Then when you have lunch at noon, not only to eat enough, but also to replenish the energy lost due to the morning training.

Because before Luffy goes to sea, he has to obtain more powerful power in order to survive in this world and to become strong.

Then hard exercise is very necessary, so food and nutrition must keep up.

As for this, as a chef, Allen not only has to observe everyone's physical condition to prepare suitable nutritious meals, but also is particular about what and how much to eat for each meal. However, as a chef, , Allen has naturally learned it, and both the two sisters and Kuruda are willing to believe in Allen, so there is no need to worry in this regard.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the profession of chef is a very important profession for a pirate group alone, let alone other forces in the pirate world.

Not only to meet the dietary needs of members and provide catering services, but also to cook delicious dishes. It can also provide nutritional and energy support to members during sea voyages. In addition, they can also prepare food for other crew members to ensure survival when encountering difficulties, such as storms or other dangerous situations.

Therefore, being a chef is indeed a very important profession. Kuruda is also lucky to have received such a gift package for novices after traveling through time, and to have an outstanding chef like Allen. Although he knew he was in the East China Sea, to be honest, he didn't think Allen was inferior to Sanji. This was due to his confidence and trust in his partner, because he knew very well his lover's love for cooking and food, as well as his true love for food. What is the level like?

Whether it was for the trust in Kuruda or the two sisters, Allen was naturally very moved. At the same time, he patted his somewhat fat belly and said:"Don't worry, whether it is in the next six months or on the ship in the future, I will make sure everyone is well fed and can eat the most delicious food as soon as possible."

However, during the next half year of training on the island, there is no problem with eating three meals a day.

Moreover, after taking Devil Fruit to gain abilities and exercising to enhance their physical fitness, it is difficult for them to get sick, so they do not need a doctor for the time being.

However, after having lunch at noon, after several days of discussion, I decided to take a nap first to relieve the fatigue from the morning exercise.

Then start training in the afternoon.

The training in the afternoon was mainly about domineering, but before doing domineering, there was also a lot of physical training.

The two time is divided into half of the afternoon. At the same time, as for the cultivation of three-color domineering in the cultivation method, fortunately, it can be satisfied on this desert island.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the cultivation of three-color domineering energy.

Then at night, it is basically time to rest, but at the same time, don’t forget that the most important thing in a pirate group is to master your profession, so it is also necessary to become proficient in it in advance.

As for this, everyone does not need to worry. As a captain, Kuruda naturally has no problem. After all, he believes that with these six months and the advantages of being a time traveler, there is no problem in becoming a strong man, at least in the future. This small East China Sea has no problems in the early stage.

Kuruda believes that as a captain, he maintains the safety of the ship and the crew and formulates the laws, that is, the rules on the ship. Whether it is timely handling of emergencies, including crew injuries, and then whether it is leadership, command ability, cohesion, and direction for finding resources.

As a captain of a pirate group, I can still do these things that I should do.

Besides, I have had time to study every night for the past six months, and with my experience in my previous life, there is still no problem.

As for Allen, as long as he learns a few more dishes and understands more about nutrition, there will be no problem.

As for the Luciluke sisters, as navigators and with many years of adventure experience, they have no problem predicting the weather at sea or judging the direction of the sea water. As for strategic planning and team coordination abilities, they have no problem. You need to completely own the pirate group in the future.

It’s a matter of taking it one step at a time. After all, it’s impossible to exercise these two abilities on the island now.

However, the evening time was basically used by the four of them to practice and gain experience and qualities for their future careers in the pirate group.

In this way, the training plan for the next six months has been stipulated.

Oh, and one more thing, every three days of exercise, one day of rest.

After all, there is always a balance between work and rest. If you continue to exercise every day, one day you will be damaged by exercise. Even if the physical fitness of the people in the Pirate World is not comparable to that of Blue Star, within half a year, for Kuruda and the others, It’s impossible to eat all the time, so rest days are necessary.

Moreover, this rest day must also be established, because this is what Kuruda has established. Not to mention some of the above requirements, there are some things that he must do during the rest days.

Don't forget, there is a big ship in the system now that he needs to deal with.

This is a hard problem, but Kuruda has already thought of a good way. But the reason why it is called a hard problem is because Kuruda needs to spend some time to perfect this plan. In short, it is to use sufficient reasons to Reasons that can be completely believed can make Allen and the two sisters completely accept the Bole.

By the way, the Bole is the name of the big ship currently lying in the Kuruda system. Basically, all pirate ships will be named by the captain and crew.

But this is what Kuruda thought, and the bow of the ship was actually a golden horse head. He still remembered an old saying in his previous life, a thousand-mile horse often exists, but a bole does not always exist. So it was named Bole Hao.

However, the name has not yet been decided. After all, Allen and the two sisters have not yet known it and have not agreed to it, so they will decide on the name together after they go to sea and see the ship.

Moreover, this small ship is just a small ship. Its position in their team will be the same as that of the Straw Hats' Merry and Sonny in the future. This small ship cannot be regarded as the main ship. Kuruda believes that he can be a part of the system in the future. Find better inside.

But at the same time, we can't forget this small boat. There is no problem in using it as a auxiliary ship.

After all, for a ship, if a pirate group is to be established in the future, the ship is also a part of them, a member, and as the captain, Kuruda will not abandon the ship.

He must learn this from the Straw Hat Pirates in the original work.

Even if he is defined as a bad guy in the future, he still needs to be a good and compassionate bad guy. This must not be forgotten.

However, during the rest day, Kuruda still needs a lot of work to convince his partners to accept the ship. This is another purpose of his rest day, and it is also a very important purpose.

Quickly, it was the first day after the rules were set.

The four of them began to practice according to their own plans.

Time goes by like this, day after day, watching the sun and moon rising in the east and setting in the west every day.

The overall strength of these people is increasing day by day, and they are slowly moving towards the status of top powerhouses.

But at the same time, don’t forget what you said before. During this period of exercise, especially on rest days, Allen and the two sisters were surprised to find that Kuruda often ran into the cave at the back, and even except for eating, he basically did not interact with him. They stay together.

The three of them had asked Kuruda before what he was doing behind the cave, and why they couldn't go there now.

But after Kuruda said something, he gave up the idea.

This is what Kuruda said at the time:"I will tell you when the day goes out to sea. It is a secret now and cannot be told yet, so you cannot come in."

In this way, out of trust, the pure relationship between partners Trust, the two sisters Ellen and Luciluke have never been to a cave in the past six months, just like before, but at the same time, they are also looking forward to the day they go to sea and want to see what Kuruda said What's the secret surprise.

In this way, time passed day by day.

Since the world of One Piece is basically the sea, and the atmosphere created, it is basically summer all year round. Only some special areas will have snow, and the other three seasons will occur.

But no matter what, three days of practice and one day of rest, time passed like this, a full five months.

During these five months, Kuruda will also spend a little money to get information about the pirate world at any time from the passing newspaper delivery seagull, one of the emperors of the underground world, the president of the World Economic News Agency, and an employee of Morgans. intelligence.

But it seems that it hasn’t been long since the plot of the original work, so there isn’t any big news.

It's nothing more than some pirate group that the navy destroyed, and what the Yonko pirate group did.

This made Kuruda relax immediately. There was no major situation, which was the most important thing for them now.

However, Kuruda also slightly changed the training plan for the last month, because the training lasted for five months.

It is not in vain, and the effect is remarkable.

Both Kuruda and Allen have developed many abilities and skills based on the power of the Taotie Fruit and the Chaos Fruit.

As for the twin fruits of the two sisters Luciluke, they also developed the ability to combine during this period of time.

Just like the villain Tian Huixing in the mythical beast King Kong III Super Transformation Star Armor, the two sisters Lucy and Luke can also be combined. Coupled with their original telepathic communication abilities and strong physical fitness, if one party is not dead, the other party can She was resurrected, super resilient and pain free.

In such a short period of time, according to the system prompts, Kuruda was surprised to know that although the Twin Fruits developed passive abilities, before they were awakened, the abilities of the Twin Fruits in their normal form had been used by both. Sisters developed.

That’s what was mentioned above.

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