about the practice. At least everyone could not go in to practice together, and someone had to pay attention to the situation around and on the sea on the ship.

Soon, after a group of people discussed, Allen, the two sisters and Kuruda entered the time and space practice space to practice today.

Sid, Ariel, and Maple didn’t know if they had ulterior motives or had discussed it with Kuruda in advance, so they didn’t go in this time.

But the fact seemed to be so. After Kuruda and the other four entered the space, Sid also went to Kuruda’s room and called Gray Wolf over. At the same time, he also explained to him the time and space cultivation space and the operation of related instruments.

Gray Wolf was more and more stunned as he listened. There was such a magical technology. No, is this really technology? After all, everything that happened recently was too much of a blow to him as a materialist, or in other words, the highest realm of science is really theology.

Although he wanted to study it carefully, after all, he was a scientist, but this was Kuruda’s thing after all, it would be bad if it was broken, and he really needed to improve his strength, especially the domineering power that Sid had mentioned before, he was a little impatient to have such a handsome power.

Sid also asked Gray Wolf why he was wearing such a handsome outfit, but when he heard Gray Wolf say that this was his new power, a three-choice two reward, as well as specific abilities and another power.

Whether it was him, Ariel, or Maple, they were all stunned. This Gray Wolf’s reward was better than theirs.

After all, their combat power was not greatly improved by one of the rewards.

For example, Sid had a double crowbar, Ariel had the top helmsman ability, and Maple had a toolbox.

Now seeing Gray Wolf’s reward, it was envy. No, after Kuruda came out, they must have a good talk with you, kid. As a captain, you can’t forget the old when you have a new love. Good thingsIt is for everyone to share.

Gray Wolf also smiled after learning about their rewards. It seems that Kuruda really takes care of himself, although he doesn’t know what reward Kuruda didn’t give him.

But when they heard that Kuruda didn’t give them the reward they chose, they didn’t need it. They thought they didn’t need their own share either.

His captain was very smart and knew them all very well.

So he believed in Kuruda’s choice, and after saying “see you next time”, Gray Wolf also went directly into the space gate and went in to practice.

The remaining three people, Sid, looked at each other and found a place to practice. Although the speed and efficiency of practicing outside were not as good as the time and space practice space, it was better than nothing, and they could always pay attention to the situation around and on the sea.

But in fact, with the Ghost Shadow Corps, they didn’t have to worry too much.

But suddenly, all three of them looked up at the sky, but after seeing a seagull, Maple immediately relaxed his vigilance.

However, Ariel and Sid laughed. After all, they had been here for so long, so they naturally knew a lot. Besides, they had seen this seagull several times.

Sid directly paid for a newspaper from the seagull. Ariel and Maple, who was also curious, came over and looked at the content of the newspaper.

“Ah, this is actually in the newspaper. Oh my god, I made such a big move. It’s embarrassing.” Maple saw that the photo and content in the newspaper were actually her previous killing of Clo, and her movements in the photo were so big. She was shy and covered her face.

“Hahaha, it’s okay. Isn’t it good to be famous? And if you do this often in the future, you will be famous sooner or later.” Seeing her like this, Ariel couldn’t help laughing, and then comforted her, but this was also the truth.

“Indeed, but it’s a pity that there’s no handsome scene of me in this newspaper, and why is Ariel also on it?” Sid agreed with what Ariel said at first, but when he saw that he was not on the newspaper, Ariel was there anyway, he said angrily.

“Please, you didn’t do anything at that time, okay? And look at this photo, I punched this guy in the face and broke his glasses. It’s better than you doing nothing.” Ariel pretended to be innocent and pointed at the photo on the newspaper teasingly.

“Asshole, I’ll kill you.” Sid, who was completely angry, slashed with a sword and took out a crowbar in his right hand.

Ariel was not afraid either, and went straight to meet him. The two started fighting again, and then slowly turned the battlefield into the air.

The fight was so fierce that the earth shook, the sky collapsed, and the sea water below was constantly rolling.

“Hey, stop fighting, it’s just a small matter, huh? What’s going on! Ah, damn it, you can fight, but what’s the point of hitting me? You’re bullying me because I can’t fight, right? Then I’ll join you.”

Maple was watching from the side, stunned. Isn’t it so easy for these two to quarrel? Just when she was about to stop the fight, the residual power of Cid and Ariel’s attack hit Maple directly.

Fortunately, she had high defense and residual power, so she resisted safely, but Maple, who was involved, immediately got angry and turned into an angel form. Her hair turned blonde, her black armor turned white armor, and there was a golden angel halo on her head.

This is Maple’s angel form, which can rely on the angel’s wings behind her to soar in the sky and fight.

Maple spread her wings and flew into the air, joining the battle.

Cid and Ariel didn’t expect that their attack would implicate Maple. They were very sorry at first, but Maple actually joined the battle.

That’s perfect, let’s take this opportunity to have a good fight and get to know each other.

So the three of them fought each other in the air, swordsmanship, physical skills, fighting skills. Magic, magic, machinery. In this aerial battle, gorgeous and dazzling fireworks were set off.

However, they did not notice that the seagull, who had not been on the ship, suddenly took out a camera and excitedly took pictures of the battle scenes above.

Kuruda and the others were practicing in the space, so they naturally didn’t know, but their strength was improved. After all, a month inside was only a day outside.

Coupled with their own talents and opportunities, the improvement of strength was like riding a rocket.

At the same time, the previous newspaper was also known by many forces. They all knew that the Fallen Pirates had joined so quickly.

And if you look at the newspaper, the strength is not simple.Single.

Even in the eyes of many people, Maple’s opponent Kuro is just a small fry.

But the strength that Maple has shown has attracted the attention of some people.

At the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku was also looking at this newspaper with a headache.

At the same time, he ordered the Navy Intelligence Department to investigate all the information and report to him once there is any important information.

After all, although the Navy cannot deal with the Fallen Pirates for the time being, it must also pay attention to such a powerful pirate group that already has the potential of the Four Emperors and even has the potential of the Rocks Pirates back then.

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